• Member Since 28th Sep, 2011


Just a random Brony

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Oh no! Calamity strikes when Petunia Blue finds herself stuck on a cloud!

What will she do? How will she get out of this one? Did she finally bite off more than she could chew? How could a simple, inconspicuous earth pony find herself in this situation?!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Triptych

There are those who say that a mark is a portion of the soul made visible to the world. That the mark is destiny, and so cannot be denied. Equestria has existed under the influence of marks for all of its recorded history, allowing the ever-changing tide of icons to guide the way.

But it could also be said that every system contains the seed of its own destruction.

There is one who believes destiny is nothing more than a trap. And there is nothing she will not do to make the world free.

(Part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group. New members and trope edits welcome.)

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

This story is a direct sequel to Triptych. Do not read it unless you've finished the original.

Chapters (41)

Several months ago, the little fillies now known as Lilac and Firefly first arrived in Equestria. Despite intense effort, they've found no hint of a way to return home, or to take back their humanity.

That would all be bad enough, were it not for the dark town they've found themselves in--Willowbrook is strange even by Equestrian standards, the domain of a faceless cult that worships dark beings and hates the Equestrian princesses.

In the coldest part of the year, the two have few connections left to the homes they left behind. Maybe together they can find a way to bring some light into the deepest darkness of winter.

This story was written as a silly little side project for Sisters of Willowbrook. The characters here depicted are meant to be in their first year in Equestria, fairly early in that story. If you haven't read it, you probably should to make sense of this one.

I wrote this for Bitera at some point, but it took a little while to finally make its way here to fimfiction. Just in time for another festive season!

Cover by the awesome: mellodillo.tumblr.com

Chapters (3)

Magic is real, and Derek is on the verge of unlocking its secrets. It doesn't matter that his best friend doesn't believe any of it, he'll still go along to his first real spell. Unfortunately for the two of them, the magic works a little too well.

Soon they're taken to a strange new world of supernatural horses, a world where intrigue and spellcraft are interwoven to an inescapable prison. An mysterious cult dedicated to the worship of the ancient Alicorns has finally brought two of the ancients back from banishment. Their spell didn't quite work out; they definitely expected the Old Gods to be a little... older.

If the two former humans want to have any hope of seeing their old world and old bodies again, they'll have to make quite an impression to their secret worshipers, or else find themselves at the mercy of the same Alicorn sisters who took over Equestria all those centuries ago.

That's only where their problems start. Growing up as a little pony in a town like Willowbrook might be the greatest challenge they've ever faced.

Updates on Saturdays. This story was edited by Bitera and Sparktail. Cover by Zutcha.

This story was commissioned as a Patreon reward.

Chapters (79)

Advances in science and magic had detected the Anomaly – a star in the heavens that was unlike all the others in the night sky. Intense research had only served to deepen the mystery. Although Equus had a vibrant space program, going forty-two light years to investigate had been considered impossible until now. The Cosmic Lotus program was born, and over a hundred crew-members of multiple species were sent into the void to discover the unknown. After a journey of years, what they would find would both amaze and terrify them.

The prequel to this story is the "Ad Astra" arc in the story – "Life, Love, and Death in the House of Path".

This will be a crossover story with my "Chakat Universe".

Chapters (43)

Five of the youth of House Path are abruptly whisked away by the enigmatic Doctor Whooves, and they find themselves in a Ponyville that they can scarcely recognize. A tyrant queen rules Equestria, alliances were never forged with Griffonia and the Changeling Hives, and three of the group had never been born! Someone has changed history, and it's up to them to figure out when, how, and who did it, or Equestria will suffer, and the rest of the world along with it.

This is the direct sequel to "The Growing Years" and "A Different Perspective", and I advise reading those stories first.

Chapters (22)

This story is a sequel to Foreign Affairs

Twilight Sparkle's fascination with ancient runes began when the Cosmic Lotus encountered the portal to Chakastra deep in space. Years later, Violet Woods and Chakat Tigerbright discovered the control devices for the portal and the complex runes that enabled them. Studies of those runes by Twilight and Tigerbright have led to exciting new magic, but for one young griffon, it has opened up previously undreamt possibilities.

Sequel to "Foreign Affairs" beginning soon after the birth of Tigerlily.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Mark My Words

One moment, Caleb was strolling in the cool evening air of the Las Vegas desert, then a rogue portal dumped him into an Equestrian desert and left him stranded in an unfamiliar universe. When attempts to return fail, he has to start his life anew. Willow Branch, a sympathetic earth pony mare, offers to help him learn the ways of his new world.

This story is a spin-off from "Mark My Words", chapter – "Unexpected Company".

Chapters (27)

This story is a sequel to Beginning Anew

Prince Mark Wells' interdimensional business with Earth is expanding into new locations, and those require managers with knowledge of the existence of the magical nation of Equestria. Several men and women are selected and introduced to the new world and each must learn how to cope in their own ways with the culture shock.

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to Mark My Words

When the Triarchy of Princess Trixie, Princess Twilight, and Prince Mark took over from the missing Royal Sisters, they made many changes. Most were for Equestria as a whole, but some were in Canterlot Castle itself. Under their more informal manner of ruling, unusual characters and events livened up the Royal Castle behind the scenes for the most part. These are vignettes of some of those people and their effect on those around them.

Chapters (4)