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Guest Author Week: Cloud Kicker/Diamond Dog by Fixit Wrenches

After several hours... okay, minutes of howling and creaking noises, Cloud Kicker stared up, scowling at the ceiling. Her partner shifted, rolling over to face her.

''Pony, good doggy style!'' The Diamond Dog said, wagging his tail under the blanket.

Cloud scooted away from the Dog with a look of disgust on her face. ''No, get out, you mangy mutt!'' Picking up a newspaper, she swatted him on the nose. The dog scampered out of her house, and she got into her shower to wash the smell off.

''Ugh, never again,'' she muttered into the water. ''That's a rule.''

Author's Note:

Thanks go to the wonderful Fixit Wrenches, who under another name will be working with me at the one and only BABSCon!

And with that, we find ourselves at the end of guest author week. I've let Super Trampoline go. I believe he and I have reached an agreement and put this little "misunderstanding" behind us. Enjoy more stupid ships from the author now!
~Her Royal Majesty, Peruser of Actually Decent Literature and not This Putrid Crap Princess Twilight Sparkle

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