I'm already feeling wistful. · 8:50am Nov 7th, 2016
Not related but if you haven't already, read my previous blog post that will likely answer your questions in a maybe true manner.
I was a scrub at being a homeless jew and now I'm reinventing myself. No longer am I NTSTS the shitty mod, or (((darf))) the greedy plagiarist, for I am DarfsydePhil, here to save your souls.
Not related but if you haven't already, read my previous blog post that will likely answer your questions in a maybe true manner.
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2337060 Imagine if it turned out to be the real Darf.
2337060 Oh. Explains some of the weird behavior. Odd day today.
2337046 He impersonated darf, and did so in a really shitty way. I caught him in a lie, as shown in his blog.
EDIT: Whiiiiiich looks like the mods deleted haha. Probably for the best; he made an ass of himself lol.
2336794 WTF happen?