Blackjack, an incompetent security mare from the dystopian Stable 99, suddenly has her monotonous life turned upside down when the stable is invaded by vicious raiders. Blackjack flees the stable with EC-1101, with the wasteland in hot pursuit.
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Wheeeeeeeew, things are getting real up in here! hahaha, nice job man, nice job!
I wish I could say more., but I don't really have much to say, other then I ship BJ and P-21.
Good show!
What is this, smutty Twilight fanfiction?
Something I noticed.
This was repeated twice in a row.
This repeated twice, I swear I thought I was lapsing reading the same paragraph again.
who were attending the Gala
elect our mayors
nuzzled the soft
Ah the Grand Galloping Gala, aka the Best Night Ever of MLP: Friendship is Magic Season 1 finale. This certainly was the best night ever for Blackjack and company. Stronghoof making a reappearance was unexpected. Ahem excuse me, the best night ever for Queen Blackjack of the Society. I should of saw the regent selection a mile away, but Splendid screwed his chances with saying 'bomb collars' and the like. Damn, hangovers and forgotten memories. A threesome, eh? Oh boy would I want to know all the saucy details on that scene. That ending cliff hanger, oh you're kidding, you're kidding right? The only subjectively bad timing with having read the original Fo:E prior to Project Horizons. The Goddess has every reason to be worried, and I am concerned what will happen to Lacunae but for Queen Whiskey and the Goddess to kill LittlePip? Bwahahahahah
Personally, my favorite scene along those lines in this arc was the one between Blackjack and Lancer.
And yeah, I thought Vanity had a real shot on the basis of being the one most likely to have a Society still in existence whenever Blackjack is done with the stuff she needs to take care of, but he really did go too far for her, especially with P-21 to remind her of everything. But hey, at least he's held on as an advisor.
The Strongarm family was always one of my favorites.
Lacunae and Stronghoof One of the best ships of the Wasteland.
Vote Boo for a brighter tomorrow!
AGH you're killing me! Having P-21 relapse like he always feared he might, and then cutting away to a new plot thread! I'm so invested in both subplots that I don't know whether to be extremely excited or disappointed.
That ending gave me shudders, and I haven't the clue as to why. :D Well anyway, great chapter, I'm looking forward to reading the next!
I guess I was right and wrong about the regent. Does that count as a third party? What with the idea being three? My newest hunch is something I do not wish for, and that is the demise of Lacunae. Maybe I will be pleasantly surprised and she doesn't die... who knows... well I don't at least.
Is Glory's and Blackjack's relationship over... or is it something else? I was bad and couldn't tell. :'( As long as they still rut I guess it is fine? Also Lacunae and Stronghoof, I ship that! ;)
Pain Train turned out to be a much more interesting character than I'd anticipated. The whole She's All That sequence, first with Blackjack, then with Rampage, was funny but dumb. :V Glad to hear Silver Spoon and company are doing okay. I realize the whole point of this Gala is to give Blackjack info on what's been going on around the Hoof.
So, I was thinking that this whole Society arc was one chapter too long, specifically last chapter, but then you brought Paladin Stronghoof back, and nothing hurts anymore. :D
That said, crazy tonal whiplash going from his introduction to the survivors. Like, that was a heaping helping of amazing news, yet it was mostly bad. And dear god does "complicated" not even begin to cover Glory and BJ's relationship. >.> At least we finally got some resolution to P-21 mooning over her forever. And Glory wanting to bang him. :B So, Goddess time, huh? What in the absolute fuck.
The power of tonal whiplash has been passed down the Armstrong line for generations! Observe--as the sobering of our comically larger-than-life characteristics draws attention to when events get serious, or they appear from nowhere to snap a scene that's built too much tension!
On the one hand, all this buildup to the Goddess taking over is kinda silly, having read FoE a while ago.
On the other, it makes it all the sweeter, seeing her tally up those antagonist points, making me like her less and less.
I think this story does a better job at exploring the characters than the original did. Maybe it's the style, the word count or both, but I feel I know them more and they feel more... tangible.
You're always naked anyway. What's the problem?
Spiked armor, silken dress. What's the difference?
Not like an immortal super helper even needs any protevtion...except maybe against scrutiny and judgemeny.
That that is rendered null by the Wasteland
Oh my gosh! Having to convince her of so many visceral ideas to make her actually feel more comfortable.
When blood, skulls and chains make you feel better then silk and pearls, and your freinds have to make those kinds of comparisons just so you don't strip, you know you've got some major problems...
One fifth? That will not do! At least 10%!
Oh wow. When you have to ask the blank, you really know you're less then chop liver. A rather Splendid match if I ever saw one.'re a ghoul.
Your excuse is invalid unless brains are involved.
This guy seriously reminds me of Full Metal Alchemist's Armstrong. So. Many. Similarities!
Well its a darn good thing that's where you're going anyway, BJ
Bruh. You just donned an unknown pendant from Cognitum without any idea what it does? Seriously, Blacjack, no caution.
Well...that went well.
what a sore loser...geez, why don't you put on the Charm, girl?
Body paint? What?
Only you, Somber, could possibly make pony sexual affairs an interesting topic.
Molestia would be proud
Are those his quotes or something?
I swear, I hear him say it all the time.
I don't know why, but I just get the feeling that this is a very important moment.
The calm, the quiet, and right after a peaceful resolution conversation with Glory
Talk about a twisted reflection.
I liked the calm resignation in this chapter. How the Goddess was postponed for a while, but was an inevitability.
it made that last night of freedom so much much more menaingful.
She could have done anything with that night, mostly panic.
but she enjoyed it with her freinds and brave and dauntless.
Though..,take note that she left her Pipbuck.
her haunted Pipbuck.
the one that has Dealer in it.
Dealer, who can communicate with anybody he is attached too
The Dealer who knows the truth and heard everything.
Yeah...this game isn't over by a longshot.
I've been waiting for this for the last 27 chapters!
huh, kinda a kill joy knowing that littlepip won't be killed
My heart: Nope. Nope nope nope nope nope.
Me: Hnnng!
Best alicorn is so cute when she is flustered.
Bout time. I was shipping those two back when they still hated each other. What would you call it, Black-21? P-Jack?
one fifth=20%...
a subtle joke: on Fallout 3 or 4 there's a mission to help some ghouls get some old rockets working so they can fly away!
Fallout: New Vegas. What's the deal with everyone? It's my favorite of the series, one of the greatest FPSs of all time, but people seem to forget it exists all the time.
Like that would ever happen ...
One of the things I like about this story are the Mythology Gags.
You just declared open season on yourself
Nice one!
You know, this was actually pretty nice. It makes it seem like the Goddess decided to give Blackjack one last happy moment before she'd take her away. Which honestly, made me smile. We knew what happened with Psalm, and we saw that the Goddess hadn't been evil. Psalm did in fact, poison the pool.
It's nice to see a calm ending to one of the chapters, no screaming, no Goddess yelling and raging. Just the calm, "It's time." And done.
Very nice.
Here I stopped reading and went "YES, YES, YES, YES, I LOVE IT, THIS IS THE BEST, YOU GODDAMN LEGEND!" Accompanied with continuous fistpumps.
Well in Black Jack the goal is 21 so isn't blackjack already a fine name?
Technically new Vegas is an original fallout from interplay since it was made by the original developers using the original fallout three script.
Do I spy a Michael Jackson reference?
I'm suddenly reminded of an apparently authoritarian tribe of bat ponies whose prince was very happy to not have to marry his own sister...
Techniques ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Looks like a new quest to deal with
I'm half surprised they aren't mother and daughter
That could be true?
That's funny but also kinda worrying since he has enough force to back it up..😨
Awww noooo 😢
Damn it... I hope she had more time of freedom till lilpip killed her.
@Somberpony I don't know if you still read these comments, but how is it possible that Storm Front's marefriend turned raider when she was presumably a pegasus? This was before the plague went cross-contaminant, so she should be immune like all the other Enclave.
YES! Man I love Stronghoof, nothing bad better not happen to him
What a nice chapter. Man fuck the goddess. I would be stressed out of my mind if I didn't know the goddess was going to be blown up
Are all raiders in project horizons nesscerily caused by the plauge?
i imagein its possible to just go raider from normal hoof-wasteland crazy
Oh, I dunno Blackjack. I’m sure you could arrange something. It’s an airship. He could probably roll onboard with a big enough ramp. “But even if the airship could carry him, he’d be stuck on it.” Yeah, but just think of the possibilities! Oh goddesses, I can see it now! I’m thinking of the scene from FO:E where Xenith goes ham on the bloodwings…
Now just imagine this but with DEUS! And instead of bloodwings it’s RAPTORS! OH THIS COULD BE JUST GLORIOUS…
…what’s that tapping on my shoulder?
[my conscience] Bloodwings are feral beasts. Raptors are crewed by PONIES you idiot!
[me] …shut up
I won’t lie. Back when I was reading FO:E, I would physically cringe whenever memory orbs were lost or destroyed. Such a terrible loss. But at this point in this story? It must be Tuesday again.
I actually feel sorry for him. A little.
As funny as that joke was, I'm much more interested in Blackjack's reaction to realizing the truth, (please tell me she'll realize Littlepip is the Stable Dweller)