• Published 8th Apr 2014
  • 7,181 Views, 318 Comments

Dogma of a Dragon - DarkParable

So, wake up as a damned Dracolich in Equestria. What do? Mostly run, that's what.

  • ...
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Comments ( 153 )

My apologies for the comments that were whiped along with the deleted partial chapter. I felt the need to remove that chapter though so I could be sure that fimfic would notify you all that there was something new to read here. Fairly certain it wouldn't have had I simply tacked on the remainder of the chapter to what was already there. Again, I apologize if I've unintentionally offended anyone by doing so.

The story lives! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:


Yep. ...Though your name is really making me want to yell candle jack at the top of my lungs and see what happens.

Brain.exe has stopped working, bring on the intermission music

also, for not being dead, i will fav this story.


Well thank you lol. Good enough reason to fav something I suppose.

All Hail Rainbow Dash, the Draconic Squeakie Toy!:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Poor Twilight, can't accept that animate dragon bones can perform magic. Considering that dragons... actually now that I think of it Equestrian dragons are the only ones I've EVER heard of that are magical powerhouses of some form or other:rainbowhuh: So really it shouldn't be that surprising that she can't comprehend being able to warp and shape planetary forces much less universal forces. All Hail the Great Queen Tiamat:pinkiecrazy:


In cannon the only dragon "magic" we see is spikes ability to send letters through his flames. Even then its commonly thought, at least from what I've seen, that Celestia enchanted him in order to give him this ability. As such, Equestrian dragons in this story have no true magic of their own. Why would they need it anyways when they're practically invincible?

Comment posted by DarkParable deleted Sep 29th, 2014

Jack be nimble,
Jack be quick!
Jack jump over the candlestick!
Jack jump high,
Jack jump low.
Jack jumped over, AND BURNED HIS TOE!


Err... I was thinking more along the lines of the old Freakazoid cartoon, but thanks... I think? For some reason these two images are mixing in my head and the results are disturbing.

Hah awesome, i was worried this fic went dead. Great start and great follow up. Here is hoping more is to come.:heart:

yay! story is alive, you will be posting chapters more frequently i hope?


... What sorcery is this? You mentioned his name, and haven't gone missing in the middle of a sentence, yet?

Tell me your secrets, oh great one!


Ill'a Cth'un. Ill'a Dagaon.


You know, I didn't read it when you posted this chapter the first time.

So I waited eternally until you posted the polished version. And how glad that I did, this story keeps exceeding my expectations with every word. please continue.

5073767 There's likely an innate magical component to their flight, because I seem to recall that by the laws of physics, nothing that big and heavy could achieve winged takeoff.


She heard I had a large cache of Doritos and Mtn. Dew,


Glad you enjoyed it.


That's true. I'd honestly forgotten about the other dragon's reactions to that flame sending thing. As for the flight, also likely true. Lets go with "No active magic outside their breath weapons/tool/why the heck is the fire that color?!"


I'll try to. I'm still job hunting, and as much as I'd love to be able to write full time, I need to get some income flowing so I can get the hell off my mom's couch (again.)

Twilight.exe had crashed and required a reboot

Don't worry Twiley, LakieLegion.exe crashes sometimes too... but mostly due to pure joy :derpytongue2:

5073713 we all have head Flutters squeak like a toy, but never RD :rainbowlaugh: It is official my friend! in one of my stories, I vow to make RD squeak :derpytongue2:

THIS... STORY... ISH... GEWD :derpytongue2:

I shall watch and wait!

*uses Ignis' skull as a man-cave, decked out with all the best gadgets and a couch :rainbowkiss:*


XD While I could do that, I do happen to value my reader's input. The way I see it, as much as I write this for myself, to get my voice out there, its just as much for you all too. After all, what would be the point of writing a work of fiction if no one besides yourself ever got to read it? That's the reason I not only welcome, but encourage comments that tell me where I buggered up somewhere, or if something could be better put to ensure everything makes sense in the world I'm weaving for you all to enjoy.

You and Ospero both brought up good points that I'd completely failed to think of. As such, thank you both.... Though seriously, why is Spike's fire green like that? Too much salt in his diet maybe? Or perhaps just a case of that weird Equestrian color coating system? "You there... your eyes are pink! As such so too much your magical aura be!"


Hmm... Well its definitely something to think about, that's for sure. Though I was going to turn to D&D once again for breath weapon typing. You know, green dragons spit acid, coppers fire off lightning bolts, that kind of thing. Granted that wouldn't apply much to the Equestrian dragons considering I've only even seen that big red one match up with the BW chart. Reds always breath fire apparently.


Speaking of which, and no offence if any of my readers happen to be Japanese, but from what I understand things such as what happen at the beginning of this story are actually fairly common in that country. There's a large cultural taboo against being shamed in any way shape or form, because of this a lot of crimes like that tend to go unreported as the victim, and indeed the witnesses, can't bare to have other people know what happened or that they sat and let it happen. Again, I'm not entirely sure if this is true, but everything I've ever been told, read, or seen for myself have lead me to draw this conclusion.


Hey now, that's not very neighborly... I suggest using the rib cage. Less rude, more room, and you'd get better air flow.

5074165 hrmmmm... still personally prefer the skull, less drafty during the colder months, plus, if any pesky kids come up and try to play 'brave' i can scare the bejeebus out of them :pinkiecrazy:



Patience my dear battle droid. Good things come to those who wait... Though I won't be making you all wait nearly as long this time. I'm going to be shooting for at least a chapter a week.

5074067 And she just left the Lich King for your casul ass? Pfffffft.... she can do better, YOU'RE NOT EVEN MLG.


Heh. I'm just not big on throwing myself head long into the higher end part of a game to flex my epeen. Perfectly happy to just go do quests.

well like I said if your going to have the character be in a world where these things are common. You have to tell the reader. this is not common. But as I also said it seems like his life before he turned into a dragon is unimportant so going into how he died and describing the world that he lives in is getting off topic which is why I said he should just get rid of it as it was completely unnecessary.
Even if the author tells us and describes this world (or nation) where it is common for people to gangrape people on the subway and then kill someone and have no one do anything. the question is why would he describe this world to us? It has nothing to do with anything afterwards. So the answer would be to remove it as their is no point to it being their. Go ahead and reread the chapter but skip the introduction and see if you the reader is lost or confused.

Now about what you said about rape and females.
Sure I believe you that women won't scream rape. What I was annoyed about was that no one did anything in a subway when he was killed and when these people that were raping her did it so openly. He described it as if they were doing it without even trying to hide it almost like as if they were part of a corrupt government organization or were high ranking officials. Which would mean you would have to tell the reader why this character decided to interfere this time and not before.

Also note I love to discuss things like this so I would be more than happy to talk about this point with you. Lets just keep it civil okay?

... Special abilty activated :Nope.avi "Nooope :|"

5074283 Ah, of course. You're one of those pve types. I understand. *Pats you on the back and plays the worlds smallest violin creating sad music*

:pinkiegasp:YAY ITS NOY DEAD!!!!

5073851 What's the big deal? It's just CandlejaAAH! Haha! Can't drag me off when I'm already tied to my chair now, can you?

Awesome! It's not dead, and it's awesome


The entire point of that was to establish a few obvious character traits for Maeror. Look, I get that it bothered you, but really. No one is hear forcing you to read this. No one even forced you to reply to Scar's comment. If you honestly don't want anything to do with this story, why even bother taking the time to reply to a comment on it?


Nope to what exactly?

well like I said I actually do like to discuss things like this.
Which is why I responded. And yes no one is forcing me to read this. Which is why I am not.
It sounds like you do not want to discuss this which is fine I'm not gonna be a bitch about it (which is why I only posted one comment on my thoughts and two responses including this one).
Also note that the previous response was not directed at you as it seemed like you did not want to discuss it. It was directed at Scarheart.
If you do want to discuss it let me know. Just keep it civil (not saying that you haven't been civil but yeah... this is the internet)

5074600 The awkward part I think? Idk.

5074227 YEEEES... MOOOORE...


I don't mind having a discussion about this, I really don't. I do not however feel that the comment section is the place to do it. I hope you realize that there are some people who check the comments before reading the fic themselves. Finding what can be misinterpreted as the beginnings of a small scale war in them can be a huge turn off. As much as I wish such things wouldn't cause un-due bias, they will. Now, if you want to PM either myself or Scar, that's entirely different. No need to filter anything you say there. Do also keep in mind that there are younger audiences on this site, and while I'd hope this fic's rating would keep them away, I'm well aware it won't. Still, that's no reason for a rather blatant conversation about rape in the comments, no?


Beats me. :twilightoops:

And yes, more IS coming. As I said though, most likely going to try for one chapter a week. This gives me time not only to write them, but to polish them up for you all.

5073614 close. I didn't realize this beforehand, but look up the story behind it.

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