• Published 9th Sep 2015
  • 2,419 Views, 118 Comments

Arachnophillia - ocalhoun

Fluttershy shares a tender, loving moment with ... a gigantic tarantula.

  • ...

Legs, Lots of Legs

With a contented sigh, Fluttershy went through the door, back into her own cozy little cottage. It had been a long, hard day spent with her friends. She liked them, she really did, but being in social situations always sapped her energy, leaving her feeling drained when she finally found an excuse to go. And yet, she didn't want to completely reject such things ... she just needed her alone time afterward.

Her cottage was where she could rejuvenate herself, recharge. All her animals were there, and even though she had to take care of all of them, they somehow seemed to demand less of her than any ponies. She felt more comfortable around them, as if she could finally be herself, not having to put on a personable act.

She slowly made her rounds, feeding, petting, cajoling, chastising ... whichever each critter needed. Of course, there, crouched in the corner with her legs huddled in around her, was Fluttershy's newest house guest.

Petunia was a marvelous creature, astoundingly huge – the size of a pony – and for all her shy aloofness, a very sweet little thing. She was covered in a fine bristle of little brown hairs and had the cutest little beady black eyes.

...And oh yes, Petunia was an enormous tarantula – the biggest Fluttershy had ever seen, by far.

The first time her friends had seen Petunia, they'd been certain that she was a monster invading from the Everfree Forest, but Fluttershy had soon put a stop to that. Sure, Petunia had come from Everfree, and sure she looked monstrous ... but she had a heart – or the arachnoid equivalent of a heart – of pure gold.

“Hi, Petunia. Eat any good flies lately?”

The spider unfurled her legs a little and clicked her mandibles together. She had a few feathers stuck in the bristles around her mouth. Wasn't that sweet? She'd taken the time to help preen a bird or two! Petunia was finally opening up and getting to know the other animals. They all still huddled in fear of the giant spider, but Fluttershy was sure they'd come around eventually.

Petunia's little black eyes glinted.

Such a magnificent and fascinating creature! Fluttershy sat down on the couch near the corner, hoping to coax Petunia out of her sulk. The spider retreated further into the corner, molding herself into its shape as best she could – which was pretty impressive. She'd made herself little more than a big ball of bristles and legs wedged in there.

“Oh don't be frightened, Petunia.” Fluttershy patted the couch next to her. “Why don't you come and sit with me?”

The spider stirred, at at her first motion, all the other critters in the room scattered, leaving just the two of them alone. Startled by the sudden motion, Petunia returned to her corner as well.

“It's okay. They'll get used to you and come around eventually. Don't be scared.” Fluttershy patted the couch cushion again.

Long minutes passed, but eventually Petunia stirred again. Her legs made strange dry creaky rustling noises as she unfurled again, this time edging halfway up the wall to raise her eyes above the level of the couch's edge.

Fluttershy gave her best charming smile. “There you are. Aren't you beautiful?”

Petunia stayed there, sideways against the wall, for a long while, staring. It was incredible how far the spider's many legs could reach up the wall. She wasn't even as high as she could go, and her legs already stretched beyond the top of the window frame.

Still smiling, Fluttershy just watched the spider watch her back. No one else seemed to trust Petunia, not even the other critters – especially not the other critters – but something about the giant spider had always made Fluttershy feel comfortable, at ease ... even from the very first time she'd seen her. It was undefinable, but they shared some connection deeper than words, deeper than thoughts ... maybe even deeper than emotions could feel, but there was definitely something there. “Here girl,” she said to the spider, “come on and sit with me. We're good friends – you can trust me.”

Petunia jerked forward a little, up to the edge of the couch in one sudden burst of speed. Then she sat still again, looking, assessing the situation.

Fluttershy watched the glittering of her many eyes. Other ponies told her that even such a big spider could only have a cold, primitive and calculating mind, that she was a menace to anything smaller than her. But surely, those ponies had never looked closely at Petunia's eyes. They had such an intelligence, such a distant, hidden warmth inside their depths.

Petunia scuttled onto the couch, right next to Fluttershy, then froze again.

She was so close now, Fluttershy would be able to feel her warmth if she had any. Still, though, there was something different, some feeling in the air that would tell her even with her eyes closed and ears plugged, that a giant spider was right next to her.

Petunia hadn't moved again. She was still facing directly toward Fluttershy, not sitting properly on the couch, but Fluttershy would take what she could get. She loved to see the big spider opening up like this, even though everypony said she never would. If only they could see her now, her outer and inner mandibles – armed with impressive fangs – curling through the air, smelling and probing to decide if it was safe.

Fluttershy smiled and leaned closer to her newest friend ... just as Petunia moved forward as well. Neither had been expecting the other to move. They froze where they stopped, and Fluttershy noticed with utter shock that her lips were touching Petunia's outer mandibles! Had they ... kissed? She jumped back, and the spider did as well.

Petunia didn't stop until she was all the way back, huddled in her corner, while Fluttershy touched where the spines had poked her muzzle, blushing furiously. Some traitorous little voice inside her told her that she'd enjoyed that – even that she'd planned for that to happen, which was of course ridiculous. She blushed harder and looked at Petunia huddled in her corner. What had the spider thought of that little exchange? Did she enjoy it? It was ... difficult to tell. Spiders were always hard to read.

But Fluttershy liked to imagine that Petunia enjoyed it as well.

Author's Note:

This story is brought to you thanks in part to my Patreon supporters! They're invaluable for keeping me focused and motivated to write with the power of the deadline.

If you'd like to help keep me writing, please check out my Patreon page.

Comments ( 118 )

This is one way to reply to a thread.

I'm sure it'll be a perfectly normal story. :pinkiecrazy:

It actually happened. I am surprised.

It's actually a well-written, nice story. Have a favorite.


I have follow-through. :twilightsmile:

If by that you mean, 'perfectly normal by Fimfic standards', then yes.


It's actually a well-written, nice story.

Was there ever any doubt?
Well, yes, of course there was. :rainbowwild:

Wow... I didn't expect people to be so excited about it.


If by that you mean, 'perfectly normal by Fimfic standards', then yes.

Indeed. F/F shipping for life!

You want... :rainbowhuh: more of this?
You really don't want to see the clopfic sequel... do you?

Well, obviously it had to be f/f.
That's just right there in the Fimfic rules.

Just for this' a like and a watch.

Well, let me explain.
There's Fluttershy, and there's this really big spider and... Fimfic.

Just for what now?

So this is what ocalhoun's mind produces while browsing the web.


If, by that, you mean I turn everything I see into a story...

6409108 this is the first of your stories I've read. I,m impressed.
You can tell because i,m not fixing ,y mistakes.

I have found a very naughty image on the interwebs that fit this.

I didn't you were actually serious when I saw that thread... why do I get proven wrong so much?

Just... a tarantula... a giant, hairy, predatory spider....

Oh, well you should try some of the other ones. ^.^
This one is far from my best.

Is it so naughty that you can't link to it without getting nasty notes from the fimfic mods?


I didn't you were actually serious

Ha! I'm always serious!
Especially when I'm taking colorful ponies and giant spiders and saying 'now, kiss!'

6409142 Yes.But in exchange,I'll give you this.

This was interesting.
I want to like this but it wont let me.
Never mind it did.

I'll just happen to mention that if you link to a google image search for that image, that's fimfic legal. :raritywink:

Fimfic won't let you like it?
Or are you just having trouble liking the spider.
(I know; spiders have kind of an image problem.)

6409112 Hey, I only found a relevant 60's Spidey pic now*, and I wasn't having my smartest moment exactly.


I regret nothing about that bad pun.

I quite like how it's not entirely clear whether or not Fluttershy is right about Petunia. Amusing and surprisingly cute. Thank you for it.

6409145 Okay then... should we expect other spider x pony shipfics?

Damn, I didn't even see the pun.
I should sleep more.

Heh, thanks! ^.^
Of course, I can only keep up ambiguity like that for a short time, though.

Oh lawd, I hope not.

Oh wow... that's one of the best gifs I've seen in a long time!

Heh, my reaction exactly.
Except I ended up pushing a lot of the little buttons on the keyboard instead, and this came out.

6409107 Well, I suppose that IS what this site is for...

Yeah. Yeah. Sure. Why the hell not?

It's like Fluttershy was making out with my werespider character from a World of Darkness game played with my friends. Except Petunia's not a wolf spider. And she's like a quarter the size. ...Maybe less than that.

6409254 If more come out, I blame you.

6409154 Nope I find spiders rather fascinating.
Had a pet tarantula as a kid. Think there cool.
Also where I lived every once in a while there would be a swarm of the little buggers migrating somewhere.
Every now and then fimfic wont show or let me like some stories.
It worked after a while.

Oh, sweet Faust. I need all the brain bleach. Comfort me, my plushy Twilight.

My thoughts exactly!

I don't like spiders either.
Embrace the suck! Face your fears. You'll grow as a person.

So... what you're saying is... she's a lot cuter? :raritywink:

Fair enough.
Let's just hope there won't be any clopfics about it.

Personally, I hate the buggers. (bad childhood experiences) That's why writing about them can be therapeutic.

I have some brain bleach stories if that would make you feel better.

*Sees cover*
Nope nope nope nope nope.
*Reads fic*
Huh, I never thought I'd find this cute.

Heh, it just takes practice and you can do a lot with a little.
Though I do have a naturally sparse and fast-paced style, I suppose. It comes easily to me.

Heh, it's fun upending people's expectations!


So... what you're saying is... she's a lot cuter? :raritywink:


We clearly need more Spider X slightly smaller Spider shipping around here...

It'll be fun trying to get that to be pony enough to pass moderation.

Maybe if I turn the mane 6 into spiders...

well then.
That happened.
Guess I got to outdo you someday by submitting the first LickyFlitter-Reverse Centaur clop.
Yes, those groups exist.

6409680 Rule 34 my friend... *shivers*

Not if I do it first! :rainbowdetermined2:

Oh crap. :rainbowderp:
"If it exists, there is porn of it." :twilightsmile:
I just made it exist, so now there must be porn of it! :fluttershbad:
What have I done? :raritycry:

6409868 Doomed humanity... you monster...

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