• Member Since 5th May, 2016


Lover of Adult Foal Fics and ADBL Pony stuff.

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Mark Atlas is a pony explorer renowned all across Equestria for his exploits, but everypony has to start somewhere, right? When he was too young to join Ponyville's branch of the Equestrian Exploration Committee, he was a socially awkward, eccentric colt that preferred to do things alone. That is, until he met an unexpected pony while exploring the woods one day.

Part of a planned series that follows the life of my main OC. Rated Teen for some drama and violence in later chapters that might be too traumatic for younger readers.

Chapters (9)

Princess Cadance stood quietly, calm, and wearing a patient expression on her face. Across from her, standing bow legged and fidgeting uncomfortably was Chrysalis, former queen of the changelings, wearing nothing but a diaper.

Contains diapers, diaper usage, and spanking. Please don't keep reading if you disapprove of any of these themes.

Cover Art By SkitterPone

Chapters (1)

When Twilight first comes to Ponyville, she was excited to interview Derpy regarding her husband. The mysterious scientist Dr.Whooves has invented time travel. However, it seems for the past five years; he was reverted to a newborn foal every year on New Year's Eve. It's a mystery that he's kept hidden regarding the details on why this occurs to him. Twilight intends to figure out the story and get every last detail. However, the truth is more revealing of how the universe works beyond a silly story of a great scientist turning into an adorable foal.

Cover artist: Pridark

Chapters (8)

Celestia always was a bit of a prankster. During Luna's first birthday party back from the moon, her older sister leaves a prank gift in her room. Both sisters are rather amused.

A fluff piece really, she just put on the attire.

Chapters (1)

“The real question is, why would anyone send us pooltoy versions of them of all ponies?”

“Ah think the real real question is, who in their right mind inflates a pooltoy before boxing it up in the mail? These big boxes are expensive.”

The CMC get a special delivery to her clubhouse, part of an elaborate magical prank by Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon and Babs Seed.

Tagalong story (and expansion) to a trio of commissions I got from The Furry Railfan.

Not a clopfic, but I won't pretend there aren't a lot of kinks involved in this.

Story includes pooltoys, pooltoy tf, inflation, partial inflation, possession, partial possession, reality alteration, light hypno/mc, silly outfits, diapers and general silliness.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to The Haunted Nursery

Thanks to a dare by Rainbow Dash, the Cutie Mark Crusaders end up going to the Haunted Nursery to be taken care of by the nanny for the evening. It turns out to be pretty fun for them.

Chapters (1)

In the magical land of Equestria, hidden high up in the Foal Mountains, was a small town called Poofquestria. A silly name perhaps, and one you wouldn’t be able to find on any official maps, as only half whispered rumours even hinted at the town’s fabled existence. This ensured that only those actively looking for Poofquestria would be able to find it, a small safety measure given the town’s unusual founding principles...

Fair Warning: This fic will contain diapers. Very, very, very poofy diapers and the lives of the ponies who wear them in this odd little town. Idea is heavily inspired by the works of the amazingly talented artist Kurikia on Furaffinity.

This fic will also have no update schedule of any kind other than "When I feel like it".

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to The Royal Foal Wedding

Twilight is forced to go back to the past as a foal with Dr Whooves to save herself from being regressed into a foal forever. However, things won't be as easy for Twilight as Starlight Glimmer has some tricks up her sleeve and the two unicorns are sent through various timelines. Without Dr Whooves's time machiene Twilight now has to find alternate ways to escape these timelines to get back to the future. She can only hope nothing in her timline gets ruined.

Chapters (7)

Apple Bloom has been told time and time again not to play with her ball in the barn, but on a rainy and boring day, she finds it too tempting. When her ball causes a disaster will she be able to fix it?

Contains: Disciplinary Spanking. Don't like, don't read.

(Fetish tag here by mod request. Don't let it chase you away from the story, nothing of a sexual nature occurs within.)

Chapters (1)

Luster Dawn and Potion Nova have been dating for some time now, and their relationship keeps growing stronger and stronger the longer they spend together, especially whenever they both engage in a rather odd part of their relationship in the comfort and safety of Potion Nova's home.

Warning! Story will contain diapers, F/F ship, platonic cuddling and cuteness.

Chapters (1)