• Member Since 26th Jul, 2012


Aspiring Actor, Writer and Director. 100% Brony. I will love you all, as long as you treat me as you'd like to be treated.

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The Equestrian Inquisition have taken Twilight Sparkle for questioning. Usually, they would be deliberating over how they might conquer the strong princess's mind and force her to confess, but this time they have an ace up their robes.

They happen to be aware of her rather strong affinity for chairs.

Inspired by a certain scene in Triple Threat, as well as the Monty Python sketch of the same name.

Chapters (1)

One of Fluttershy's worst fears has been realized: Gilda's back in town, and once again the little yellow Pegasus is the target of her ire. Due to past events, it seems logical that Fluttershy would be scared to death this time around. But Fluttershy's a different pony, and Gilda's about to find out how different.

Just as Fluttershy is about to find out, after quite a bit of roaring and screaming, just how different Gilda is deep down inside.

Chapters (1)

It wasn't the first step that caused a problem for Zephyr. It was where those steps led. This is a story about how I think the episode "Flutter Brutter" should have ended.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy never thought she would be called "Cute" before. Now that she has, she doesn't like it one bit.

Chapters (1)

Every pegasus in Cloudsdale dreams of becoming a Wonderbolt, colts and fillies alike. All parents reinforce it, saying, "Wonderbolts study hard, Wonderbolts practice every day, Wonderbolts look both ways before crossing the runway." The most dedicated and brightest ponies make it eventually.

But they don't tell the reserves about the traditions the main team holds near and dear.

Nor do the reserves tell the main team of their previous experience with certain nicknames.

Spitfire remembered when Rainbow Dash had told her the story of her old nickname, "Crash," and how it effected her performance in Ponyville as a result. So now she goes to see why another up-and-coming reserve member threw out his badge on his first day.


Written moments after watching the episode, "Newbie Dash," and based off of a true story.

Chapters (1)

Department Memo:

Starting on Monday the 26th, our office company will be offering an optional "Pony Break" available daily to all employees for stress-related purposes. If interested, please leave your availability with new company employee Fluttershy at your earliest convenience.

Twenty-two to forty-four minute meetings available upon request.

Chapters (1)

Parcel Post, the long-missing mailpony who delivered Discord's ticket to the Gala, staggers into work to explain where he's been. Spoilers for "Make New Friends But Keep Discord", but not serious ones.

Chapters (1)

Soarin and Braeburn's son has an odd day. Can he survive bad jokes, dad puns, and a wrestling match over the "#1 Dad" mug in the kitchen cupboard?

Inspired by a conversation with Poptard. Go shower him with strawberry Poptarts and/or Doge GIFs if you enjoy this story. Or if you hate it. Or just because.

Thanks to ajvasquezbrony28, Marshal Twilight, Poptard, Pyrotechnic, ValorlordV5, and Sir Rustbucket for editing.

Rated Everyone.

Chapters (1)

Octavia is looking for a new home in Ponyville and decides to check out Vinyl's available space. Of course, she would happen to come to town right when a major storm's about to hit, and that storm would drop a whole tree on Vinyl's home. Seeing their situation, Fluttershy kindly offers them shelter.

That might not have been the best solution. Can Fluttershy help these two musicians get along, or is a new storm about to form inside her cottage?

Takes place at the same time as the Season 1 Episode, Look Before You Sleep.

Pre-read by Mercurbee (formerly Mercury Gilado) and The Bean.

Third place entry for Skeeter the Lurker's Switcheroo! contest.

Cover art used with permission from Bukoya-Star

Now featured on Equestria Daily!

I am surprised and flattered to discover a new audio reading by Scribbler Productions!

Chapters (1)

After Celestia takes her flying chariot to Ponyville to have an important talk with the new Princess Twilight Sparkle, she teleports back to Canterlot... leaving her charioteers behind. Unsure what else to do in the wake of this improbable, nay, highly unusual, nay, nay, impossible event, the two pegasi have a conversation that leads them to some startling revelations.

Chapters (1)