Twilight having a little thinking about alicorns and Princess Cadance
Just short "thinking" story about Princess Cadance and alicorns. I wrote this in order to answer my own questions and doubts and to find a way of looking at the MLP universe as it is now after The Canterlot Wedding episodes.
Pretty good, I like it. I've often wondered that myself. Somehow she's Celestia's niece? Luna! You have some explaining to do!
Now that I think about it, what about Prince Blueblood? Tell me your secrets!
i liked the concept, good job!
Why did i have to read thsi story?!!
Its not that it's's a really great story i loved it but it's really sad!
I dont want anypony to die!!
Headcannond so (yay)ing hard!
Top shelf.
Oh, fun, headcanon. One thing though - I believe you misspelled "genes" somewhere.
I enjoyed the story, but why was Cadance referred to as "an alicorn" and not "the alicorn"?
Ah, that was a interesting little "thought fic".
One minor quibble: there is no star called Orion; it's a constellation
But besides that, pretty good!
wats an alicorn?
im new to this stuff :3 check out my fanfic! new chapters posted at least monthly, or sooner! next one comes in a few days-a week
Orion is a constellation, not a star! (At least in our world, that is.)
It's funny how you keep switching spellings between Cadance and Cadence from one sentence to the next. You should try to get "Candance" in there too.
This story gives me such mixed feelings. I don't know if I should praise you for writing a story that tackles many of the same issues that I have with Cadence, or if I should berate you for reaching conclusions so contrary to mine. I guess I'll come down on the side of praise, even though it's uneasy praise.
I mean, if they'd put some conversation like this into the TV show, at least we'd have some explanation to work with -- instead of every character acting as if other alicorns (beside Celestia and Luna) have been wandering around the whole time, and it's perfectly normal even though we've never seen any hint of them before....
> “You are an alicorn. You have wings and horn. You can’t just pretend that you don’t.”
She doesn't have wings! They were just... um... a recurring animation error! Yeah, that's the ticket. She's just a unicorn that accidentally got drawn in a way that made her look like she had wings. Haha, it's funny!
Seriously though, my way of dealing with Cadence in my stories (if I ever use her) will be to say she's a unicorn and has no wings. QED, no complicated explanations required. And I might use her, because I do like Cadence. Except for the wings.
> See, alicorns are creatures created by universe itself. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna don’t have any real parents.
I'm not particularly thrilled with this interpretation either. (I've actually got a story in progress that will delve into my thoughts on when-and-how Celestia and Luna came to be born and who their parents are. It involves timey-wimey stuff. And amniomorphic spells.)
574706 An Alicorn is generally regarded as a pony with the wings of a pegasus and the horn of a unicorn. I am not entirely certain of the lore or genetics surrounding the alicorns.
There are some technical errors that you have floating around in this, but they're easily fixable. I do like how you've justified the existence of other alicorns being genetic mutations. Very clever.
I see I'm not the only one who mentally separated Celestia and Luna from the rare (but regular) pony with wings and a horn.
Makes sense to me, but she is called "Princess", soooo, what were her parents?
Good story, some errors; i.e. forgotten words, suffixes that have been dropped, but past that not too bad.
I find your fic... [slams gabble on table.] Guilty! Of being awesome!
Heck - you can even take the explanation one step farther and say that the "Princess" in Cadance's name is purely an honorific, and that she is not truly related to the Princesses Celestia and Luna at all.
Here's my headcanon:
Like above - mortal alicorns can come about due to genetics. However, they are astonishingly rare - but they do have access to slightly greater power than normal ponies (both flight and magic). So many generations ago, Princess Celestia started inviting mortal alicorns to Canterlot for training in magic.
One day, a particularly young alicorn called Princess Celestia "Auntie", not quite knowing any better. Celestia adored it, and requested that all her alicorn students over the years start calling her "Aunt Celestia" as well. Soon - it became tradition to believe that ALL alicorns were somehow related to the Immortal Princesses, and as such - all alicorns started getting called "Prince" or "Princess" - even if they had no known relation to any noble family.
Thus Cadance could have no royal blood whatsoever - yet still be in Canterlot to foalsit the then unremarkable Twilight Sparkle - who had yet to show her magical abilities (no cutie mark in the memory sequence).
Of course - the other possibility that floats around in my head regarding Cadance has more of a historical background. In European history, the sons and daughters of minor potentates were often sent to more powerful kingdoms. This was done to either train under or ingratiate themselves to the more powerful ruler OR as a "hostage" of sorts - to prevent the lesser kingdom betraying the greater one.
Under that idea - it is very possible that Princess Mi Amore Cadenza *is* a Princess. She's just the princess of a minor principality somewhere (Roam?) that sent her as a child to Canterlot to appease the mighty Immortal Sun Princess Celestia of Equestria. As one of those "hostages of fate" - she would have no authority or duties in Equestria - which would conveniently give her time to foalsit (possibly even for money - if it was a particularly poor principality.. ).
(Yeah - I was puttering around with this as the basis for a story - but sadly - i have too much other stuff on my plate to pursue this any time soon...)
Nice story.
My personal head-canon for Celestia, Luna, and Cadence treats them like the Pagan Gods of yore. Zues, Thor, Pan, so on and so forth. Given the greek connections of the show, the Greek pantheon makes the most sense as a comparison point. Celestia is Zeus, Luna is Posiedon, and Cadence is Aphrodite. In this way there are other Alicorns, and various half-Alicorns like Blueblood, about, and like Twilight's brother, they are just never mentioned.
I'm not a fan of Pega-corns personally. It just seems... eh... Nice story nevertheless and it gets a hearty thumbs up and moustache.
This is interesting, but there are a lot of grammatical errors - mostly missing articles. An example:
When the filly responded only with awkward silence, she (Your meaning will be clearer if you use Cadance's name here.) continued, “Honestly, I’m not (Should be: I haven't been) around long enough to know for myself and I never asked her about how she got her cutie mark. Maybe it's because she’s the ruler of this land and I found it just slightly uncomfortable to question the picture on the flank of royalty-” At that Twilight was sure she’s (Should be: that she was) the worst pony in Equestria, even though Cadance was laughing. “-but you know what? You’re right. You should definitely ask her about it.”
It seemed to me like English might not be your first language, but the idea is a good one and the execution isn't bad. You should look for an editor and keep working on it.
great story but you REALLY need to work on spelling and grammar make sure you proofread a story 2 or 3 times before posting it cuz there was alot of errors in here which I'm not going to point them all out because there are too many but it was very difficult to read the story because of all the mistakes and there was alot of missing words which made me kinda stumble over it good idea and writing just need to make sure you double check i mean its not that hard to just run it through spell check really quick and have it fix anything wrong.
why is it that so many bronies keep trying to ice skate uphill?
Contrary to the perpetual drone of fanon, show Canon decrees that Celestia and Luna are not older than the land of Equestria. they have not ruled "eternally." They're not even the most powerful beings in their world.... Discord overpowered them, the Elements of Harmony were more powerful than them OR Discord, Queen Chrysalis was temporarily more powerful than Celestia, and Cadence and Shining Armor cast a spell more powerful than her and her entire army.... In the hierarchy of raw power the princesses are WAY further down the scale. Nor are they the only Alicorns; Cadence is only the first new alicorn character, and we can safely bet on more showing up. More than likely, Celestia and Luna's parents will appear at some point.
Now Twilight go find Celestia, and Luna and give them a hug! they probably need one.
Good story.
oh and RealityCheck: Descord is a god too(I think so anyway). so I can totally see one god being stronger then another more peaceful god or goddess. and well... its just how you define god. As for what happend with Chrysalis I think its more... If friendship is magic then love is more powerful then the gods themselves. Oh and the chances of use seeing Celestia and Lunas parents are very slim to none. Applejacks on the other hand.... maybe?
Clearly you are right and Cadance is just a weird genetic anomaly. Makes perfect sense, i think this is what the show was trying to get at
I can never thank you enough for kind words and great support. It means so much to me Thank you all for every single comment!
574671 Oh, I'm sorry, I have to admit that I'm not very good at finding difference between the two I'm not a native english speaker...
574676 Silly me, I'm not an astronomer, I should have look it up before writing I'm sorry. Anyway thank you
574730 I'm sorry about the Orion, I should have look it up.
To be honest, I wasn't paying much attention to the "Cadance" and "Cadence" while typing, and while reviewing, well... I suppose I didn't think of that
Anyway thank you very much!
575114 You're right, English isn't my first language. I'm sorry, I should have warned you Thank you very much
575739 I'm so sorry, I'm not a native speaker so no matter how much I review I always have errors there Thank you though.
Oh - I agree with you - to a point.
Canon wise - all we really know is:
Equestria was founded by the leaders of the three tribes - during which time ALL the unicorns moved the heavens (as told in Hearth's Warming Eve). At some point later - Discord showed up and took over. At an indeterminate time after that - Celestia and Luna defeated Discord with the Elements of Harmony (as told in Return of Harmony.)
At some point after that - the Princesses became the rulers of Equestria - and at some point after that - Luna changed the Nightmare Moon (as told in Elements of Harmony). During her "episode"- she did enough damage to the psyche of Equestria that they are STILL telling spooky stories about Nightmare Moon a millenium later (as told in Luna Eclipsed).
Seeing as Celestia *has* ruled for a MINIMUM of a thousand years - and many, many times the lifespan of ordinary ponies - one could call her effectively immortal. I just happen to use 'Her Eternal Princess' in the same manner that many European rulers were also called "Blessed by God, Eternal, etc" - aka the "divine right of kings" during the European medieval period.
In my headcanon:
As far as power goes - I still rate her pretty dang high; but mostly because she can and did throw around the sun and moon (possibly due to her cutie mark showing she has a talent for it), has a millenium of experience, etc. Problem is - tossing stellar matter at somebody is generally overkill to that someone and the entire surrounding countryside.
I see Celestia as a consumate chessmaster - with plans within plans. She is old, has a LOT of experience manipulating ponies, and has had plenty of time time to set up "long games" and alternate plans. Her flaw could be said to be that she really cares about Equestria and "her little ponies" - so that she will generally NOT act out of haste or pull out the "big spells" because she wants to prevent collateral damage. She got whupped by Chrys because she didn't HAVE a plan for "surprised by overcharged enemy queen inside my own castle with lots of innocent bystanders and my Captain of the Guard neutralized". Which to be honest - I can't necessarily blame her for...
(Also, I believe Shining Armor was casting the shield spell simply because his cutie mark is a shield - he has a talent for shield spells. The apparent "Sparkle family raw power" + his talent meant that his shield spell may have been more powerful/efficient than any Celestia or Luna could put out - especially because they STILL have their daily heavens moving duties. It could simply be that Celestia delegated responsibility to avoid overdraining herself and therefore not be able to perform her primary duty - moving the heavens...)
Blueblood is a Prince. Obviously there are some royal families.
We have no idea how old they are. Just because they started ruling at one point, doesn't mean they weren't alive before hand.
Depends on how you take the scenes in question. Discord could be more powerful, or as powerful (Celestia/Luna attacking him in the middle of the capital/Ponyville? Probably level the city).
Faces during the little battle between Celestia and Chrysalis could be taken as Celestia using a weak spell on a weak enemy to avoid collateral damage, and couldn't react quickly enough to a sudden powerboost.
This very story showed a viable 'Cadence isn't an Alicorn' path. One of many.
Heck, from what I can think of, there's more evidence that she's not an Alicorn.
I'm going to repeat this mantra I've had been driving into the ground lately.
Your interpretation of events is not the one and only interpretation. Don't be so arrogant to think so. There are MANY other fanons that fit snugly into canon just as well as YOUR personal fanon.
Regarding how Cadence can be a princess and yet not a close relative of Celestia and Luna.... Well, we've already gone through that problem in the fandom with Prince Blueblood, and there have been any number of explanations put forth. Many of them concluded that he's a descendent from the old Unicornia royalty. (The Flight of the Alicorn is a good example, not to mention a great story.) I think this explanation can work for Cadence as well.
One complicating factor is that Hasbro's promotional material mentioned her being Celestia's niece -- but since that never was stated in the TV show itself, I think that's easy to ignore. The other complicating factor is that she has both wings and a horn -- which is harder to ignore, but I'm going to ignore it anyhow. In my world she has no wings, and it makes everything so much easier.
I know if things keep going down this path in season 3 (and beyond?), at some point I'm going to find myself writing about a world that has little resemblance to canon. I can live with that. It's not like I'm on Hasbro's payroll, after all.
I have to say that I find the whole god-mode Celestia & Luna fan meme alternatingly amusing and irritating. What, the fact that they're already magical winged unicorn princesses doesn't make them special enough snowflakes yet? They absolutely have to be even more awesome-powerful-over-the-top? Never mind that there's, oh, zero canon evidence for them actually operating at anywhere near that level?
Meh, I say. Whatever. I'm the last person to deny that some great fanfics have been written using that concept as a basis, but it's decidedly not part of my personal show headcanon. I for one have no problem whatsoever with accepting Cadence as a perfectly valid -- if by all appearances considerably younger -- third magical winged unicorn princess now that she's been properly introduced, and I'll probably extend much the same consideration to potential future new alicorn characters as well if any more should in fact show up. The Ponyverse is big enough.
Yes, we saw characters with horn + wings (Pluto (The little alicorn from Magic Kindergarten) was an animation error, but that's neither here nor there). So I'm not arguing that they don't exist, I'm arguing that there's more than one way to look at things. She could be an Alicorn, she could be a mortal, she could be a host of other things. Again, like I told RealityCheck -
I'm just sick of people taking one idea of how things work, and being arrogant enough to think that it's THE only possible way, then being rude enough to berate writers and artists who would DARE suggest something else.
She flung the sun and moon around for at least one thousand years. That's enough evidence for me.
Again, they might be God's, they might be Demi-Gods, they might be very powerful ponies, they might be just a bit more powerful than a pony.
576534 oh sorry i didnt realize that, well that makes more sense and where are you from? oh and it was a great story still!
579135 That's ok, I should have warned you. I'm from Czech Republic. And thank you again
You know, growth doesn't mean mortality. Luna was much younger in the beginning of season one and yet she grew up to what we see in season two. This is just a theory, but maybe alicorns grow up to a certain point and then stop. This could explain the "astral" mane that both Luna and Celestia have. It could be a sign of maturity and that's where their growth stops. Cadence could be immortal for all we know and she just hasn't grown up enough yet. Remember, this is just a theory.
As for Cadence's relation to Celestia, well, alicorns had to come from somewhere, so parents had to have been needed at some point. And remember, all Greek Demi-gods came from at least one mortal parent......... Maybe not all, but you know what I mean.
581170 I know, I wrote this just because I don't like the idea of Cadance being immortal. I'm not saying that it's impossible for her to be immortal just because she's growing up
581224 I'm sure you had your reasons. I've been contemplating and toying with alicorn immortality for quite some time. Where does it come from? Do they have parents? What is the extent of their power? Can they die by sickness or injury? That kind of stuff. I'm not talking your story down, just throwing out my own thoughts. It was a good story after all.
581242 Thank you
581247 No problem at all.
Yes, well, but what does "flinging the sun and the moon around" actually mean? If you presuppose a solar system as seen in modern astronomy, then yes, the power to move celestial bodies is nothing short of awesome and arguably greater than most people even can readily imagine.
However...there's circumstantial evidence that Equestria's world may be actually flat. That's implied both by the whole "raising the sun and the moon" bit in the first place (the princesses could control the planet's rotation instead, I suppose, but that raises the question of why they'd lie about what it is that they're actually doing) and by the fact that there don't seem to be any timezones the way there'd kind of have to be if the world was round. It's the same sun and moon over the whole setting, yet the princesses seem comfortable enough on their Canterlot Standard schedule; they're rulers of the night and day respectively, not of "night and day specifically over Equestria and the rest of the world isn't our concern". Nor is there any mention ever of Nightmare Moon specifically planning to plunge one half of the world into eternal daytime (as reality would normally seem to dictate if you want eternal night on the other side). So, looks like a flat alternate Earth to me. Which presumably means that as per the old myths the sun and the moon aren't anywhere near the size of their real life counterparts as well; they're still up there, but they're nowhere near as far away as in our reality, which puts them at a far more manageable size.
Add to that that if the Hearth's Warming Eve pageant is on the level in that regard, managing day and night was once the responsibility of the unicorns (presumably not all of them at once, either, since the task still seems to have left quite a few of them free to deal with other matters), and the whole feat, while still impressive, starts to sound like something a suitably powerful sorceress with enough time on her hooves could in fact feasibly learn to do on her own. We don't strictly know if alicorns are immortal -- it's possible that we simply haven't seen a really old one yet --, but Celestia and Luna have been around for quite a while. So if a "regular" unicorn can learn to become an effective part of a team effort to keep day and night on schedule with a few years' worth of practice, then I'd expect correspondingly a bit more of them after a few centuries or so...
TL;DR version: Celestia and Luna are perfectly fine and awesome as they are. The show just doesn't seem to support the level of über-badassery some fans seem to have stuck in their heads (as evidenced by the insistence that Thou Shalt Have No Alicorns Besides Them, for example), and I'm seriously inclined to take absence of evidence for evidence of absence here.
(I also see no great need to drag religious concepts like "gods" into the debate when there's little to no on-screen evidence that ponies even believe in such things...but I digress. )
Everything you've said is conjecture. Everything I could give in opposition would be conjecture.
Did have a whole rant written up, but it was a little strong. Hopefully 'Spoiler' tags work, and I'll stick it in there.
EDIT: Bloody hell, they don't. Oh well, after the break is the original rant.
The whole point is WE DON'T KNOW. I'm not saying they ARE, I'm not saying they're NOT. I'm not saying the world is flat, or the world is not.
What I AM saying is that people need to learn that THEY DON'T KNOW SHIT. Just like I don't know shit. Or that bloke over there doesn't know shit. No one knows because there are no canon explanations for many of these concepts!
I could go and write up a big long list of reasons why I believe they're either Gods or Demigods. Everything in it would be my interpretation of the events.
You could go and write up a big long list of reasons why you believe they're not. Everything in it would be your interpretation of events.
And we'd both be right!
Some people take the evidence given, and say well I think the explanation is Y. Other people say that I think it's X. Other people say 'I think it's Z'. They're all right as far as canon goes. That's awesome, people coming together and making wonderful stories from so many different angles, so many concepts. And they work because they still fit within canon.
Then you get a small group of arrogant arsehats that waltz in and start yelling "Well it's X! And anyone that thinks Y and Z are retards! I know the one and true answer! Hey you retard, don't write this story, because it's WRONG!". This is not awesome. Infact, they're the only people within the discussion that are actually incorrect. Because Y and Z fit in just as well.
painfully incorrect grammar, and just missing words
i'm not saying the fic was bad, but the grammar was very distracting
it's a very interesting take on princess cadence's imortality
here's my read of it here
584236 I'm so sorry, I tried my best, but English isn't my first language
584255 Thank you SO much! You just made my day
From what I've seen since the latest episode, I feel that there are more Alicorns then we're led to believe. But seeing as how Celestia and Luna used the Elements of Harmony, I'm guessing they gave an beneficial side effect (their immortality) to them when they used them since they were Alicorns, as I haven't seen any kind of difference on the Mane Six who are the current users of the Elements, and Cadance clearly has aged when she herself is an Alicorn. Maybe the answers may be revealed when Season 3 airs? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
I just had this Idea, but I don't care, Imma write it
100th thumbs up vote
i love it it explains everything and its good that cadence is diffrent than princess cellestia and princess luna!
Took me a while, but I finally got around to reading this little gem. Now that I have, it is definitely my new headcanon.
Amazing job, but there were a few minor mistakes with spelling or spacing.