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''Rarity's Pussy Tastes Like Yesterday's Garbage!'' the headline screamed.

''Aaaaaaaaa!'' Rarity screamed. ''Have you girls read this?!? It claims my pussy's fur 'feels like sandy shag carpet'!This is libelous! I wash my pussy and comb its hair every week! But now I'm never getting laid again! This is the Worst. Possible. Th--''

''Rarity!'' Twilight interupted. ''Read the rest of the article!''


''Thanks Winona!'' Featherweight said. ''This story about you chasing and biting Opalescence will make a great editorial column!''

''Woof. Woof!''

Rarity finished reading. ''Ugggghhhhh!!! Why are bitches always trying to eat my pussy?''

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