How did Pinkie Pie come to live at Sugarcube Corner? Fresh off the success of her first party she heads off to increase happiness in others, and finds a struggling shop to aid.
Set a few years into the future, six year old Pound and Pumpkin have a lot of growing up to do. They fight and make up, make mistakes and learn lessons, and love and protect each other as much as they get on each other's nerves.
The Apples and the Riches have had a good relationship for a few generations, up until Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara. What is it about Apple Bloom that makes Diamond Tiara so mad, and can they ever reconcile their differences?
Scootaloo's life starting from an attack as a baby, her adoption, and growing up through her struggles with her wings, culminating in a final race against her lifetime idol to show her worth.