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The Mane Six failed to defeat Discord. The Friendship Reports Celestia tried to send back were all hijacked by Discord. For 10 years Discord has ruled Equestria in age of endless chaos and insanity. But then, the new Dragon Lord shows up in Ponyville, the Chaos Capital of the World, to beat the Draconequus down in a one-on-one fight unlike any that has ever been seen or will ever be seen again.

[NO gore, only a little blood]

Chapters (3)

The Shadow Empire has risen, peace in the galaxy is in danger, only the Jedi Knights can stop them, but sometimes the teachings of a Jedi are not the most appropriate, but a young boy with green hair will learn that not everything is so simple, but he will be determined to move forward to find peace in the galaxy, and will take down anyone who stands in his way.


And it will show us a different vision of the Force

Chapters (2)

Feeling down in the dumps? Feel like you're not good enough for anypony? Didn't work it out with your former lover? Don't fret! Princess Cadance is guaranteed to make things clear and reveal your destined partner! Just drop-by at the Crystal Palace, and she will do the rest to summon your perfect guy/gal. If by all means, she failed her task, you could be entitled to a compensation of 20,000 bits upfront!

Come down to the Crystal Empire and get your perfect partner today!

*Must be over 18 or accompanied by a legal guardian to qualify for a session. Offer not valid for residences of the Kingdom of Griffonstone.

Chapters (4)

A solar storm is raging across Equestria, the weather is going wild and magic is going haywire everywhere...
...and three fillies are sneaking through the most recent addition to ponyville, Twilight's crystal castle, looking for cool artifacts.

Unluckily for them, they find what they're looking for.

This is my third story, and second halo crossover, on here and I'm going to attempt writing it in first person, criticism is appreciated since first person is hard.

The cover art is made by Johnjoseco, I colored it in.
Source: derpibooru

Hope you guys enjoy!:twilightsmile:

Chapters (27)

This story is a sequel to A Himbo Too Far

The common cold; enemy of mankind and ponykind alike. Shining Armor has faced many such colds in his lifetime, but when his newly-minted boyfriend Flash Sentry catches it, it feels like the end of the world. Shining Armor flies into the fray to protect him, commanding troops and royalty alike, and it's up to Flash Sentry to tell his boyfriend to chill out, dude!

This is a sequel to "A Himbo Too Far", but all you need to know from that story is that Flash Sentry and Shining Armor are in a new relationship, and that Shining Armor is in a marriage of convenience to his equally-gay childhood best friend, Princess Cadance.

I had a request for more of these two being silly and cuddly himbos, so here you are! Written for the M/M Contest as well! Just a light, silly story about two boyfriends, and some fun with the classic 'someone gets sick' trope!

Chapters (1)

Shining Armor just doesn't know what he's going to do with Flash Sentry! He's always getting into trouble! It seems like every patrol something goes wrong, whether it's getting blasted by a frost giant, or getting stuck up a tree with the cat he was supposed to be rescuing! Shining Armor would be more frustrated with him... if he wasn't so hopelessly in love with him. But Flash is straight, and so Shining Armor is left to pine alone, comforted by his gay wife. Oh, right; he's married, too!

But when Shining Armor finds out that Flash Sentry has gotten in over his head far more seriously this time, he races to the rescue; but what if everything is not what it seems? Will Shining Armor be able to come to terms with his feelings? And just how dumb is Flash Sentry?! Find out, in A Himbo Too Far!

Written for the M/M Shipping Contest, just a light and fun story about two silly stallions falling in love!

Chapters (1)

When some of Applejack's cows overheard offhand comments from Applejack and Starlight Glimmer about how everypony are equal, they felt like it didn't apply to cows. After what they wanted as a raise was rejected by Applejack, the cows went on strike.

Later, with Equestria experiencing a milk shortage, some other "things" mysteriously decided to back up the cows and join in the strike, causing mayhem. And that was in addition to those, including princesses, who were...unpleased with their lack of milk.

Lastly, this story was commissioned by yakopak.

Chapters (2)

Being a princess of Equestria is not all cake and mediation. Sometimes sacrifices must be made for the greater good. Princess Luna has to make a difficult choice, but it's for the best... isn't it?

Chapters (1)

The Tree of Harmony loomed large before Gilda.

This was her one shot.

Taking a deep breath, she began her case. "Harmony, I have come to bargain."

Featured 8/19/2021 - 08/23/2021!

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia attempts to hunt the most dangerous game: man. Her assistant wants more than anything for her to get back to work.

Artist is lovelyneckbeard

Chapters (1)