• Member Since 3rd Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Just your average brony who enjoys writing stories.


This story is a sequel to Pound and Pumpkin Tales 1

Pound and Pumpkin had quite a year with their six year old selves, dealing with bullies, fearing storms, running away from home, solving friendship problems, and making friends. What awaits them in their seventh year?

Chapters (108)

This story is a sequel to Pound and Pumpkin Tales 2

Ponyville is invaded by strange bug-like creatures, like a flying spider-scorpion. When Pumpkin is pushed to her emotional limit she awakens a special power to help her help others just like her heroic brother.

Pound and Pumpkin Tales is my longest running series, going on almost 3 years and 9 months at the time of this writing. I planned to end the series long before this, around the time the twins got their pets. That's nearly half the story. However, ideas kept coming and I liked the idea of the never-ending story, so I kept putting off the finale. Now that their sixth year has wrapped up I've decided to put the finale in it's own story, as a bit of an alternate continuity, before we continue on with Pound and Pumpkin Tales 2.

Chapters (11)

Everyone has a special place to be on Hearthswarming. With the Cakes away visiting family Pinkie feels she's perfectly happy watching the happiness of others, but when she's forced to return to Sugarcube Corner she wonders if she's the exception to the rule.

Coverart and fanfic inspiration based on this comic:

Chapters (1)

You Are Normal Too shows the story of Derpy overcoming past heartache to find happiness in the present. Her relationship with her first lover is told in bits and pieces, but this goes into far greater detail about them coming together, breaking apart, and her life afterward.

Reading this first can give greater insight on the mental struggles Derpy goes through in the story, but this story is told in an abridged form in chapter 2 of You Are Normal Too, so there's no spoilers for the main story.

Link to the main story.

Chapters (13)

Set right after the conclusion of the episode "Maud Pie," Maud reflects on her life and how important Pinkie Pie was to her. She thinks of how she grew emotionally unavailable, and how hope can be beautiful as well as tragic.

Chapters (1)

Filly Pinkie has just come from her latest sensational party. Hyped up with energy she decides to go for a walk before going home, when she happens upon a scared pegasus huddled in a bush. She had fallen down from Cloudsdale earlier, as she had once before.

Pinkie Pie slowly gains Fluttershy's trust by being friendly and respecting her boundaries, and the two of them become fast friends. As Fluttershy falls asleep Pinkie keeps watch over her until her family can pick her up. Having never been too close to a pegasus, Pinkie gets a little TOO interested in the extra appendages.

All inspiration for this story comes directly from this comic: https://derpibooru.org/377?scope=scpedd0a897b87ab38133e505fc8d895b9d387bc2b8e

Chapters (1)

Note: This story was conceived of long before the second EQG movie was created, so it's a bit outdated compared to later information that emerged. It just took me a long time to finally write it.

It should have been a simple affair. Wait for the portal to open again. Apologize for the past to Celestia. Move on as friends. Sunset Shimmer has been waiting for the opportunity to make amends for her past misdeeds, having learned of the magic of friendship from her new friends. She wants to deal with her regrets and right her wrongs.

She never expected that things could go so horribly wrong in two days. It should have been simple, but a discovery of a familiar dark artifact renders things more complicated than she could have ever foreseen. All she wanted was the power to protect her friends from their enemies, but now she is the enemy. Can Twilight Sparkle and her friends save Sunset Shimmer from herself a second time?

Chapters (24)

Dinky has always known her mother was a little different from a lot of ponies she met. Her eyes went in different directions, but this never bothered the filly until class bully Diamond Tiara began to mock her mother, setting Dinky into a rage. Because of a misunderstanding both mother and daughter believe the other doesn't like them anymore, and they try to make amends towards each other. In doing so Derpy reveals her regrets from the past where a cruel stallion broke her heart and left her alone and pregnant.

Will Derpy be able to overcome the past to find happiness in the present?

Coverart taken from a comic by doubleWbrothers. http://doublewbrothers.deviantart.com/art/Normal-371395121

Chapters (20)

A mysterious plague runs rampant in Ponyville. Many ponies are sick, and some have died. Attempts to find a cure are unsuccessful. Sweetie Belle can't think of anything to do to help her sister, until she remembers the one being least likely to want to help out: Discord

Discord is uninterested at first, until Sweetie Belle blabs in desperation that she knows where Rarity keeps her Element of Generosity. Now she has an impossible decision on her hooves.

Will Sweetie Belle truly put all of Equestria in danger to save Rarity's life, or will she be able to find another solution?

Chapters (16)

For a change of pace the mane six have their pony-pet playdate at night. Since they all have their pets with them the topic of conversation quickly latches onto the origins of how each of them got their pets.

Chapters (3)