• Published 27th Dec 2012
  • 1,707 Views, 19 Comments

He came to me and asked a question - Mightyfinemorning

Discord asked Trixie a question.

  • ...

Chapter 1

I saw her sitting beside a rock, who was staring intently at the barren landscape. Her blank expression matched my impression upon the scenery I was in, which, in my opinion, failed to bring neither pleasure nor interest to the viewer.

It was getting dark. The setting sun barely left small traces of sanguine patches throughout the sky. Darkness gradually crept above the ground, threatening to consume everything in its path. Nevertheless, despite the fading light I could distinguish her in the distance. She was a unicorn with a dark grayish azure fur, wearing a cape and a hat made out of white curtains and a dunce cap. She didn't move at all for some time, and I began to wonder whether she managed to fall asleep in her current position. Only when I saw her bodies occasionally twitching did I recognize she was awake.

There were two figures walking towards her. One was a stallion wearing a doctor’s gown, and the other a mare with a nurse cap. The mare whispered something into the other’s ear, and the stallion shook his head, taking a deep sigh.

“I’m afraid her conditions have not improved, doctor.” This time, the mare talked loud enough for me to hear. There were nopony else in sight anyway, so I perked up my ear high, eager to find out what was going on.

“It is, Nurse Redheart.” The stallion sighed again, glancing at the chart he was holding. “She’s the same, doesn't she?”

“Yes, doctor. We've tried many treatments, including magical ones. I personally even asked Zecora for help. But they all didn't work. I don’t wish to admit, but there doesn't seem to be any remedy to cure her from her condition. I've came up with several theories about her state, even taking account of her notable absence of cutie-mark, but unfortunately that didn't help much either.”

How depressing, I thought, listening to the conversation. The unicorn was about a size of a fully grown pony, and yet she didn't have a cutie-mark, and from their conversation she seemed to suffer from an unknown ailment. That would've possibly accounted for her strange behavior. I was about to approach them ask a question, when I heard a strange voice.

“Poor Trixie, she thinks she is a magician. She’s nothing. In her own world she is Great and Powerful, but no, she’s just a blank flank.”

My attention immediately shifted to the new formless intruder. Apparently, it knew my name. The voice’s tone was soft, but noticeably repulsive, like that of a crook who was ready to turn her back as soon as she could. As the two ponies were still talking to each other in low tones, and the unicorn in the distance was oblivious to the world around her, I figured that there was somepony I haven’t noticed, and turned around to check if there was anypony sneaking behind me.

“That won’t do, my dear Trixie.” The voice became a whisper, pinching my ear just before scattering into echoes.

Behind my back there were nothing except the dull scenery consisting of rocks, pebbles, desolate ground and fading sky. The voice was coming from somewhere. But where? The landscape stretched till it reached the horizon. There was not a soul in sight, except the three ponies minding their own businesses, who did not yet realize I had been watching them for a while.

“Do not worry, I mean no harm. At least not here. I just came to ask a question to you. Trixie Lulamoon, it would do you infinite good if you answer.” The voice chuckled, and I was left under the solid impression that the voice was threatening me with its thinly veiled hospitality.

“And the reason would be?” I continued to look around, relying on a vain hope that the source of the voice might appear any second. I took a quick glance to the unicorn and the two watching her just in case, but they were still engrossed in whatever they were doing. In fact, they now seemed to be frozen in their current position like stone statues.

“They are now beyond your concern, Trixie. You should pay attention to me. You see, it makes things go smoother.”

“Oh?” I said, suppressing my confusion and trying to figure out what it has just said. “Who are they? Why are they here? Why am I here?” I hadn't noticed till now, but it was strange, actually, to find myself in this place. I tried to remember what I was doing here, but I felt a thick haze was inside my head blocking my attempt to do so.

“Oh yes. Yes! Very smart of you! Of course there has to be a reason for everything! But first things first, you’ll have to do something for me. Then all will be fine.”

I said nothing in response, contemplating on what the voice has just said. My horn did not detect any kind of magic at work. I initially thought some kind of magic was at work here, but turns out such was not the case. Then what was it? A voice coming from an empty space was enough for me to feel slightly nervous.

“So here’s my question. Take your time, for I can wait more than possibly you could imagine. That I guarantee. Well, if time runs out then you’ll eventually think of something. That might be an answer.” The voice spoke again, interrupting my pondering.

“You haven’t even told me the question.”

“Are you interested?” It must have sensed my nervous state, for the voice took a more playful tone. “Strange, don’t you think so? Where is this place? Hmm, how about this? I will tell you once you answer my question. A win-win situation for both of us. What could go wrong?”

“Fine.” I said, almost in desperation. The voice’s proposal strongly reeked of it saying ‘I’m hiding something,’ but I felt I didn't have much choice in the matter. My musings had failed to provide me with any reasonable explanation, and I thought I had much more chance accepting the voice’s offer.

“Splendid! Now I think it’s good to intro—“

“Let’s get straight to the point.” I cut off the voice’s ramblings before it could further. I wasn't about to give it the impression that it could do whatever it wanted to do.

“How unfortunate. That’s not for you to decide, my dear...”

With a puff smokes surrounded me. I waved my hooves to clear my sight, and then I saw something. In front of me there stood a strangest creature I've ever seen. It had two different horns, one a deer antler, and the other looking like a crooked unicorn horn. Its long snake-like body had limbs that resembled parts of different animals. I picked up at least a lion’s arm and a griffon’s claw. One mismatched fang sprouted from his mouth, and a white goatee beard dangled from his chin.

“Discord?” I nearly gasped.

“How kind of you. You know my name!” He snapped a finger, and I winced, expecting his chaotic magic to take its effect. Fortunately nothing happened, but it did leave me fairly startled.

“I thought you were supposed to be sealed?” I stepped back, thinking what would be the safest distance for me to take without appearing suspicious. I've heard what happened the last time the Spirit of Disharmony was set free, and I knew it wasn't pretty at all.

“Wait! You know my name! This must be the force working to make things easier for both of us. Please, tell me how you know me.” The Draconequus smiled, only making me to suspect what devious scheme he was planning behind his meek face he had put on. “Tell me, I beg you! Did the magic of this world whisper my name to your ears? Did it? Or perhaps the great force that spawned every world touched you for this very special occasion?”

“You were supposed to be defeated by wielders of the Elements. It wasn't hard to obtain the information."

“Ah, you mean Twilight and her cohorts. Oh well, you were bound to know. Anyway, don’t you feel sad, actually? The Great and Powerful Trixie couldn't do that.”

“If you’re here to trick me with your words, then I’m afraid you’re mistaken. Trixie has-I have-settled the issue with Twilight.” I frowned, hoping my message was clear to him. “Besides, you could just force me to follow your game. Just a little touch and everything will be over to me. You don’t even have to mention Twilight’s name.” It was a dangerous game I was playing, but bluffing or not it wouldn't have mattered to him.

“Of course not! Didn't I tell you I was here to ask you a question? Though I have to admit, it would be truly entertaining to see you under my influence. Trixie the scion of Disharmony. That would make a great story! Oh well, that’s enough for now. As you say, we shall have to get straight to the point. You see, this was the whole reason I was freed from my seal: to ask you a question. Now think about this: what if the world you knew till now was, and will continue to be, just your imagination?”

I thought I could never be this surprised since the two little brats brought me a real star-bear in front of me. I had to admit I was wrong. He was joking, right?

“Oh, don’t pretend you didn't hear me. I shall repeat it just for your sake. Actually, let me explain it much better. What if this ‘reality’ you believe in is actually not real? It was just a dream! It was just a poor pony’s imagination! What if your life was like that? What if your whole life was just a lie?”

“What are you talking about?” His sudden enthusiasm succeeded in startling me even more, and I took a few more steps back.

Ignoring my confused face, he continued. “ You've seen that unicorn talking to herself. She didn't have any cutie-mark. A doctor and a nurse have to take care of her. She thinks she is a greatest magician over whole Equestria, but it’s just a delusion that has taken hold of her. What if I tell you that’s real Trixie?”

“I’m right here.” I answered. Maybe because he said it so casually, but it took me some time to realize that he was directly referring to me.

“That’s what you think! What if I say that you ARE that unicorn, trapped in her own small world? What if everything you believed in was a lie, everything all but your imagination? You’re so skilled with your illusions. You can manipulate reality, to a some degree. You call yourself a magician. Surely you know what’s real and what’s not? Or is it?” He waved his hands excitedly. “Splendid question, don’t you think so? Are you not surprised?”

I stood there dumbfounded, wondering if he was serious about what he has just said. I knew the answer. I had to think, to render my ideas into a coherent answer. It was all but a dream? NO. I really hated that very notion. It was a lousy excuse, a cheap trick, and an irresponsible statement, all three combined.

Whoever first came up with such a ridiculous idea deserved a swift kick in her face. Okay, maybe a kick to the face was a bit too much, but it just made me so angry to see anypony daring to use the phrase ‘It was just a dream.’ Was that all one could come up with? Just an imagination? All was naught but a dream? It was a plague to be avoided, making everything meaningless.

It dishonored the powerful force of creativity. Magic tricks, spells, and illusions. They imitated the real world. They were nothing without the reality to compare to. They were derived from the firm foundation of reality. One had to start somewhere. The Great and Powerful Illusionist needed to have a basis to expand upon her tricks. Thus, there had to be one solid reality.

“Is that really your question?” I raised my voice a little, half feigning interest and half genuinely amazed. “I expected the Spirit of Disharmony to be more cunning and deceitful.” I scanned his face, but all I could read was the smug look he was putting on now.

“ Didn't I tell you before? I just want to listen to your answer. Yu’re the perfect candidate. You are a magician, Trixie. Tricking others is your specialty, eh? What if the world’s tricking you? What if you’re a blank flank pony trapped in her own domain, thinking she’s so Great and Powerful when she’s not?

“What a dumb question. Isn't it obvious?” I was probably scowling at him, almost forgetting what he could do to me without me ever realizing.

“Good!” He grinned, easily ignoring my stare. “I knew you would come up with an answer. Tell me, Trixie. Show me what you've got. I mean, I suppose it is a really disturbing notion… what if everything you did was, in fact, nothing? You never did anything. It was just your pitiful imagination. I know it will be hard to admit, but you shall have to face it as I brought up the topic. And I want your answer, Trixie. What shall be your reaction?”

“That’s it? You just want to know what I think of your question?” By now I was fully amazed of how the whole situation had developed. All he wanted was just my answer?

My mind kept telling me he was up to something, but he nodded his head. “Oh yes, Trixie. I just want to sate my curiosity. That’s it, as you say. That’s it.”

“In that case, I shall answer your question. First of all, I think my life can’t be just a dream. It just can’t happen. As you know, I’m a magician.” I began to speak, realizing he could do whatever he wanted to. I was probably better off following his request for now, as I was still intact from his influence.

“Go on. I’m listening.” He said, moving his large body to rest itself upon the ground.

“You know what I've learned while learning my tricks? Reality is not something you can recreate. I can only imitate a tiny fraction of it. I don’t know how to really vanquish Ursa Major. So during my show I must improvise. What does the beast look like? How do I beat it? What spells should I use, and how many times, in what order? I don’t know. I just imagine. My magic shows don’t tell the audience everything. They are left to fill in the gaps,”

“The world is so complicated, and I can never truly understand all of its elements. When I ‘recreate’ from the real world I omit lots of things. It’s like a story. A story doesn't tell everything about the world it creates. You too, would only include what you think it’s important. And that’s why this world can never replace reality. This place I’m in right now, it’s your doing I’m here, right? Reality is far more complex than this one. Everything that consists of the place is too artificial. A lone unicorn alone in a desolate wasteland; she thinks she’s a magician. Too typical. Reality doesn't work like that. There is always an element of surprise there. This world is too small. The wasteland lies beyond the horizon, because you couldn't think much beyond after that. There are only three ponies in this world. There’s a blank flank unicorn, a doctor, and a nurse. What are their stories? Why are they here? What made them at their current situation? Did you think about that? They only exist for you to make me wonder who they are. That’s their only purpose. No wonder. It has been limited to confine me. It has a special purpose: to fool and make me answer your question. So, in short, no, this world can’t happen. I can never be that pony. It is this world which is a dream.”

“An interesting theory you have there.” He clapped his hands a few times. “I take that’s your answer?”

“Yes. That’s my answer to your question.”

“But how shall you prove it?”

“You didn't ask me to prove it.”

“Ah, good one!” He snapped his finger, and I instinctively closed my eyes, fearing for the worst. “Why so scared? All I wanted was your answer. You needn't to be afraid. And nicely done, I guess. I suppose it’s time for you to wake up now.

“So this was a dream after all?” I decided to hazard a guess.

“Oh, indeed! How am I supposed to talk to you while I’m still a statue? My dear Tia’s sun is always on time, Trixie. You will wake up, I guarantee.”

“This feels very anticlimactic.”

“That’s what I thought when I was blasted by Twilight. What a coincidence! Fun’s over, I guess. Too bad.”

I began to notice that the air was rippling like a pond with a stone thrown into it. Was this truly the end?

“Yes, Trixie. I told you I wanted to ask you a question.” I noticed his form was slowly fading away, but the process suddenly stopped, leaving him in a semi-transparent state. “And again, yes. I’m disappearing. I got what I wanted, so it is only fitting I make my exit. But if you wish so much, I can be unpredictable, mainly to modify my promise and ask you another questions.”

“And what shall that be?” So he was free to do whatever he wanted to do, but that didn't do much for me unfortunately, except to follow his game and hope he keep his words as he claimed to do so.

“What was your reason?”


“I mean, what was your reason to say so? I liked it, actually. You gave me your own reason!”

“I didn't like it.” I took a deep breath, organizing my thoughts. “I find the idea most despicable. That’s my reason. ‘Just an imagination,’ you say? The life of Great and Powerful Trixie can never be ‘just an imagination.’ Nor any other pony, actually. As a magician I could not simply let it pass. Fantasy and dreams are to be cherished. I can’t stand it when somepony use them to say ‘everything’s meaningless.’”

“Not bad, I reckon. Well, it was fun meeting you. I shall make my exit, Trixie Lulamoon. Hmm, what will others say?” The once stopped process began again, this time faster. The rippling grew stronger, and everything surrounding me began to disintegrate.

And then I woke up. Maybe it was his last attempt to trick me. It was, as he said, just a dream for me.

“Not just a dream,” I said myself, immediately correcting my false assumptions. “I told my answer to him. It’s not just a dream. He came to me and asked a question, and I answered.”

Comments ( 19 )

Nice mysterious description :) Doesn't give much away about the story. I like that!

Trixie is too pathetic not to be a dream... I mean really, if she actually practiced alot, then I don't see how she isn't one of the most powerful magic users ever. I guess she is just really good at illusions.

This was a bit confusing, but I like it. Thumbs up.

An interesting concept. I rather liked it.

A very good story. I'm still not clear on the ending if was she woke as the G&PT or just Trixie Lulamoon in a hospital?

Well, I liked it, but there was something about the language that made it difficult to read.

When I try to visualize what I'm reading all I get is a jumbled mess which, if intentional, is an oddly effective way to bring Discord into the piece; but is really distracting.

That said the premise is good and I like where it is heading if you mean to continue.

1859466 look at it this way how many other unicorns do you see that does anything other than levitation? That would be only Twilight and her brother. so by those standards she would be a realy good magician.

1859565 Is it grammar that's bothering you? I have to admit I'm not very good at it.

I re-read it and, yes, it is just a grammar issue. Nothing a good beta wouldn't fix.

1859768 If you could, can you please post out maybe 1~2 points I could work on? I re-read this thing 2~3 times before posting...

1859596 But Twiiilight knows so much moooore.

Nice. Very metaphysical, this one. I love Trixie's answer. And she's too awesome NOT to be real! :trixieshiftleft:

...And then she woke up to see the Doctor and Nurse rejoice over her waking up from her coma...:pinkiehappy:

2101065 Sorry about that, LOL Couldn't resist. :pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh::twilightoops:

1860148 how do we know that, Trixie's cutie mark implies she's good at stage magic, but what is that when the whole workd could be tgat much more, if you look at it form a canon perspective Twilight should be the most powerful being alive just because she represents magic,but that simple notion is debunked with Celestia and Luna all the way till the end of season three, if anything else Trixie could be a diamond in the rough tat ould be gas she proclaims the greatest unicorn in all of Equestria.

Interesting take on the existentialist issue, and I think Trixie made a good argument. Not waterproof, but good. More than that, it showed her confidence and self-assuredness when a weaker person would have doubted.

I love Trixie's answer. Gotta say this fic does raise some existential question. It's very thought inducing.

I really like this, in part because Trixie's answer is also mine when I am asked the solipsist question, and in part because it ties out with a theory I have about Discord... given that we know sensory deprivation causes hallucinations, in at least one of my continuities Discord spent much of the time he was imprisoned lost in waking dreams where he couldn't tell whether they were real or not, and breaking out of his prison allowed him to reorient himself to the real world. He also has the ability to dreamwalk from his prison, like Luna, but because he can only enter dreams, he still has no anchor to the real world. So if my theory was correct, asking Trixie this question wouldn't actually be some plot to torment Trixie or whatever, but because he actually desperately needs to know the answer; he's losing his grasp on the concept that there's a reality outside himself and he's trying to remember why he believes the real world ever existed in the first place.

I think I am going to adopt this idea as headcanon. :-)

Very nice! I loved this very much.
The whole conversion was interesting on its own, and I'd love to see more stories like this.

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