Zecora has been missing for months and Fluttershy is starting to get worried over her striped friend. Against the advice of others, she sets off alone to Zecora's hut, deep within the Everfree forest.
Now join me readers, as we delve into the world of Equestria and and watch the friendship of these two mares grow into something much, so much more.
But what happens when their dark pasts are revealed and they learn that sometimes, you simply can't ignore the nightmares.
(PS: This is a collaboration project between Ezio Dementay and LunDashScratch with the help of Vozzlefox.)
Tracking...That is all.
definately tracking, this will be interesting.
Alright this is just to interesting to not track!
You should make it consistent whether 'zebra' is capitalized or not -- I would say 'not' -- and remove the apostrophes from the plural 'zebras'.
I like this. :3 Mostly for the uniqueness. Zecora doesn't really get written about, let alone shipped, so this a change. Can't wait for chapter 3 !
people please comment. i like seeing people thoughts and such.
I agree with something - this seems to be promising,
not to mention rather refreshing to see a ship that, well, honestly isn't one commonly seen.
I shall be waiting for the next chapter~! c:
i still love reading it again even after reading it when vozzle sent me it orriginally and im still giving it the rating i would give it normally but i still faved it to make it easy to reread and im involved but my ratings for it are unbiased and it has earned that 5 stars
186302 i'm just glad that people really like this story and enjoy reading it.
i'm macking the next chapter now so.... yeah i'll see what happens.
Zecora X Fluttershy? Well I am open when there's a Fluttershy shipping.
Zecora is a very underutilized character.
Great story so far.
Also Angle's name has been under cased many times, just saying
Inception? Any way good good defiantly keeping an eye on.
Good, Good but remember that these are ponies not people, just some gramma mistakes. But yeah keep going
203267 glad your enjoying the story but inception? now that i look at this, it is kinda like inception.
Excellent story! I'm looking forward to reading more.
FIRST! and loved it.
How come she keeps talking if she can't speak? She does it twice in this chapter :P
“My home is gone..” she whispered in the cold. “Everything is gone..”
“Fluttershy?” she asked, trying to conceal her crimson flush.
why is this so good
339225 I'm guessing her lungs are a tad bit clearer during this chapter.
Just as I expected, wondeful job.
Random Quote: Thats not a knife, THATS a knife.
- The Sniper from Team Fortress 2
So sweet! I love it. More please.
340427 don't worry, there shall be more... but not yet.
in a while maybe... or not.
Finnaly Ezio! A great new chapter with the coolest Zebra around
397791 patience is a virtue my friend. the longer one waits, the better the payoff.
397794 True True
397800 wait aren't you the first to comment on this chapter?
397802 Yes i am
397826 well i'm glad people like this story. enjoy the reading my friend.
lots of d'awwwww
398051 glad you enjoyed the chapter my friend.
I swear, so many of my favorite stories were updated today (this one included) i could explode from happiness!
This was an amazing chapter, SO MUCH D'AWWWWWWWW
Loved it!
Nice chapter, but I found it irritating the way you used the word "suddenly" way too much.
402162 ahh nothings perfect.
great story my friend, i would like to see more though
402421this is a great story
will you be updating it soon
530689>>480671 expect an update in the month, when i dunno.
i'm sorry, but these do take a while.
yay thank you fo answereing
533155 no problem. not many people comment on here mind you so it's rather easy to do so.
... I am assuming this is on permanent hiatus?
1787744 "laughs happily"
never beleave something is gone for good, it will return like a phoenix from the ashes...
1788261 ... Why do I have trouble believing that?
For the love of Nayru, I am writing a shipping involving both Spitfire and Zecora...
I don't need to tell you how hard that will be to pull off... And I plan for multiple chapters...
I need assistance on that if you would be so kind.
1788280 hmm sounds challenging bro...
and hay don;t worry, i promise this time, it will be off hiatus soon.
and bro, all your story needs to be is the romance needs to be beleavle, such as with scars, it was mostly a build up for the romance because zecora was injured and such.
you should do something simalar, maybe spitfires wings get hurt or something
1788304 ... I find your lack of spelling disturbs me.
It ain't that hard dude. Here, i'll show you.
"Be-lieve-able. Sim-i-lar.
Sorry, inner spelling nazi compels me to do so.
... And I will consider that idea. I'll send you a link of the story's first draft shortly.
1788334 thank you bro, thats rather nice of you.
always nice to meet another friendly writer
awww 35w and still nothing, was a nice story :9
3057192 this story will be done one day!
cute story so far cant wait for it 2 continue
161160 zecora fluttershy ship......... GENIUS