• Published 21st Nov 2013
  • 1,613 Views, 45 Comments

Burning Down the House - Lokimen

A god-like evil Spike fights Discord. What more do you want?

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Comments ( 45 )

Discord felt something that he just couldn’t define what it was, it was as if the atmosphere of the room got denser, dense enough to almost suffocate in it

Now I have yet to seen Jojos Bizarre Adventure... but this is some Bleach shit right here! Since when did Spike get spiritual pressure? :rainbowlaugh: I don't know... but I'm using that in every fic I write where Spike is a badass.

Tearing the sky and clouds apart, a giant flaming meteor descended from the heavens.

Madara Uchiha for the win. :moustache:

This was awesome, I love fics were Spike beats the shit out of Discord.

I enjoyed this greatly, but i expect steamrollers and highly detailed descriptions of fabulously manly posing in future chapters. :moustache:

Sadly there will be no steamrollers, but something much, much more crazy awesome.


I don't know... but I'm using that in every fic I write where Spike is a badass.

Don't forget the illusion of being cut in half or something like that! There's no better way to show that your character is dangerous than making him hurt his opponent with just his presence.

This was awesome, I love fics were Spike beats the shit out of Discord.

Oh but it isn't over yet, this is just a sneak peek. The full thing is gonna be 5k words.

Now I have yet to seen Jojos Bizarre Adventure

Then you should go watch it now:flutterrage:! It is awesome! They kill vampires with their bare hands, and that just part 1 of 8, things escalate from there. Heck, have the link where you can read all 8 parts.

I'm happy that you liked it:pinkiehappy:. And thanks for the favorite:twilightsmile:.

So it's finally done? I guess PETA probably wouldn't approve of this story, but that's ok. Because everyone else will.

Shame Discord won in the end, but hey, even he knew that if he didnt stop Spike in time, he would end up killing him because, as far as I could understand, Spike was stronger than him and he wasnt even a God like him, he was ascending into one, in my opinion Discord was pretty damn lucky to win that.

Yeah, the only reason why Discord won is because Spike wasn't at his full power yet. If the battle had gone for more time Spike's time stop would last longer as he became more used to it, and not only that it would get to the point were Discord couldn't even get close to Spike without being set on fire.

You got any plans on continuing this? I like this Dark Schneider-esque take on Spike a lot.

Maybe... who knows. So what does 'Dark Schneider' means?

Dark Schneider is the main character of the manga "Bastard!!". He's an overpowered dark wizard with a pretty broken powerset (i'm talking near godlike, NO U level stuff here), a lot of his spells are named after heavy metal bands. He's originally stuck in the body of a small kid, but can get released from the seal with a spell which involves getting kissed by a woman (obviously). He's awesome.

... ... Destruction is part of chaos

I always saw chaos, at least in the context of the show, as the power to modify reality. If you look back at the Return of Harmony episode, Discord doesn't even threaten to harm someone. Destruction is different from chaos because while chaos is about changing things, destruction is about well... destroying stuff.

Destruction IS change. Besides, just because Discord doesn't harm people, doesn't mean he can't. How is time stop destruction, anyway?


Destruction IS change.

I guess. But only because chaos and destruction are tied together, it doesn't mean that Spike can't be the embodiment of destruction the same way that Discord is the embodiment of chaos.

How is time stop destruction, anyway?

Okay, I admit that one was just because I thought it would be cool:derpytongue2:.

Well, no... but it means Discord would always win in the end.

Honestly, Discord could of done a lot, lot more imo.

Not always. Spike was becoming a god just like Discord, so he would generally be in the same power level as him. Also, Spike was burning reality by just being there, and he had the time stop.

But anyway, what exactly are we discussing here? And more importantly, did you liked the story?

Heh.... even if it was just meant to be a random piece of fun... to many questions.

I can see what you mean, maybe I will do a sequel to expand and explain stuff... Oh well, can't please everybody:moustache:.

Admittedly, at the beginning i was kinda hoping for a sort of Emporio vs. Pucci type thing, but this is also good.:moustache:


Discord does not seem to represent everything that we consider to fall in the category of "chaos". In specific he does not generally appear to represent the force of entropy.

Change, as a broad concept, covers change to a more ordered state, change to a more energetic state, change to a more chaotic state, and change to a less energetic state. Changing into a stone statue is a change. A change that makes things more orderly can be destructive -- think of what happens when you transform water into ice. Living creatures depend on the free motion of liquid water in their cells; turning the water in the cells of a living creature to ice makes the water molecules more orderly, but destroys the cells. So destruction can come about from increasing order as well as from decreasing it.

Meanwhile, decreasing order in a way that involves the uncontrolled release of energy tends to produce a homogenized result. Chaos is the constant change and flux of a fire; entropy is the ash that's left when the fire burns. Discord is specifically about breaking categories; his fundamental nature is disharmony, not chaos, where disharmony isn't defined as "ponies mad at each other" but "things that aren't like they are supposed to be." He makes it rain pies, upside down. His body is asymmetrical and made up of multiple different animals. He promotes argument, conflict, unexpected results, creativity, humor (which is all about the unexpected) and thinking outside the box. He is not interested in entropy because entropy is what happens when chaos is done, the energy is expended, and everything returns to a homogenous state; he is interested in the flux of active, energetic chaos and in boundary smashing. Thus it's as much within Discord's bailiwick to make dead things come back to life as it is to make living things dead, and the first is probably more interesting to him because it's much more unusual and likely to produce more surprising effects.

So while destruction *can* be chaotic it doesn't have to be. Compacting all the carbon atoms in a living being into a diamond will produce an incredibly orderly, stable result that binds an enormous amount of energy; it will also destroy the living creature that the diamond used to be. It's only chaotic in that you wouldn't expect it to happen because the amount of energy needed to do it suddenly would be so incredibly high. And while chaos *can* be destructive it doesn't have to be; there's actually nothing destructive at all, inherently, about chocolate milk rain. it'd be bad for the plants in the long term, but in the very short term it's no less beneficial than regular rain, just more surprising.

So neither chaos nor destruction are fundamentally subsets of the other. They can be closely related, but they're not the same thing and they don't have a 100% overlap. And yes, the avatar of destruction will be better at killing things than the avatar of chaos would be, so in a fight between Discord and an avatar of destruction at full power, Discord loses. On the other hand, old age and treachery defeats youth and skill every time. :-) Discord's older and much more experienced than Spike, so it is realistic to imagine that Discord could take Spike out because Spike is such a new avatar of destruction. And having taken him out, it's in character for Discord to end him, not by killing him but by removing his avatar aspect, which is a non-destructive change that violates categorization (ie, someone is a god, you make them not a god, this is a category change and not one that would normally be expected).

Wow, I honestly didn't thought that this story would get a comment like this, this was pretty good:pinkiesmile:. I think you just got yourself a follower:raritywink:.

But now I must ask: what are your thoughts on my story?


Truthfully time stop should have been Discord's bailiwick, not Spike's. Time stopping is chaotic/disharmonious/unexpected, but destroys nothing.

I could see Spike having the ability to rewind time, because rewinding time destroys all events that originally took place within that segment of time. This would be even harder to beat than time stop if the user has good control of it, but Spike wouldn't yet.

The time stop is because I thought it would be cool. But in hindsight I think the ability that I should have given was the power to erase time, it would fit with him being the God of Destruction and it would probably make the fight scenes more interesting... I should make a sequel:applejackunsure:....

But you still didn't gave me your thoughts on the story:fluttershysad:.


Dude, you said it yourself, it's a godlike evil Spike fights Discord, what's not to like? :-)

I'm a big fan of Discord, but I am also evil, so I like to watch my favorite characters get their asses kicked (especially if they do in fact win in the end, especially if it works out that them winning in the end is actually the win condition for the universe so they end up as temporary good guys). And while I've seen many fight scenes with Discord where he's essentially a cowardly baby who freaks out the moment things don't go his way (and I have to admit this is not entirely inconsistent with yelling "NO!" as you get turned into stone, but it's not my preferred characterization), I much prefer Discord being the kind of guy who has so much fun getting to go all out in a fight, he's a lot more enthusiastic about combat even if losing and much less of a sore loser, so I really appreciated the characterization during the fight.


I thought of time destruction, actually, but how exactly does that work in combat?

It's complicated... this is a good explanation of how the time erase would work. Basically, if a bullet was fired at Spike, he would erase the moment in time where the bullet would hit him, causing it to traverse through him without doing damage.

Thanks for the feedback! And I'm glad that you liked it:twilightsmile:.

Cool but god spike is nothing compared to evil spike aka seffron>>3524576

And who would that be:rainbowhuh:? Also, thanks for the favorite.

Magic of my own, a dragon egg, a planeswalker's spark, perfect teeth, a legion of supernatural enemies, more courage, more skill, to be a better writer, so pizza, something to drink, a million dollars, a beard....

Between this and your other stories I think I'm falling on love with you dude.

3525725 words may not explain... But this might

All in all, I liked this one. I did a review for your story, which can be found by following the link
Review of Burning Down the House

3523675 Time stop counts as destruction. Time was made and it cannot be stopped. Messing with time has the potential to destroy the universe.

3523675 Time stop counts as destruction. Time was made and it cannot be stopped. Messing with time has the potential to destroy the universe.

4079383 4079411



Time stop counts as destruction. Time was made and it cannot be stopped. Messing with time has the potential to destroy the universe.

Hum:applejackunsure:... that's one way to look at it.

Possibly the most ridiculously awesome story to ever grace this site.

What an incredibly arrogant statement to put in your story description. Guess I'm never reading this thing...

Wait, really? I'm sorry if it came out as arrogance but that phrase just appeared on my mind as the perfect tagline for the story, in fact I didn't even realized until you now that that sound arrogant.

this really was awesome(in maud's voice)

Make a sequel where Discord is 'reformed' and changes Spike into God Spike and fights him again in an areana of something as strong as bedrock in Minecraft. make another chapter with celestia talking to the mane six and discord about how she found him and have discord or someone send spike to another dimension that is threatening and have him destroy it

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