• Published 27th Jun 2013
  • 7,371 Views, 173 Comments

Immortal - The Grimm Reaper

A white wolf has been spotted in Equestria. Who is he and how is he connected to Princess Celestia?

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Part 2 - Chapter 4

I knew from the beginning that my relationship with Abbadon would be... difficult. It started out as a rivalry, and grew into something more. Our escape from the facility gave us nothing but a ruined world. Our plan to take over the nearest human settlement went smoothly enough. There was resistance at first, however an external source aided in our initial takeover. Humanity had created so many movies relating to the supernatural, the minority being the most likely; zombie apocalypse.

That was the world that had awaited us beyond the confines of the Facility. It took us months to piece together what we could. What with the humans vying for protection from their zombified counterparts, and the travels to and from the facility in search of information on our Projects. We learned that we were augmented to be a counter-offensive against the apocalypse. The Mutagen was derived from the same virus that struck the human populace several years prior to our capture. Facility databases informed us that we were all placed in cryogenic stasis for a period of ten years. I was the last of the untainted subjects they received before the virus spread like wildfire. We were forgotten for a time before the General and the Doctor discovered the facility the year before we were awakened.

Ten of each animal were placed in the project. Only Two wolves, one arachnid, one goat, three horses and a black panther survived. The eight of us were the only successful subjects. The variety of animal was to help determine which augmented species would best serve to quell the undead forces. Turns out none of us were fit to do so. We turned on our so-called masters and became free to do as we pleased.

In regards to the settlement, we eliminated the authority figures first, then worked our way down the ranks until we arrived at the civilians. For a time we were at a crossroads; we could either kill all humans within the settlement, but that would make us no better than the zombies out for their flesh and blood. Alternatively, we could protect the humans and fulfill the wishes those at the facility had for us. Abbadon, Sombra, Discord and Chrysalis wanted to destroy them for what humanity had done to us and the world they once ruled. Celestia, Luna and Shaiya thought differently. They believed that every species deserved a second chance.

I knew better than to give them such a lenient judgement. Humanity knew they were bringing the world to its knees, yet they pursued their own goals regardless, pretending not to have heard the obvious signs. Even as a pup, I learned from my peers that the world wasn't right anymore. The seasons were sometimes backwards. Snow in the Summer, heatwaves during the winter.

With that in mind, I gave out another option; let the strong thrive, and the weak perish. We would neither aid, nor attack them. Let destiny decide their fates. Some found the idea to be sinister; others thought the same but in a good way. And so we watched humanity slowly dwindle under the might of the zombie horde, like mice searching for the cheese that was their shelter while being chased by proverbial cats. We were the spectators, like the General and the Doctor before us.

It was interesting watching humans fight to survive. Their baser instincts often kicked in. Generally it would be a man, no family, no-one to love him, he would grow insane with fear and snap at the smallest of things, whether it be a faithful man praying or an infant crying. Sometimes, they wielded a weapon. Those around him would watch until at least one person was killed by him before retaliating. It wasn't until blood was shed by these insane men that the rest of the herd would consider him or her no better than the zombies hunting them.

We made no moves to stay out of sight from either the humans, nor the zombies. Some of either race would attack us, but we evolved beyond their attempts, thanks to the Alpha Gene. Instant regeneration was a useful tool in our dominance over the land. A human would shoot us with their feeble weapons, or a zombie would take a chunk out of our flesh. By the time either the bullet went through, or the chunk was removed, the missing parts of our bodies would be replaced before the human could fire again or the zombie could swallow.

Over time, the humans learned to ignore us and the zombies learned not to eat us. We were poisonous to them. What little sense they had left went into that knowledge. So we remained spectators. The settlement had only a small handful of human survivors left. Paranoid and starving, cannibalism was inbound within a matter of weeks. The humans would become the zombies one way or the other.

Their contingency plan was one of both shock and to some extent, respect. They proved my prediction wrong when they were on their last legs. Four humans; a man, a woman and two girls, one a teenager, the other just short of thirteen. They'd huddled together around something I never thought I'd see. The man held the code for the detonator to a tactical nuke. They took the entire compound with them. I thought we were going to die then and there.

Fortune favored us as we realized that not only could we shrug off bullets, but we could also absorb the radiation from nuclear warheads to further our own evolution. Physical changes began to manifest in all of us. The horses' manes were replaced by what looked like an aurora for Celestia and a rip in space and time for Luna. Sombra had become more masculine. Discord's face became warped, the iris on his left eye enlarging while the left one shrank. He then began to grow a snaggletooth. Abbadon began to look less like black panther and more like a black saber-toothed tiger. Chrysalis had turned from a plate-sized arachnid into a horse with an abdomen. Coral green hairs covered her body and indentations formed all over her legs. Shaiya's fur began to grow strange markings, almost like she were a wind spirit, the intricate details under her eyes, over her shoulder, along her flanks... And I... And I... I became the true Shiroyami!

Shaiya once said that although I was all white, I had a little bit of darkness in me. How right she was. Two black lines starting from my nose reached out, grew over my eyes and ended in a converging point at the back of my neck. On top of that, my fur felt rougher, harder even. That wasn't all that had happened to me. I never told the others, but I felt a piece of me die afterward. A piece of me that cared about the difference between right and wrong.

It took close to a century for what remained of Humanity to turn on us. With each radioactive hotspot, our being would alter in some way, shape or form. By the time the last war of Humanity broke out, Celestia and Luna were Pegasi, Sombra had become the first Unicorn. Discord was... Discord, Abbadon had turned into a cross between a dragon and a cat. We liked to call him a Hellcat. Chrysalis had become the Changeling she was today, only her leg's weren't completely hollow. The indentations were just short of connecting. Shaiya had grown larger, enough to match Celestia. I myself had grown larger still. Coming just above the Pegasus' head. Not only that, but my hard fur had grown even harder. They were like scales.

Throughout the war, we thought we might die countless times, but we never did. We gained a little insight into our strengths, but more importantly, our weaknesses. The Pegasi and Unicorn were good at combination attacks. Sombra's use of Telekinisis worked as an effective shield against ranged weapons while the girls' aerial attacks worked well to distract the enemy and have them waste their ammunition.

Discord was the first one to warp reality beyond telekinesis. He'd learned to teleport random objects, which he used to crush our enemies from above. Abbadon's speed was beyond what the naked eye could follow, yet we could follow it. Though Shaiya and I were of the same species, our evolutionary progresses were so dissimilar. Like the others, Shaiya's abilities were more physical, while mine were mental. She'd learned to fuse herself into the ground, and the trees, and the rocks, virtually any natural substance. I myself had learned how to put the fear of their god into them, through my icy gaze. I would come to call it Spiritual Pressure.

Comments ( 31 )

And humanity is no more next chapter.

Comment posted by camooni deleted Jan 29th, 2014
Comment posted by The Grimm Reaper deleted Nov 11th, 2016

3860263 how can bacteria turn into every living thing on this planet?

Yay! An update!

3861099 you're right that bacteria can't become viruses or fungi, I think (though viruses are an iffy case; we're not sure if we can classify them as alive, they're just bundles of malicious genetic code in a protein capsule, that.... I'm getting off topic), but everything else? slight variations on the genetic code upon asexual reproduction that may result in a more beneficial position for the bacteria, thus leading that bacteria strain to grow and reproduce more successfully until other colonies are dwarfed in comparison or die out from lack of resources.
subsequent generations may gain more and more variations, to the point that multicellularity and symbiosis with other structures (our mitochondria in our cells used to be a separate bacterium, I understand) are optimal strategies for survival, and then we get into structural optimisation to better suit the locality the cells are in, adaptations for aided mobility (because a big blob of cells will easily use the resources around it quickly and unless it can move it may die), leading to fish-like progenitors, or ancestors if you prefer, that through those selfsame slight variations of the genome will continue to adapt to its circumstances with each reproductive cycle.
eventually, the individual might manage to make its way onto land, or eventually air, to claim the resources there. as niches in an environment become capitalised upon, the population will boom; only one individual will have moved onto land, let's say, so will have no predators or competition for resources, so will flourish dramatically. as the cycle progresses, more and more adaptation occurs, spurred on in part by predation, or the "weaker" ones being killed off by predators, making the "stronger" ones more prevalent. variation continues at the same rate, but fitness increases the chance of the "stronger" ones procreating.
of course, this process is a very long-winded one, considering the life-spans of these individuals, and can take millions of years to show noticeable change.

welp, that's a very basic summary of biological history and evolution. I had to sit through four hours of this sort of stuff most days of the week as part of a biology diploma. if that was too much (tl;dr), then the only thing you really need to take away from this is:


3934206 Bacteria has been recorded (somewhere, nonetheless it has been) to have de-evolved and re-evolved, tweaking it's DNA and RNA to shift it's evolutionary 'code', so to speak, which in theory allows it to become anything.

Science believes that a meteorite containing dormant bacteria (Micro-Bacteria?) hit our planet either during the late stages or after the cooling of molten Earth. Due to the nutrient-rich surface, this bacteria thrived.

Then, Dinosaurs happened. It took hundreds, if not thousands, of billions of years to get to this stage, however, so it was quite a slow process. Thinking about it, bacteria is the most evolved species on our planet, as they've been here since the beginning...

But, back on the topic of evolution, splicing genetic codes is too alien a subject that even we don't know the effect of DNA alteration on evolution. Cats and dogs can both trace back to the same ancestors, however long ago it was.

Birds technically descended from species of raptors. Evolution doesn't care about rules.

I Love that pic U got for this story. are they suppose to be wolf spirits or wolf mages?

4419396 They may as well be gods.

What the guy below said.

O need tje updates

I just wanted to make a really big message

update soon:ajbemused: can't wait for next chapter good job:twilightsmile:

alright it's been like 9 months sense you've done some thing to this story. so riddle me this what takes nine months to do. absolutely nothing besides giving childbirth........it all makes sense now you'er planning for a cretin some one to have a child it would make sense if that is what you meant to do because if it is than i can for give the long time you made your loyal readers wight time wise. me i'm new to your stories and i like this story so far and what i proposed would make a good excuse. so thank you it you acutely read this and listened to my little rant so as they say the story must go on! in other words i'm saying that you need to update soon to be continued... i hope

This must go on!!

OH CMON! I finally found something great to read aaaaannnnnnd it is probably on haitus goddammit....

i was having a fun reading that and now theres no more i is sad

Oh c'mon! Why is such an original story on hiatus? You definitely should write that one out. Pretty please :fluttercry: ?

The pic on the story's main page is simply perfect IMO. Kudos to the artist.

Is *sniffle* i-is the story d-*sniffle* dead?

7509695 No. Asleep, maybe, but I will eventually get back to this.

No we wait. Also Would love to see his reaction to going through the Mirror

Same with me I finally find something good and it is on hiatus or cancelled

Hello from 2019. Still no new chapter. Calling this amazing story dead. So sad. It always happens to the best ones.

Ah, shame such good idea is now cancelled, although the author still writes...
8 out of 10 — such strong and memorable idea!

To clarify some things — Chrysalis will welcome Shiro same as Celestia or Luna did— with battle.... probably even with her army of changelings...
As for Shaiya, there is a plot twist — she HASN’T DIED! The “dark thing” (or whatever you call it) did it (left fake Shaiya’s skull) on purpose to make Shiro insane :)
If you would like to read similar story (ooor maybe know some parts how some chapters could be written) check out “Those left behind” by “the7savior” on this site...(it’s a good dark story, but with much darker atmosphere than here)

All in all, I hope someday author will continue this story...

Any plan to continue this?

Can you please continue this story.

Could you do us all a favor and either delete this story, post the next chapter, or list it as canceled!!??

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