Rainbow Dash finds Spitfire shortly after the Grand Galloping Gala, and is invited to spend a night at a nightclub with the Wonderbolts.
Fanfic writer, gamer, and whatever other labels I'm forgetting.
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A great fic I must say!
you know I did not see that coming, and feel that this story can really go a long way, I would love to read more of this and as soon as I can at that. please keep up the great work.

i f@#%&*# hate spitfire now but still nice story / i like the ending the other person put
really would like to see more of this
1.Play this song at dancing part: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suRsxpoAc5w&list=FLXP9-ujJNMzysV0ei0XuqcA&index=22&feature=plpp_video
Y u no write more?
Writing is hard bro
No offence, but this view of Spitfire makes her look like a damn right bastard!
Good to know she has REAL friends! 
Poor Rainbow!
Aaaannnddd now I hate the wonderbolts, great story by the way
Thanks, but uh, any idea where all these comments and views are coming from? This is a strange surge.
69063 What i think has happened is that people have looked at the REA posters, looked for Spitfire fics and then, poof
But is there anyway you could make a turning out good Dashfire fic?
(there is a bit of a shortage of them)
I doubt it'll happen anytime soon, too many other plans.
Why does it seem like everyone's decided that Spitfire is a complete bitch who will tenderize poor Dashie's heart? Instead, kisses
If it wasn't for the fact I suck at grammar, I'd make a story about Rainbow Dash and friends going full blown cupcakes on that bitch!! (Awesome story btw, you did a great job)
I remember reading this in EQD. This is pretty good stuff!
I remember reading this and thinking, "NO! SPITFIRE ISNT MEAN! AAAAHHAHGA
And so I went and wrote this.
So thank you, NinesTempest. Thank you for the inspiration.
I have no words, but I'll just say that I'll read it now.
No problem man. I'm happy that I made you write stuff.
Im bad with words right now.
I would really like to comment on this fic again, having done so before but I will say that I'm happy an argument hasn't broke out this time about the impossibility of it all.
I clicked on the extended ending. Fuck you, Spitfire!!!! You're a mean, little bitch with a fucking badass aditude who used Rainbow for your sick minded game. Fuck you Spitfire, fuck you.

210487 Don't hold back, tell us how you really feel.
This was really well written, but I am not a fan of your portrayal of Spitfire.
Don't get me wrong, I really liked your story, and if Spitfire wasn't a bitch mare your story would not have worked. I'm just biased because DashFire is my favorite ship
Keep up the good work though, I love your work
This isn't exactly my headcanon you know either :P Just part of the story.
I know
I just have a thing for happy endings
Not entirely sure why
Like I said, you wrote an awesome story and you got five stars out of me
Love it. The DashFire ship, an then that beautifully realistic yet cruel twist certainly made the story just that little bit better than the rest of the DashFire stuff out there.
Although Im much more into the happy happy Ships, i find this one much more entertaining and fun to read, and gave the characters a brilliant necessary third dimention. Particularly Dashie. I hope to see more from you in future, this was excellent. Now excuse me, off to read the extended ending :D
Just read the extended ending.
Best. Thing. EVER.
Hehe, glad you enjoyed it.
That was...cruel.
LOVE the extended ending.
Extended ending or not, this needs a sequel.
Dude, that was brilliant. But come one, it can't end like that. Please, for the love of Celestia, write a sequel. PLEASE!
It shall be written eventually, do not worry.
Spitfire is a bitch in this one. Now I have to question whether Soarin' acts the same way, somepony who doesn't mind "commoner" food should be pretty chill, right? dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/sillyfilly_Rainbow_Dash.png
i hate to admit it. but this seems like the way spitfire would actually act.
You know that I'm keeping you to this, right? I shall have my sequel!
993837 WHOO!!!
Well, what a twist.
I did not expect that at all, it made my heart pang with sympathy, but that's what good writing is all about after all. Well done!
Okay, all the ponysona's in me are all screaming that they are going to kill this realities version of spitfire. well except the pony lich who is just going to torture her while preventing the pain from killing her... but she is sadistic to anyone who pisses her off...
All that hurt... But great story though!

Has this sequel been written yet?
This was great! I loved this! It sucks that Dash had to have her dreams destroyed but, it made for a great story! I look forward to reading more from you in the future. Keep up the great writing!
Also, I think that you forgot to add a bit of a "sad" tag.
A sad tag would spoil the mid-point twist.
Also, there is not a written sequel yet. At this point, it probably will never happen.
I understand how the sad tag would ruin the twist in the middle but, why no sequel? There is a ton of potential for a sequel and I am sure that you would make it great.
I am simply busy with too many things right now. Maybe in the future, but I do not know at this moment.
I totally remember this one!
It was one of the like 2 good DashFire fics out at the time. Yeah, this and one other one are what made me want to see more of this pairing, even the sad ending.
I remember wanting more out of these two, something a bit happy and a bit sappy, so I came here, and I began writing.
I really do owe you a bit of thanks for that my friend! I probably would not be enjoying things here as much as I do if it hadn't been for this story!
I'm glad I was able to inspire you get into the craft! It's always good to hear things like that. Thanks!
Wow, that was a great story, albeit alittle sad
Wow, what a bitch.
Adding it right now!
Very well done. This was a good short story though short and sad was well writen and enjoyable. 5/5