• Member Since 9th Apr, 2019
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


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DAAE 2.5 ceases to exist · 1:32am July 10th

Guys, your attention please, but is anyone here a Clopfics writer? I have a friend who is looking for a writer who continues with this work, it could be his opportunity to shine in this medium.

Unfortunately my life is going through important changes and I will not be able to continue with this story, at least I cannot follow the appropriate Storyline for the creator of this due to my other projects, so I will only capture my own version of this universe.

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Report V-H-SClop · 104 views · #DAAE

GUYS!! I need your Help! (READ THE DESCRIPTION) · 5:55am Dec 31st, 2023

Hello guys!

I know this will sound weird, but I need people obsessed with fat butts, Orcs and of course...Dashie.

Why did you wonder?

To create an RP and Stories like Rainbow in hell or :), it might be fun to share ideas about Rainbow Dash and the orcs.

What kind of ideas?

The ones you have in mind that involve Dash and the orcs.

For example:

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Report V-H-SClop · 321 views · #RP

In search of this story "A Gleaming Transformation" · 6:27am Apr 22nd, 2021

Hello, many may not have realized it, but someone has the link to this story clopfic? It was a Shining armor R63 (Gleaming Shield) where he catches a thief Who sets a trap for her and they transform her into a Bimbo, in the end she ends up with a broken mind, someone who has the link of the author or the related work?