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A mix of strange circumstances means that Gilda and Gallus are not spending the holidays in Griffonstone
"enjoying," or rather surviving, the Blue Moon Festival. Instead, they are in Equestria for Hearth's Warming. Can Gilda put her griffon grump aside to enjoy a more wholesome holiday? Maybe she can with Gallus's help.

Written for Teofilo for Jinglemas 2023

At Teofilio's request, Gilda and Gallus are step-siblings in this story.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to COLOSSAL Chrysalis

A few weeks have passed since Chrysalis had reformed and turned over a new leaf after having her time in the spotlight as Equestria's resident Titan. The spell book with the original growth spell has lost it's magic, the growth ray the Changeling hatchlings, Chip and Chirp created, had overloaded and blown up, and now everyone thought the whole Titan debacle was over and that no more Titans will tower over Equestria again. Right? Right?

Yeah no. This is Equestria. Nothing is ever peaceful for long.

Big Macintosh, having once previously been a Titan himself, had been shrunken back down to normal size after consuming a hastily made potion created by the Princesses Celestia and Luna with Twilight's help. But little did they know it had only mutated the wild magic within Big Macintosh, increasing it's potency. His earth pony magic had been risen to an absurd degree, giving him a massive control over nature as well as the size magic he had previously been struck with. Now, giving him full control over it's capabilities and allowing him to manipulate the size of himself or anything he wants with practically no limits. Here is an anthology series of Big Macintosh being his lovable self, living his life in Ponyville while trying to keep his magic a secret from everyone, due to their fear of Titans and at the same time, learn more about this mysterious macro magic he had been gifted himself.

Chapters (3)

Celestia, princess of the sun, and mare of the morning is in dire trouble. Her long running prank war with Luna had resumed ever since she had returned from the moon, and since then, she's been on a loosing streak! And of course Luna is always there to rub it in her face every step of the way. But while she was looking through some of Twilight's old letters on friendship lessons she's learned, Celestia has a sudden surge of inspiration on how to prank Luna back. And she'll need Zecora's help to do it.
And if her plan goes well, it means Luna will get knocked down a few pegs, or several in this case. And then, she'll have to contend with her extremely big sister!

This is my end of a trade with Tsitra360

Art by Tsitra360

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to MEGA Macintosh

The mighty Queen Chrysalis has failed to conquer Equestria so many times, so she decides it’s time to go back to basics; crush her enemies underhoof. And how will she do it? Literally. After swiping the spellbook from the forest she constructs a growth ray using the little bit of leftover magic residue in it and some of her own hive’s supply of love to power the ray. She fully intends to grow into an unstoppable titan and finally conquer the kingdom. But unfortunately, like all of Chrysalis’ plans. It’s going to go wrong. Though not in the way she intended. And who knows, there may be a lesson for the Queen to learn at the end of this.

Contains Macro/Micro

This is the final story in the Titanverse trilogy

Chapters (7)

Pharynx is getting tired of all the silly games and activities that the Changeling hive now does. He's starting to feel like they are completely abandoning their warrior ways in favor of being all cutesy and adorable like the ponies. And he won't have it! Which is why he wants to test his little brother Thorax and see if he's really the king he things he is now that he's implementing all these changes. If he fails the tests then Pharynx will surely convince him to convert back to the old ways! How hard could this be?

Gift for Tsitra360

Contains Micro/Macro

Chapters (1)

Specialist Sunflower, an ordinarily sized member of the Royal Guards, enjoys a day off work by the suburbs of Manehatten.

Tags (by chapter):

  1. macro, growth, extrajudicial law enforcement, too much plot and not enough Plot.
  2. macro, tuft cuddles, property damage, unsolicited romantic advances

No vore/farts/gore/deaths/explicit stuff.

Chapters (2)

When Nyx woke up to find Twilight missing, she must release her inner detective and find her mother
(Nyx doesn’t have a cutie mark yet in this alternate universe)
Nyx belongs to Pen Stroke
First of a series
(Cover image created by SuperSamYoshi)

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Detective Nyx: Origins

When Rainbow Dash goes missing around the same time a temple appeared in the Everfree, it's up to Detective Nyx to bring her back.

If you haven’t read Detective Nyx: Origins yet, read that first

Chapters (4)

Mr. Maple is a quiet syrup-making pony whose never done anything exciting in his life. In fact he's never gone 10 miles from his small family farm (though can it be called a family farm when he's single?) or the town of Quiet Meadows. And he has been satisfied with that... until now. The urge to see some of the wonderful sights in Equestria grows in his heart and Mr. Maple decides to take a vacation!

He'll ride on a train! See the sights! Buy souvenirs!

Topple criminal empires! Save beautiful damsels! Alter history itself!

...not that he'll realize he's doing any of that.

Its a comedy of misunderstandings and miscommunications that will see the most simple of ponies change the destiny of Equestria itself.

Chapters (2)

Vicereine Puissance has ruled as one of Princess Luna's richest and most powerful nobles for fifty years, but not even her uncountable wealth or legions of followers can save her from old age. As her health begins to fail and the doctors tell her there is nothing they can do, she rejects the suggestion of Luna and others that she should retire and spend her remaining time with her family. Instead she decides to solve this problem as she has solved all others: by drawing upon her stupendous resources and vast political power in order to obtain the one remaining thing she wants: the immortal, ageless life of an alicorn. But while she thinks she can afford any price, the journey she sets out on could prove to be far more costly than she had ever anticipated.

Lunaverse story. Setup for Golden Horseshoes.

Chapters (6)