• Member Since 18th Apr, 2015

Burner Man

Wanna know what happens after a controversy fades away? Absolutely nothing, because it's gone.

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Adagio Dazzle prefers things the way they were. Twilight offers a glimpse of what they could be.

Chapters (1)

Oriole has a problem. She can't stop eating stallions.

Rarity has a problem. Her new friend can't stop eating stallions.

Twilight Sparkle has a problem. A stallion-eating monster has moved into her town.

Spike's just glad he's not a stallion.

Chapters (1)

Choosing an apartment to live in is important and requires good planning. Location, needs, cost, a lot must be taken into account when looking.

One girl looks to her animals and peace, hoping to have a quiet, fun time with her friends as she goes through high school. For her, the apartment is cheap, comfortable, allows pets, and is close to school. Perfect!

The other is looking to take over a high school, enslave everyone inside, and bring war to another dimension all in the name of proving her mentor wrong. A small, cheap apartment near the school to plan in is all she needs.

Fluttershy really should have met the neighbors before signing her lease...

Set during the year leading up to the first Equestria Girls movie.

Edited and proofread by the illustrious and enigmatic Crowscrowcrow.

Cover image made by baekgup

My entry into the Sunset Shipping contest.

Reviews of the story here, here, and here. :pinkiehappy:

Royal Canterlot Library interview here.

Chapters (1)

Work work work. That's all Sunset cares about. She never complains, but what truly lies inside the young woman's heart? Will a close friend be able to break the walls built around her? Or will she never know what Sunset really feels?

My entry to:Sunset Shipping Contest 'Changing Seasons'
Couldn't have down it without; Shrink Laureate

Appearance on EQD Sep 25

Chapters (1)

Chrysalis knows the world is a simple place. There's people who have power, and people who don't.

Sunset Shimmer is about to make things complicated.

Earned second place in Oroboro's Sunset Shipping Contest: Changing Seasons.

Chapters (1)

His friend pointed her out. He was looking around and spotted an orange rainforest in a busy group of people. And after he started staring at it, he couldn't stop.

And then he found himself sitting across from the girl with the really big hair. Was she angry? Was she upset? He had no idea, he couldn't stop staring at her hair.

Read the story that inspired this story!

Dazzled by Pennington Inkwell. It's a lot better than my story, and deserves a lot more likes than it does.

Chapters (2)

Like everyone else you know that retail sucks. Working retail sucks, working fast food sucks even more. So when you see Adagio sitting outside of her job, looking at the ground, you figure why not take a chance to talk?

It's a chance to start something new, a chance to see where it takes you, and besides, she looks like she could use a friend, or at least a chance to blow off some steam.

Chapters (2)

Adagio Dazzle takes a moment to remember her fellow Dazzlings and reflects upon the girls’ changing nature.

Chapters (1)

The Dazzlings, broken and powerless, have been reduced to mortal beings. Now, without their jewels, their future is uncertain.

When Sunset asks the three of them about their past and how they got where they are, they do the only thing they could do:

Tell her everything...

Chapters (1)

(Set in the Equestria Girls universe)

After an argument with Aria, Sonata set's out to find a summer job and prove her friend wrong that she can get a job, and keep it! After a day of having no luck with finding employment, Sonata tries her luck at one last place...

Moe's Southwest Grill!

Chapters (2)