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50th Chapter Special Part 2

It was early Saturday afternoon, and ponies and a few non-ponies were trickling into the town hall. Twilight was pacing nervously because that's what she does, but she was quite happy to see the writing samples she had sent out were horrendous enough to actually convince ponies (and non-ponies) to show up. The fact that nopony (or non-pony she again reminded herself) wants to disobey a princess might have also had a hoof in the high attendance. Fortunately, Super Trampoline lived in Ponyville and didn't seem to know too many individuals outside of the village, so travel was not a disincentive for many. All in all, things were going smoothly. She was Twilight Sparkle, she was a princess, and she was NOT going to buck this up!

She did however, as a door got ripped off its hinges, question her decision to invite the hydra. Oh well. The creature didn't seem to be eating anypo-- anyone. She wondered whether some of her other more curious invites would show up: A diamond dog representative, Queen Crysalis, and King Sombra among others.

She looked at the clock: 2:01. As much as it pained her to not start on time, she knew lesser people were not as chronologically well-adjusted as she, and she snorted in impatience. And waited. And waited. And waited.

Darnit, it was 2:05. MORE than enough waiting. It was time to address these ponies people who were definitely not all ponies.

She stepped up to the microphone she had borrowed from Vinyl Scratch, and addressed the crowd:

"Ladies and Gentlestallions, I'm sure you all know why you are here already, so let's get right to business. We should form a plan of action, but first, as is the proper thing to do, I should take roll...

Author's Note:

In my headcannon, the word "people" is used to refer to ponies and non-ponies collectively.

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