• Published 23rd Dec 2013
  • 2,060 Views, 63 Comments

Club Scene - maxxxxxx

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Comments ( 63 )

3670462 No? what was wrong with it? :fluttershysad:

3670481 yes? What was right with it? I can't handle these vague comments! the only logical thing to do now is to never sleep again!:pinkiecrazy:


Too cliche for me. Or anyone else, apparently.

3670490 how is it cliche? i've never seen a story ever remotely like this? at least not in TwiDash


Any Twidash fic has a near exact clone buried in the internet. I've seen some just like this.

Erm. If I may just step in here for a minute.
You've made it very clear, many times, that you hate lesbian ships, especially ones with RD, with a burning passion.

Pardon me if this comes off as rude, but I don't think you're the right person to give an opinion on this fic. Given your bias and all that.

Also, why are you even reading this, if you have RD lesbian ships?
You like them, don't you.:trollestia:
The truth comes out.:moustache:


No. I read it, and found exactly the shit I expected.

3670543 um, that's kind of insulting... can we not argue please

TwiDash? Worth a look. Will read later

3670552 thank you :twilightsmile: hope you enjoy it

No. No. No. A million times. No.

Fuck you. Fuck you entire fucking existence you fucking biased, fucking prick.
What gives you the fucking right to pass that kind of insulting judgment on a fic, purely based around your own fucking bias for the subject.

This is the kind of shit that puts up and comers off of writing. Biased fucking pricks like yourself who let their own fucking hatred of a subject get in the way when they read it, and give the author a lot of shit for writing something they dislike.

Fuck you. A writer can write whatever the fuck they want. I'm nto a fan of rape-fics. I don't like rape-fics. But I don't go onto a persons rape-fic and say some bullshit, biased remark like "Oh, this is exactly what I would expect from something like this."

take your useless being out of this persons presence, and out of their fic, you pathetic waste of space.

Go read something you're actually a fan of. Don't bash an author just for writing something you don't like.

3670543 3670568 it's alright really, some people just wont like my stories but i would rather have a couple bad comments than an argument so we can just pretend it never happened?:pinkiehappy:

Sorry, I just hate it when people pass harsh, biased, judgement on something they already naturally hate, just because their too simple-minded to put their biased opinion aside and give a proper opinion on what it's actually like.

Well, reading the story in it's entirety the overall concept is pretty common. But it kinda got having Octavia within this story. I don't really read alot of fics like these, so I have to say I didn't see it coming.

The punctuation and grammar was okay. But you do have some errors in them. So basically it wasn't good in this aspect.

The overall story nonetheless was good. I sure beats my writing as far as how well the story was told.

So if I had to give this a rating, I would say maybe a 3 out of 5 :pinkiehappy: smilies.

I am so sorry that negativity must exist in this fandom. One could at least be constructive about their criticism. Jeez, Louise! Personally, if I don't like something, I just don't say anything about it and move on. I think the world could be a much better place if everyone did that.
I've read a few of maxxxxxx's stories before, and reviewed them. Sure, his grammar may not be perfect, but he has good ideas and his execution isn't bad either. There's definite room for improvement, but simply going "I HATE THIS DOWNVOTE BLARGH" doesn't help anyone at all.

"Too cliche?"
"No. I read it, and found exactly the shit I expected."
Again, elaborate.

Maybe he can do better next time. It's incredibly wrong for someone to just shoot down anothers' efforts, simply because they don't like the concept.
Also, look at how recently he's been a part of this community; November 2013. How the hell is he supposed to know what's cliche and what isn't? He hasn't been here anywhere near long enough to see what's cliche, overdone or anything like that. Take all these things into account next time, before you rain acid on someone's efforts. Speaking of efforts, it's his first attempt at a mature story. You cannot expect perfection from an amateur (no offence, maxxxxxx).

3670584 thank you very much for the review and thanks for reading :twilightsmile:

If you want, I could fix up those mistakes for you. Of course however you're gonna have to re-indent the paragraphs.

3670590 I agree with this. :moustache:
Replies like "Too cliche" aren't cool at all.
Authors who have their nose stuck up in the skies have no swag and usually aren't good reviewers.

3670595 Ya, i wrote this in one go last night on about 30 hours of of no sleep and 3 monsters so i'm proud of myself for only having a couple errors . I do appreciate the off but after a good nights sleep (one of these days) i should be able to fix it up


I tend to go for the throat.

3670600 Anytime friend, enjoy your sleep and feel proud. Your story was good read. Your writing having start from November of this year is remarkable. You even have more views than I, so you don't have to worry about it being bad. Relax and snooze way friend. :ajsmug:

3670590 thank you cerulean :twilightsmile: and no offense taken. I came up with this idea with a flash of inspiration and wrote it all in one night. I really liked the idea so i went with it, I'm glad i did it in a one shot though, not sure i would have the nerve to try a second chapter

3670609 thank you:twilightsmile: good night all :scootangel:

“You don't know who I am, do you slut? I'm Octavia, and I always sit at this table and your cheap ass is ruining it for me so get lost!”

Go home, Octavia, you're drunk. I know it's hard to speak about Octavia being OOC, since her character is not established in canon, but she seemed off to me.

The flow of the story is rather poor and the dialogues, especially when Dash meets Twilight, are rather from "so bad it's good" category (I can't stop imagining Dash shouting “You hit me! You bitch!” in the most dramatic way possible :rainbowlaugh:). The ending saved it though - maybe not the "Dash and Twilight wakes up with Vinyl in bed" thing, but rather the state of the room, thongs, cat ears etc - imagining what happened there was pretty amusing :pinkiehappy:

3670647 well i'm glad you enjoyed some of it. In defense of any poor dialogue, my characters were drunk the whole time, lol :rainbowlaugh:

3670492 The bar scenes are far too cliche, but this was silly. I had fun when Twilight showed up.:rainbowwild::twilightangry2:=:rainbowkiss::twilightsmile:

3670669 im glad it made you laugh, that was my intention from the beginning more or less. Im still surprised that this is cliche? I guess it's cuz i never read mature stories... perhaps i should read one next time before i write one

3670577 My, you're quite the troll, aren't you?


Oh for fuck's sake, why is everyone going to reply?

My opinion, live with it.

3670543 Wow, dick much?

Not reading the story myself, because it's not my kind of thing. Which, you know, if a story isn't your kind of thing...you shouldn't read it and then call it shit. :facehoof:


I read it to see if it had potential. It did, and to be fair, it was... Okay for a beginning writer. The concept is fresh, but it didn't work very well.

3671017 thank you for reading and i'm sorry you didn't enjoy my story :twilightsmile:

Hmmm... Not too bad...

its pretty good


3672502 yay:pinkiehappy: and thanks for reading :twilightsmile:

im so happy :pinkiehappy: thanks to all you readers i saw this story on the main page under "popular stories"! I know it's not really a big deal but i think it's great :twilightsmile:

As soon as the next hoof was swung the music kicked up, a hard powerful rock song with bagpipes!


Equestria strong! :rainbowkiss:

3677177 that's what i had in mind :rainbowdetermined2:

This story was fucking awesome, It just had everything I like!

Comment posted by Dark_Rosin deleted Jan 4th, 2014

...and you have your 49th like.

well..... this was.... how do i put this... different.
kinda on the fence with this one really.
i just have to say one thing. Dash is the element of loyalty, she would never do something like this...
but again it is just a fan-fiction and what not.
not gonna give it a down vote or an up vote. just passing by.

3742607 i didnt write this with the intention of being in character, i was actually going to put a disclaimer saying just that, i wrote this cuz my other stories were really sad and then this song came on the radio and i wrote it all in one caffeine and alcohol fueled night

Your story has been officially graded a Dirty Opal by The Gem Hunters.

A few overused elements, such as angry Dash and Twilight, and the presence of grammar errors, though no real noticeable spelling errors. Props to not actually doing a sex scene, though. The picture you set up at the end was easily the saving grace of the story, histerical and leaving anyone reading wondering "What the hell happened?" Nice conclusion and overall good job.

This was so awkward to read...

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