It wasn't the first step that caused a problem for Zephyr. It was where those steps led. This is a story about how I think the episode "Flutter Brutter" should have ended.
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I noticed one or two mistakes but I liked your take on this episode.
Thank you for the read silvadel!
What were they so I can fix them? And you are welcome.
I do like the point that there are no easy answers sometimes (I had this problem with other episodes, too... only Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer got extensive care, and that's because they were a threat).
The headspace is certainly understandable, though in their world I don't know how common it would be. I'm unclear whether one aspect is the genuine feelings of the author or the author being very very good at getting into the character's head: the fact that, while saying he blames himself, he doesn't quite get WHY he shouldn't be 'mooching', for lack of a better word, off his parents. He's taking advantage of them and using them to avoid moving along himself, which isn't healthy for any of them. Mind, I doubt he'd have fully realized that (and we see hints that he didn't), so in that sense it's a good bit of writing.
The gang also failed to actually consider what his real talents were: avoiding work and manipulating others. There ARE places where that is useful, and unlike in our world where arbitrary degrees often form effective barriers to entry, it would probably be feasible in equestria. Either put him in touch with flim and flam, or on a Dilbertian note, management. Middle management is all about getting people to do things they'd rather not do, or would rather do slower, largely by annoying them into it. I think he'd be good at that, and he might enjoy it.
His hairpiece at the end also wasn't very good... I don't know that that was the best of ideas, there.
I also think his explanation of not wanting to follow the crowd was meant to be viewed as an excuse, in the context of the episode.
And you know, in the case that the earlier mentioned bit was the author's own views, you don't HAVE to find fulfilment in your job. There are other things in life. Heck, in a few generations, automation may mean a like 90% unemployment rate for the simple reason that most of the human race won't NEED to work.
Good story, I think this is one of those episodes that prove the story is getting more adult at times while staying in family-friendly territory.
As for myself, it depends on the metric. I am self-employed, but I certainly am not an Applejack when it comes to getting things accomplished, and my work is tangential to my education/skillset. So while it was somewhat easy and in some ways a little painful to put myself into the mindset of Zephyr, I have never been anywhere near as far gone as he is in the way he is -- close enough to be able to write from there though.
7278540 Good to know. I was hesitant because I've seen the other side of it. A certain set of relatives had real concern that an elderly relative would be unable to support herself in her old age because of her subsidizing of one of her children, who was far too much like Zephyr. Things more or less worked out (...if someone being partially paralyzed by a stroke and going on disability can be called 'working out'), but there was a definite potential for a cascade effect of financial hardship across a large number of people.
I also thought later on one point I'd forgotten: he tried to get animals to dye cloth. It's not a great solution, but it's a creative one. An automatic cloth dyer, say driven by animals on hamster wheels, could actually work. He'd need to partner with an engineer to actually implement anything, but he has decent ideas sometimes.
I also remembered Rarity ALSO didn't want to be making the same thing over and over again... but of course, he doesn't know that (probably). Also, his original hairstyle is something I can see a punk rocker wearing, so he may well have a niche market. The problem in our world would be getting to that point, but he's got connections to a princess and a top designer, so it should be manageable.
I also thought of a more amusing way of saying the management idea: managers often have to trick or annoy people into doing things for them, though they call it "motivation". XP Do you think most employed WANT to go to motivational seminars? No, but it makes them appreciate the days they DON'T have to go to them! :P
...I'm rambling but I don't really have enough connecting ideas to make a story out of them, so I'm venting here. XP Might copy and past this stuff somewhere else later.
BTW, while I did eventually figure it out, for awhile I thought ". If it wasn't a good representation of myself then I never could have earned it." was written wrong, because on my screen there was a line divide that led to my brain skipping over part of it.
I was thinking that during the episode. BTW, what was his cutie mark? I couldn't make it out.
7279318 I can't tell if he is destined to be an author or a surfer?
A feather caught in a wind gust. It is more like Zephyr is meant to drift. I guess he could write travelogues.
7279348 I think those two swirls are meant to represent wind, not water. And his name is 'Zephyr Breeze' which I believe is to be symbolic of the fact that he 'breezes' through life not doing very much... Not even having a shave apparently.
If it were up to me, his cutie mark would be a black sheep... Because that's what he seems to be in his family.
Wow. This is actually a great piece of work. I think it captures Zephyr's mindset really well.
A nice take on the episode.