• Member Since 9th Apr, 2019


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David had a decent run of things in Equestria for a while now... A house, decent job doing silly little precision tasks that took the average pony waaay longer to do in exchange for some bits... Semi-frequent home-invasions...

Waking up to his- very dead- phone blowing up, and a Princess knocking on his door, out of breath and desperate, he has to figure out exactly why she's shown up.

Or more accurately- why she's now chasing him. Preferably after he's booked it, and no longer feels a mortal fear from the sheer insanity that was on his phone.

Such is life for human David.

I had the inspiration to write this just by seeing the image (and wanting to make myself write more/post more) and originally it was going to be an Anon- but then I had a funny idea.
I gave myself Edgerunners PTSD. And I couldn't fit the joke in well. It was not worth it.
... At least I got more third person practice!
Therin lies the sunk cost fallacy, and my desire to write more third person.
Ah well, I had some fun with the banter, so worth!

Give Icey some love. Peak funny arts.
Obligatory Ko-fi beg.

Featured on release day, and got to 1st at that. (Also apparently featured on EQD-) Thanks to y'all for enjoying my silly horsewords, to this day. :raritywink:

Chapters (5)

In the magical kingdom of Equestria, Rainbow Dash, the brave and daring pegasus of Ponyville, finds herself caught in a whirlwind of events after saving a royal family of unicorns from a brief accident. As a result, the royal sisters decide to make her a princess for their brother, causing her life to take an unexpected turn.

Will the prince be able to win her heart, or will the special bonds she shares with the charming Soarin determine her destiny? With the weight of responsibility and expectations on her shoulders, Rainbow Dash embarks on a journey of self-discovery, where she will confront her true feelings and must make decisions that will define her future in the kingdom of Equestria.

Chapters (15)

Princess Cadance, determined to make Hearts and Hooves Day special for her husband Shining Armor, finds herself torn between royal responsibilities and romantic aspirations. In a daring move, she enlists the help of Twilight Sparkle to take on her regal role. As Twilight navigates the intricacies of royal duties her brother decides to surprise his wife, too...

Hearts and Hooves Day writing contest!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Ghosting

After the events of Ghosting, Soarin's family has settled down into a fairly regular routine. Dash has mellowed out, Haze isn't always so combative with his mother anymore, and Prism is still obsessed with his favorite toys: the Roboknight model kits.

A new movie is coming out for the Roboknights franchise, and unfortunately for Soarin, the rest of his family wants to see it.

Contains spoilers for Gundam Seed: Freedom

Set in my 'Bright Future' universe which diverges from canon after season 4.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to An Apple Sleep Experiment

It’s been seven years since the great massacre, and ponies are still trying to cope in the aftermath. Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship, and her friends (minus one obvious apple) are preparing for the annual memorial, when an unexpected castle guest threatens to disrupt the peace in Ponyville forever.

This is the OFFICIAL Sequel to my previous story "An Apple Sleep Experiment", both of which have audio/visual adaptations on Youtube! For the sequel, it will be in four parts, linked here:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Chapters (7)

After the wedding of Shining Armor and Cadence in Canterlot everyone was having a good time. But I wonder something. What if little Spike had feelings for the loyal Rainbow Dash? Let's see how that turns out.

This was requested by ChazMLPFIM. And credit his friend FireBoltPug for the art that inspired him.


Chapters (1)

As she's alright with her normal life, Applejack got a surprise visit from her long lost cousins, The Oranges. But something seemed a little fishy with them and they're interest with her.

And now under they're control, She is now Orangejack, a self absorbed, Snobbish, rich Brat who's a very, VERY Rotten Orange! Can her friends snap her out of it to become they're Sweet loving Applejack, or will she be a Rotten Bratty Orangejack?

Story may include: Brainwashing, Bratification, Snobification.

(Just for record, Chisa Yukizome(Cover Art and from Danganronpa) isn't in this series! It's just funny!)

Chapters (3)

Twilight gets a full time job since she is in massive debt, the bank threaten to take her house away, and the Mafia is on her tail, she finds a job on the internet as a cashier in Sugarcube Corner, ran by Pinkie Pie. As the days and nights go by, Twilight notices sinister things happening all the time and notices her co-workers dissapear.

Will Twilight stop who ever is doing these sinister things? Who is behind these sinister things?
Read to find out!

Thanks to God for helping me write this.

Chapters (3)

A simple story between Equestria's resident human, and a certain cyan pegasus mare.

I just felt like doing something short, sweet, and simple. :heart:

Art Belong To: iloota

Chapters (1)

After no longer being needed as much in the Crystal Empire, Sunburst moved to Ponyville to assist his friend Starlight Glimmer with her work at the School of Friendship. Being the new guy in town, Sunburst understood that he wasn't as familiar with Ponyville or the creatures that live there as most of the locals. Still, a couple of children running around with what is obviously a robot pretending to be a filly is a strange sight no matter where you're from.

However, when he mentioned this robot to Starlight and Rarity, they acted like they had no idea what he was talking about. Surely he wasn't the only pony in town that could tell she's a robot, right?


Chapters (1)