• Member Since 12th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen June 30th

Bob Market

Comments ( 31 )
  • Viewing 27 - 31 of 31

1723089 No problem i am every story in fav listmis the list i am kinda addicyed too
...ill comment lator it seems my typing is drunk at the momment

Hey, thanks for the Fav on '...And It's Freaking Cold Up Here'! Not to worry, another chapter is coming--possibly before the day is out. A guy stuck in the body of Snowdrop can't go very long without a smoke. It's a scientific fact that I made up in my head.

1203982 Good... going to read it

Done. I went back into an already existing chapter in a story of mine and tweaked it a bit,
The nope is at the end of Chapter 5.5

  • Viewing 27 - 31 of 31
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