• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 12,499 Views, 1,467 Comments

A New World, a New Ranger - ed2481

When a Pokemon Ranger is turned into a Ninetales along with her mate (who just so happens to be an Arcanine) she must find a way to survive in this new, and very odd world, and maybe find a way to make some reforms to the old Ranger Handbook.

  • ...

Chapter 50 End Book One

The six rangers walked towards Celestia’s little staging area located in the library, the path beneath their paws easy and well trodden. Sven, his Luxray, and Kasai were in the midst of having a spirited conversation that Abby had tuned out around halfway through. A small, distinctly worried frown hung across her muzzle as she padded along.

“Something wrong Abby?” Wendy asked, hovering above her. “You seem... contemplative.”

“Well... yeah,” Abby said with a small frown as her tails swished. “Yeah, something is wrong... I shouldn’t have exploded on you guys. I didn’t think I was on such a hair trigger like that.”

“Eh, it’s alright,” the Staraptor said, swooping lower and gliding alongside her. “We all have our little moments, the art is to try and aim them in a constructive direction.”

“Like blowing my fuse on four completely innocent people?” Abby asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

“Well... no, more using it to talk sense into someone who needs it, or scaring the living crap out of some criminals,” the Staraptor smiled for a moment before shaking her head. “And besides that, we all forgive you anyway.”

“Thanks,” Abby said with a sigh. “Still... I think it probably is a good thing I’m suspended from active duty right now... and that Mom is the one who's going to be in charge of the Rangers for now.”

“You got suspended?” Wendy asked. “Well now I’m curious about what you did.”

Abby looked down, she had broughten it up. “Well, let’s just say that Ninetales are known for cursing people over pointless things out of anger or spite... and I wasn’t any different,” she said with a dark frown. “And no matter what Belle said, it was wrong. Really, really wrong.”

“Oh... um... sorry to hear that,” Wendy said awkwardly.

“No, it’s fine,” Abby said, shaking her head. “Sorry, just thinking that I need to do something about myself sooner or later before I do something really stupid.” She cracked a dry smile. “Well, anything else really stupid.”

“Ever considered therapy?” Wendy asked. “We had a really good one back in Almia, worked with humans and Pokemon... really helped Staraptor after Team Dim Sun brainwashed all the Pokemon in the region.”

Abby frowned. “Don’t know... I’ve always had a... distrust... of therapists,” she said slowly. “Don’t know if it would work out well.” They’d have told me I was a sex offender with vile perversions for one thing, she thought wryly to herself. ... then again... they won’t do that here...

Wendy shrugged, how she managed to while flying Abby didn’t know. “Just a suggestion.”

“Fair enough, thanks,” Abby replied, shooting the other woman, or rather, female a smile. “Oh, we’re almost to the library.”

And indeed they were. She nodded to the pair of Royal Guard at the door before walking in, crimson eyes looking for Celestia. The regal alicorn smiled at them for a moment, before she spotted Wendy, Sven, Luxray, and Staraptor, she frowned for a moment, before her normal grin returned to her. “Abby, Kasai,” she greeted with a nod, then smiled at Wendy, Sven, and their partners. “And... friends.”

“Yes, friends,” Abby said with a smile as she gestured to the four of them with a pair of tails. “This is Sven, Luxray, Wendy, and Staraptor,” she introduced each of the four other rangers. “Top Rangers from the Almia region and until recently, members of Hastings’ group.”

“They’re good though,” Kasai added with a smile. “They were on their way into town to find us so we figured we’d pass them off to you.”

“Hastings hm?” Celestia asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Yes ma’am,” Sven said, trying his best not to sound nervous.

The Princess eyed them all for a moment, then shook her head and smiled. “Well, I’m glad you came around... I have enough Pokemon to ship back to Canterlot as it is.”

Abby frowned. “Just how many did we take down Princess?” she asked, her voice businesslike.

Celestia frowned and closed her eyes. “... five. Axle and Iris brought back one by the name of Grimsley, Seth managed to convince Koga to turn himself in, Latias dropped Brandon off before flying off, we had to go and get Surge, and...” she paused for a moment. “And... Belle dragged Hastings back.”

Abby blinked. “Wait, it’s over?” she glanced to Kasai.

“Huh,” the Arcanine mused before shrugging. “Good for us I guess.”

The Ninetales frowned before glancing back at Celestia. “And... why do you sound so hesitant about talking about Belle and Hastings?” Abby asked, honestly puzzled. “She just knocked him out right?”

Celestia cleared her throat. “Well... not exactly, you see she...” Celestia sighed and hung her head. “I think you should have her explain it to you.”

Abby raised an eyebrow before she glanced at Sven and Wendy who were both frowning deeply. “Right then... I’ll talk to you guys later, probably send mom to wherever the Princess puts you. We need the Rangers,” she said before looking to Celestia. “Where is Belle?”

Celestia stepped aside and gestured up the stairs. “They’re upstairs at the moment,” Celestia said. “Gene wanted to talk to her about something.”

“Alright, well, I’m going to go see them,” Abby said, giving Celestia a nod of her head before walking forwards, Kasai at her side. “What do you think could have happened?” she whispered to the Arcanine.

“Not sure, let’s just find out instead of worrying about it,” Kasai replied, leaning over and giving her a nuzzle. “I’m sure that whatever it is, it won’t be that bad. It’s Belle after all.”

“Yeah, yeah you’re right,” Abby said, letting out a long sigh. “Let’s not get worked up over nothing.”

“Well, that is kind of your job description,” Kasai snarked as they neared the final step.

“Ha, ha,” Abby said. “Belle? Are you around here?” she asked once they reached the landing.

“We’re up here Abby,” Belle called from a room a little bit down the hall.

Abby nodded, gave Kasai a nuzzle, and then moved forwards towards the voice, walking into the room.

Belle was sitting on Twilight’s bed, arms crossed, a look of exasperation on her face. Gene, meanwhile, had one hand over his eyes. “Hi Abby, hey Kasai,” he said, not even looking up. “What’s up?”

“Well, we brought Sven and Wendy in, turns out they were on their way to turn themselves in,” Kasai said before giving them both a smile and looking over at Belle. “And we heard you got Hastings to see sense... by knocking him unconscious.”

Belle raised an eyebrow. “Who told you I knocked him out?”

“Celestia used the word ‘dragged’,” Abby said, returning the raised eyebrow.

“Ah, I see why she would say that,” Belle said with a nod. “No, he was conscious, I was just carrying him in my Psychic.”

“Ah,” Abby said, frowning faintly. “You didn’t hurt him too badly did you Belle?”

“Physically, he’s fine,” Belle said, smirking slightly. “And I didn’t break his mind, if that’s what you’re asking.”

“Belle, what did you do?” Abby asked, her voice taking on a very sharp edged tone that Belle had never been on the receiving end of.

Belle, shocked at Abby’s tone, sat up straight. “I got tired of him and his attitude, so I dumped every positive memory I had of a Pokemon/Human couple into his brain,” she paused for a moment, then added. “Well... not all of them... kept the more private memories to myself.”

“I see...” Abby mused before frowning. “You do realize that you could have overloaded his brain and caused him to fall into a coma, right?”

“But I didn’t,” Belle corrected. “He just curled into a ball and cried a little.”

Abby’s right eye twitched. “Belle! That’s not something that you do because you’re angry,” the Ninetales snapped. “It could have serious health consequences and I bet you weren’t even thinking about that at the time!”

Belle huffed and looked away from the Ninetales. “And you cursing everyone who upsets you couldn’t?”

“Belle!” Gene snapped.

“And I’m suspended for that,” Abby said, a low growl growing in her throat. “Besides, what kind of justification is that? Just because I did something bad you can too?”

“No!” Belle snapped. “The justification is I don’t think changing the mind of some hateful, racist, human supremacist, bigot is really a bad thing!”

“It is if you force it into his head!” Abby snarled at her as her tails began to swirl slightly. “Arceus, Belle, are you five?”

“I did him a favor,” Belle said, crossing her arms. “If he didn’t change his mind, how long do you think it would’ve been until he actually hurt someone... or worse.”

“That’s why you should have arrested him, brought him to Celestia, put him in jail, and then let a professional help him,” Abby said, her voice growing sharper and sharper with each passing word. “Hell Belle, I’m thinking about arresting you for this!”

“If we had badges at the moment,” Kasai added helpfully while also giving Belle a stern stare. “Belle, you’re our friend but you did something very dangerous. To someone who we both care about a lot, even if he was a bigoted old man set in his ways.”

“But he’s fine!” Belle defended. “I don’t see what the big deal is, so I changed his mind for him, so what?”

“That sentence is so...” Abby let out a steamed growl. “Dammit Belle! I’m not qualified to give this talk, I’ve got too many damn personal issues of my own but I can say one thing for sure. You are going to understand why what you did was wrong one way or another!”

“Look,” Belle said in exasperation. “I get that you’re upset, but I’m not gonna stand by while some jerk attacks my husband, and accuses ME of only loving Gene because of my species.”

Abby sighed. “Belle, answer me this; did you do it because you wanted to make him come to understand your way of thinking... or did you do it because you were angry at him?” the Ninetales asked, her eyes boring a hole into Belle’s.

“Oh, I was mad,” Belle said with a nod. “But I did want him to understand.”

Abby closed eyes. “Well then Belle, until you can come to terms with the fact that what you did was wrong I’m not going to be speaking to you,” the Ninetales said, turning on her heel and trotting out of the room in silence.

“Wait... seriously?” Belle asked, laughing nervously. “You’re not serious.”

“Seems like she is,” Kasai said simply before turning and following his mate out of the room.

Abby glanced at him and clenched her teeth. “Dammit... dammit... dammit Belle...” she muttered. Kasai let out a small sigh and nuzzled her.

“Needed to be said,” the Arcanine said. “She can’t do things like that and get off scott free... should probably tell Celestia to take some kind of measure against it.”

“Yeah...” Abby trailed off, looking down at the steps as they started on their way back towards the white alicorn who was wearing a frown of her own. “Princess, it is in my professional opinion that Belle be placed under arrest for violating the sanctity of another’s mind... and I should be too for illicit use of magic.”

Celestia blinked once, then shook her head. “Did... did you just tell me to arrest your friend... and then turn yourself in?”

“Yes Princess,” Abby said with a nod. “I’ve cursed two ponies now, and despite the fact that Belle is my friend she still broke the law.” The Ninetales looked down. “We both deserve some form of punishment...” the Ninetales gulped. “... and I need a therapist.”

“Okay!” Gene said, rushing downstairs. “No one make any more decision or arrests or... no one do anything!”

Abby glanced towards Gene. “Gene, we broke the law,” she said quietly. “Belle could have killed him. I could have killed Blueblood and that mare. We need to go to jail. We’re not special. We’re just like everyone else.”

“And I completely understand that,” Gene said, nodding. “Buut, Belle’s pregnant, you’re one of my best friends, and I have separation anxiety, sooo...” Gene begged, throwing himself at Celestia’s hooves. “Please don’t take my girls from me Princess!”

Celestia tried to step back, but Gene had his arms wrapped around her hooves. “Gene... let go... you’re making a scene.”

“Noo!” Gene said, gasping for breath.

Gene,” Abby snapped. “Let go of the Princess and please start acting like an adult. This is hard enough as it is.”

“But... but... but...” Gene looked at Abby and burst into tears. “But I don’t want to lose you!” He grabbed Abby and pulled her close.

Abby blinked in surprise at that before letting out a sigh and nuzzling him. “Gene... we all need a lot of help.” She glanced at Celestia. “I think he may have just proved how very much we need.”

“Well, not all of us,” Kasai added, moving up and nuzzling both Gene and Abby. “Though, prison isn’t going to work well with our eggs on their way to hatching and Belle being pregnant.” He frowned and licked Gene’s head again. “But... Abby is right. They’re both in need of some form of law based punishment.”

Celestia sighed and rubbed her eyes. “Why can’t one thing be easy anymore...” she took a deep breath and looked at the Pokemon in front of her. “Fine, what do you suggest?”

Kasai smiled. “Well Princess, I’m just a dog.” He leaned down and nuzzled Abby. “But, I think some mandatory rehabilitation therapy is in order.”

“But Kasai I deserve to be-”

Abby was quieted as Kasai’s jaws closed over her mouth. “Shh.”

Celestia nodded. “Fine, there’s a specialist in Canterlot-”

“Nooo!” Gene hugged Abby tighter, and Celestia took another step backwards.

“Okay, seriously, what’s wrong with him?” Celestia asked. “This is rather heartbreaking... and kind of disturbing, to watch.”

Abby wanted to say something but Gene was in the process of choking the air out of her so Kasai answered instead. “Not positive, one moment.” He turned his gaze to Gene and let out a low growl that sent a reverberation through the room. “Gene, be quiet and please stop trying to strangle my mate.”

Gene sniffled, but lessened his grip on Abby. Abby took in a grateful breath. “Just get a us a booking and assign us an escort please...” she let out a long sigh. “I have a lot to get off my chest... and Gene has almost as much I think.”

“He’s had separation issues since his mother turned him in,” Belle said, coming downstairs. “It’s why he seems so much more clingy than most men... he hates being alone.”

Abby sighed and nuzzled Gene’s head, licking him. “Hey... least he doesn’t probably have a long undiagnosed case of PTSD... or whatever I have,” she said with another sigh before looking to Celestia. “So yes, please Tia... I need something otherwise ponies are going to keep getting hurt.”

“I’ll book you an appointment,” Celestia said with a nod. “... all three of you?”

“I’ll be there for moral support,” Kasai said with a small smile. “I’m good for hugging.” He leaned over and pried Gene off of Abby and let him hug his chest instead. “See?”

Celestia nodded again. “Alright, I’ll get a reservation for four... sometime next week?”

“Sounds great, thanks Princess,” Kasai said, giving her a smile before he leaned down and nuzzled Gene’s head again. “Umm, Belle, would you take him please?”

Belle nodded and pried her mate off of Kasai. “Come here you,” she said, pulling him into a hug. “Everything’s going to be fine, no one’s going to prison.”

Gene sniffled and looked up at Belle. “Promise?”

Belle smiled and kissed him. “I promise love, I’ll never leave you.”

Abby for her part just let out a sigh before glancing at Celestia. “One last request please? I’d like to go check on Hastings.”

Celestia just nodded. “Go ahead, he’s in the sheriff’s office.”

“Thanks,” the Ninetales said, moving forwards and giving Celestia’s chest a nuzzle. “Mind getting me a note of permission? I doubt they’ll just let me stroll in.”

Celestia nodded again. “I’ll get right on that,” she promised.

“Thank you Tia,” Abby said, leaning up and licking Celestia’s cheek before letting out a sigh. “Now... I need to go sit down somewhere... for a little bit.”

Kasai smiled, moving over and nuzzling her. “Yes... we’ll be over in one of the corners Princess. Tell us when you have our note ready.”

Celestia nodded before walking off to find something to write on.

Abby gave Belle a parting look before walking over to a corner, Kasai following. The Ninetales pressed her face into his chest and he wrapped a paw around her and pulled her closer to him.

“Kasai... what did I just do?” Abby asked softly.

Kasai hugged her close. “Something good,” he replied, nuzzling the back of her head. “Definitely something good.

Abby glanced over at Kasai. The golden Arcanine looked confident, his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth as they moved further into the sheriff’s office. It was brightly lit with well swept floors, clean walls, and warm air, a far cry from what most liked to imagine such things looked. She let out a small nervous noise, the Butterfree in her stomach threatening to explode outwards. Kasai leaned down and licked her cheek gently, the feeling of his soothingly warm tongue comforted her and she leaned against his muzzle for a moment. He stopped in place and leaned over, pulling her against his warm side for a moment, completely silent. Abby nuzzled into his warm furred chest and closed her eyes before nodding and slinking out of his hold, starting forwards again. Kasai followed along beside her, a small smile on his muzzle.

They rounded a corner and found themselves in a small, orderly cell block. Solid steel bars blocked anyone from getting into or out of the cells and a thick bricked wall in the back barred escape in that direction as well. Each cell had a pair of beds, a toilet, and a sink and a window. Hastings was in the last cell and as Abby and Kasai walked forwards the old Conkeldurr noticed them. Upon seeing them, he winced slightly and rubbed his head, before turning away from the pair.

The Ninetales sighed before she moved up to the bars. “Professor, can we talk please?”

“I don’t know that I have that much to say,” he said, frowning.

“Well, give it a try anyways please,” Abby said quietly. “I really think we need to talk.” At least he can talk... she thought to herself, inwardly cursing Belle for what she’d done to the man.

Hastings sighed. “Very well,” he turned around, allowing the light to illuminate his face, eyes red from crying. “What is it you want to talk about?”

Abby closed her eyes for a moment and the key to the cell rose up from a pouch on her shoulder and slotted into the cell lock. She turned it and walked forwards, pushing the door open before closing it with one of her tails and twisting the key back into place. Then she walked forwards and hopped up onto the bed beside him, leaning up to lick his face once.

“I’m here to tell you that you’re a good man,” Abby said softly.

The Professor sighed. “I’m aware that I’ve done plenty good for the world... and yet... after what your friend showed me,” Hastings closed his eyes and shuddered as more memories rose to the forefront of his mind. “I find myself doubting that more and more.”

Abby nuzzled his cheek. “Sir, permission to speak freely?” she asked, leaning her head against his.

Hastings shrugged. “Go ahead, I’m no one’s commanding officer anymore anyway.”

“Well, I just wanted to say that if you really think you never did anything good in the world then you’re full of shit,” Abby told him, nuzzling his cheek again. “Trust me sir, you did more good than harm.”

Hastings sighed and shook his head. “I know, I know, I founded the Union to help Pokemon, and it did... but for almost sixty years... I can’t imagine how many innocent people I must have hurt... and my dear little Mienshao... how could I have been so wrong?”

Abby leaned against him more fully, offering him her warmth and pressing her cheek into his. “Well sir,” she licked his cheek. “I wouldn’t worry about it. We’re in a new world now and we can’t look back.” She nuzzled him. “At least, not too far back anyways... I think that’s our problem you and I... we’re always looking backwards.”

Hastings sighed, she was right about that, he’d held onto his past for so long, it became the only thing that could be true to him, despite the rest of the world trying to move forward. “I need to learn to let go of the past at some point,” he mumbled.

“Yes, yes you do,” she licked his cheek. “Would you like to be a grandfather?”

“I never had children,” he said with a sigh. “I suppose that might have been part of my problem, never really had a family after my parents died.”

“I know, that’s why I’m offering you one,” the Ninetales said quietly, giving him a soft smile.

Hastings blinked and looked at Abby in confusion. “Really?” He asked in disbelief. “Even after I tried to arrest you and your... friend?”

“Sure,” Abby replied, giving him another smile. “After all sir, you need someone, you’ve been alone too long.”

After a long moment, Hastings smiled softly. “Thank you Abby... it would be an honor.”

Abby grinned and moved onto his lap, leaning her head against his. “Give me a hug sir, you need it.”

Slowly, Hastings wrapped his arms around the Ninetales, a few tears falling from his eyes as he did.

After so long, the old Professor finally realized... he didn’t have to be alone anymore.

The Ninetales smiled, looking at his face and licking away the tears before nuzzling him. “So, their names are going to be Gold and Silver... once you finish whatever sentence Celestia decides for you you can be their official grandpa okay?”

“I would love to,” he said with a smile. “... now I’m wondering just what she has planned for me though.”

Abby shrugged as she moved off of his lap. “Not a clue, but Tia seems to be pretty nice, maybe she’ll get you some help that you need and you’ll get off in a year or so, who knows.” She leaned over and licked his cheek. “Just be ready to talk to Gene and Belle... they’re our very close friends and they’re going to be the godparents.”

Hastings winced and rubbed his head again. “Believe me... I know,” he shook his head, he wasn’t looking forward to that conversation, but he figured he’d at least have some time to prepare.

“So, professor,” Kasai spoke from the outside of the cell. “We’re starting up our own Union with Scarlet at its head, any advice for keeping it running smoothly?”

The Professor sighed. “Starting from the ground up again... it won’t be easy, it wasn’t last time and our world knew what Pokemon were capable of... and that they weren’t animals,” he remembered a few ponies he’d encountered while traveling Equestria. “No, it certainly won’t be easy... by any chance does anyone still have a Capture Stylus?”

Abby frowned. “I think Arceus has all that stuff stored somewhere, he might let us have those back, though I never used them really,” she mused to herself.

Hastings paled. “Arceus...” he cleared his throat. “Um... perhaps someone else should bring that up with him... I can assure you, they helped quite a bit when we were originally setting things up.”

“Good idea,” Kasai said with a smile as he sat down on his haunches. “Oh, and sir do you think at some point you can look over my leg? Make sure I haven’t broken it with all the fighting I’ve been doing here.”

Hastings nodded. “Of course, of course, I’ll just need a few... tools... hmm, not sure where to get what I’ll need... I’m sure I can figure something out.”

“Thanks sir!” Kasai barked happily. “I never really got the chance to say it before, but I’ve always been grateful to you for this thing... without it I wouldn’t have been able to keep Abby safe.”

The Professor smiled. “Glad I could help.”

Abby smiled and gave his cheek a lick. “I’m glad you could too sir.” She gave him a final nuzzle before getting off of the bed. “Think you’ll be okay by yourself in here?”

“I think so,” he said with a sigh. “It’s a bit odd, being on this side of the cell for a change, but I guess I had it coming.”

Abby nodded. “You were kind of...reckless about this.” she agreed with a shake of her head. “I still want to know why you thought it was a good idea to try and storm the town; hardly Ranger Protocol.”

“I... really wasn’t I suppose,” he admitted with a sigh. “Unbeknownst to most... I had intended to retire from the Union after I saw to... Gene’s arrest,” his shoulders slumped. “I suppose I was trying to prove to myself that things didn’t have to change... even if everything else had.”

“Sorry for postponing your retirement by around two years,” Abby said, blushing faintly. “But then again, I’m really not.”

“No... you did the right thing,” he said with another sigh. “It would have just been another innocent whose life I ruined.”

“Probably, but remember, don’t think about it,” Abby told him with a small smile. “Just keep pressing forwards sir.”

“Er, right,” he smiled softly. “Going to have to get use to that.”

Abby gave him a final smile as she moved forwards and undid the lock, walking out and then locking it before closing her eyes and slowly moving the key back to the pouch on her shoulder. “Goodbye sir, I’ll visit you when I have the chance.”

“Me too,” Kasai added with a smile. “Also, apologize to Sven’s Luxray when you get the chance, you really made him mad.”

Hastings blinked twice, then shook his head. “Dear god... is there anyone else I need to apologize to?”

Abby frowned for a moment. “I’ll get you a list sir,” she told him with a smile. “In the meantime, just do whatever Tia tells you.”

Hastings nodded. “Very well... thank you for coming here Abby, Kasai, I must admit, I was afraid you both would hate me after all I’ve done... I’m glad to see that I was wrong.”

Abby chuckled. “Sir, I don’t hate you, I’ve seen enough of the world to understand exactly why you were set in your ways and if it wasn’t for this mutt-” she leaned over and nipped Kasai’s big ear. “I’d probably have been the exact same way.”

“And for me, I couldn’t ever hate the man who helped me walk again,” Kasai replied, leaning down and licking Abby’s face.

Hastings smiled softly at them and nodded. “Good, I’m glad to hear that.”

Abby gave him a smile. “Well then, we’ll leave you alone now sir, I’ll see you next time,” she told him, still smiling as she started off, Kasai beside her.

Abby and Kasai sat on the bed together, a pair of medium sized eggs nestled between their warm furred bodies. They were in a spare room of Canterlot Castle after a short train ride and the first place she’d gone was straight to her mother to get her eggs. The Ninetales looked over at Kasai and then leaned her head against his. He nuzzled her back, licking at her cheek gently. A soft sigh left her lips and she looked into his comforting eyes.

“Kasai... I’m scared,” she said quietly.

“Don’t be,” Kasai said gently, nuzzling her. “It will be good for you. Same for Belle and Gene.”

“I guess,” Abby agreed, looking down and away from him and down to the eggs. “I guess.”

Kasai smiled and leaned down to nuzzle the top of her head. “Abby, my mate... you don’t have to be afraid,” he said. “I’ll be here. Gene will be there. Belle will be there. Your mom is going to be here in Canterlot... we’ll make it work.”

“... when did we start talking about the eggs?” Abby asked, glancing at him.

“When weren’t we?” he counted, nuzzling her neck and giving her a lick.

“You are an ass,” she muttered.

“Funny, last time I checked, I was an Arcanine,” he said, sniffing the top of her head and letting his hot breath flow down her fur. “I wonder when that changed.”

Abby gave him a sour look before she rolled her eyes and leaned up, sniffing in his smoky scent. “Fine, you’re my ass of an Arcanine, better?”

“Much,” he said, smiling and then licking her across the lips. “Now, don’t worry okay Abby? Things will be okay.”

The Ninetales looked into his loving golden eyes. They were the same eyes she’d been looking into for every morning since she’d first joined the Ranger Union as a recruit and he’d never once let her down before. He held her gaze until she smiled and leaned forwards to lick him across the lips before nodding. “Yeah... yeah they will.”

Author's Note:

Well, the blog post did say within the week, I just got farther then I thought I would! Enjoy this as I go to sleep.

Comments ( 68 )

They’re both in need of some form of capital punishment.”

That's... really not the word you're looking for.

from the Altima region

You what mate?


Aye!! "Capital" punishment means they are DEAD when the punishment is finished!!!!


Ahh... the only downside to writing at 1:30 in the morning, I'll just fix that...


Whoops, fixed, thanks

From my standpoint, Abby should actually be thanking Belle for she'd done to Hastings. After all, it sounds like he's no longer his ugly former self anymore.

Nice looking forward to more!

5936815 Yes, but how would you feel if someone broke into your mind and practically violated it with something you thought was wrong? You can't just consider what you feel in cases like this, you have to consider both sides. Yes, Hastings was breaking the law, but he could have easily have been shown the error of his ways through therapy, instead of being mind-raped (yes, I'm calling it mind rape, as it is an unwanted intrusion in the mind, no matter the ideals or reasoning behind it.) by someone. Yes, he should pay for his crimes, but when there are Psychic beings waltzing around or hostile, when can you say, "This is the line of how far you can go." I believe that line should be telepathy, and nothing more. Breaking into the mind and filling it with something like that, no matter the intentions, is wrong. That's like saying, "I'm going to rape you to show you how it's okay to be sexually promiscuous. (lots and lots of sex)" Sure, you may believe it's wrong, and it might be, but that doesn't make the rape any better. Just me ranting and playing a bit of the devil's advocate here, not sure how I did.

5937498 Agreed. My Line of logic is, If it was a bad thing when Mewtwo Violated Luke's mind, then it was bad when Belle did the same thing to Hastings.

5937498 Also, I only wanted the author him/herself to reply on that comment, not you.


Ah, sorry, usually I don't reply unless it needs to be nipped in the bud or is actually addressed to me. But yes, what Belle did would get her placed in the villain's shoes in most shows/books, or at the very least get her in a LOT of trouble. There's a case kind of like this in one of the Dresden Files books, where a character tries to help someone stop being a drug addict but he ends up committing suicide afterwards because the mind is a very delicate thing. Not saying that Hastings is going to do that mind you, just that the way it's portrayed in the main story is a bit.. stilted.

5940115 But both Gene and Belle have endured TARTARUS in trying to settle down together peacefully without any previous enemies trying to "apprehend" them. And now you just screwed that up for them just because Abby is so obsessed over preventing and/or punishing someone being "mind-raped" regardless of whether that person's benevolent (which is exactly what perfectly describes Belle) or malevolent. I mean, you could have at least simply have Celestia pardon Belle for that "crime" and let her, Gene, and their family get on with their lives in peace, but noooOOOoooo. You had to have it gone in the way of "not letting them go without punishment" routine just to ensure that the "crime" is payed for by having therapy sessions together. I mean, come on! Belle's pregnant for Arceus' sake and neither she or Gene will be able to raise them together if she's labeled a so called "criminal" just because she was fighting for the happiness of both her and her husband. And furthermore, this is the universe of MLP:FiM! And you're not suppose to have pyrric victories like that in those kind of universes!


Yes, I'm sure Belle will suffer horribly from having a bit of therapy to tell her what basic morals are. I'm also sure that Gene will be heart broken to have his near crippling mental issues resolved, you're right. In Equestria, home of the 'let's forgive everyone so long as they mean well' attitude, Celestia will surely label both of them criminals and put them in jail for a long time. This is especially obvious because of how quick and cruel Celestia was about the sentencing. You're very clearly right about that. Furthermore, you're right, Arceus forgive Abby for wanting to make sure that Belle was at the very least taught a lesson about basic morals. You're right of course, Abby is completely in the wrong here. Thank you for pointing that out, in the future I will take into account to prevent myself from creating truly pyrrhic victories for my own and others characters.

5940581 Were you being sarcastic?


Agreed, Salty.


Well, for Abby I say this: see this pedastal, labeled 'did bad things, but admits it and wants to make up for what she did'? Abby goes here. XD

Petty as it is, this one chapter redeemed Abby in my opinion... not that she needed much on that, but yeah... glad she didn't agree with Belle.

I know Ed well enough to be certain the answer to your question is yes

5943689 So what did Ed mean by all that anyway?

5943689 Never mind. You already answered that.

5940581 I've had enough sarcasm for a day now, and it's only 10:30 in the morning.
Not that it's a bad thing, mind you. I'm all for sarcasm. :twistnerd:

But I do have to say that I liked where your ending for Book One went. Focused a bit more on, "we are all pretty messed up people; we really should get some help before this delves even deeper into giving Celestia a migraine". A bit of a thing that I've been wondering ever since these fics started.

These characters have been though some shit, you know? Why not start talking to somebody while you're in the land of technicolor horses and rainbows? :raritywink:

Reading the story there is something I don't really understand... How can they cook the magikarp? I ask because I think they say in the show of Pokemon that Magikarp is almost all bones and have little meat after Meowth tried to eat one.


Creative liberties, heh

5992906 I finished reading the book 1, now to read the original, only to say...

Too many interlude in my oppinion, The story is good but I think there is too much interlude and not only "Interlude Part X" But also when is not a Interlude that sometimes the story go too far away and is boring. It seems the mainly problem is that you depend too many that the original story continue but even so, it's a little boring some chapters.

But is a good story, hard to read sometimes but it was good.

when is book 2 coming out? I need to know what happened next.

5992644 butt that also an out of game source and Professor Hastings is an in game exclusive character so yea no there no Pokedex or Pokedatabase (Pokemon Ranger series only) entries saying that in the games so yea non canon to this story.

6069780 Ash appeared in the original "a new world", so the show can be cannon and the magikarp bone could be also cannon. Not only the games are cannon.


Adding another oddity into the mix, Pidgeot (According to the dex) are fans of Magikarp too

6069793 I haven't read the original but unless red is in it then there the same person just took different paths. If he is in it then Arceus did this for multiple universes because again Professor Hastings is an game character only and the only anime appearance is in an Pokemon origins type of special for Pokemon Ranger Guardians Sings. so yea Magikarp would be really confusing expressly with some npc saying you can eat them but even in the anime they can be eaten I refer to what misty says

Magikarp are mostly skin and bones.

that applies there still meet on them just very little.

6074214 Uh yea and there was an Inspector Gadget reference to.
Doctor Claw is the villain of the franchise.

6125571 I just imagined a male Ninetails wearing sunglasses shouting 'BUUUUUUDDDDERRRRRR'. Speaking of which sky hasn't done that in such a long time.

Can Abby make an appearance in my book? Nothing major, just a little cameo.

On Hastings: I'm not going to get into the debate centering around the morality of the issue because that ponita has been beaten to death by this point. Instead I'm going to go into my thoughts on the motivations, or at least some of them... I'm kinda working this out as I type so bear with me please.

I read Zuse's fic first (including the bonus chapters) before I started reading this, and I don't think Hasting's situation is exactly so clear cut as a stubborn old man refusing to change with the time. From what's mentioned in the main fic about what happened to his original Pokémon partner (whom Hastings was apparently *Very* close to, perhaps to the point of being on the verge of a their own relationship) they were captured by team rocket but by the time he tracked them down they had already been freed by someone who they later fell in love with their rescuer. Hastings got angry when his partner didn't want to go with him, and called it in, and while the guy got away his partner was caught in the crossfire and presumably either died or was broken by the system.

Hastings has lived with that regret up till now by burying it under excuses and *Justifications * under the laws of Pokémon Earth.

Now he finds himself in Equestria where the laws are Much more liberal concerning such issues, and it becomes equally harder to justify his point of view. So he does the only thing he can at this point and goes looking for *Vindication*.

At this point there would be no changing his mind without breaking it in some way. Weather that be through therapy or what Belle actually did, he would adamantly refused to believe that anything but his point of view could be true, because if it isn't then it would mean that, from his point of view at least, the rest of his life would be a lie.

What Belle did was wrong, without a doubt, but at the same time if they had just captured Hastings, he would likely have ended up in the high security wing of a mental institution for most of, if not the entire rest of his life...

More please. When will the next chapter come out?

I really want to see what happens next besides the therapy sessions. I've already rad Zeus's main story and Ausbrony's side story. Wanting to now what happens next is starting to kill me:fluttershysad:. Though death will not find me to be an easy soul to take:rainbowdetermined2:.

so youre planning on axle and iris becoming a thing in a possible sequel

6359608 never seen cognitive dissonance as well as buried 'survivor's guilt' so well described.

6465936 Yeah, sure. Bit hard since I live in a country where it never snows.

Yeah okay, what Belle did was wrong, but considering Hastings has made her life hell just because of who she chose to love, Belle had a right to beat on Hastings. It just would've been more morally acceptable if she did it physically.

6757448 no, if u read back, the Snowpoint City Gym Leader became a Glaceon and Frostlass in her partner

Please update soon. I will wait longer if I have to.

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