• Member Since 28th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Jul 12th, 2014


Hey there. Friendship is Magic is a pretty cool show, eh?

Comments ( 28 )

.......Why did I read this again?...

please don't ask me
hopefully it wasn't the same reason for why i wrote it, although i don't think that'd work

Not nearly as dark or disturbing as many other stories invlving Mind break on this site. but that's actually a good thing. :moustache:
Kinda rush, though.

Meh, could have been better. The fact that you broke Celestia so easily isn't right, but good otherwise.

The implication is that's she's been there for several days.
then again this is about ponies having sex fidsjgjfafmasfa :raritydespair:

cool i like how my name is in purple to imply i write sex stories

There's actually a lot I can say about this exact story, was a bit too short, Chrysalis could have made use of her magic to aid in the brainwashing...
All in all it was an alright story, it was enough.:raritywink:
I.. Guess the second chapter helped with what I said.

but that'd be logical and we'd have no opportunity for mindless sex and mind-breaking
isn't that what you young whippersnappers want nowadays?! nyeh :raritydespair:

Then, with a flash, there was more. :facehoof:

Moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooore? :twilightblush:
Well, all right. :applecry:

I say, this should have a continuation.

Yes god please yes.
But you don't have to if you don't want to.

1846450 actually i find that highly illogical and to defeat the purpose proposed by the story , though i liked how the mild changeling hypnotisim was used here by chrysalis out of spite to make sure her half baked in half an hour plan didn't fail XD .....

Imagine the entertainment I could have with puny Celestia, disguised as her very sister. To say it excited me would be an understatement; every nerve and cell of my body tingled with a euphoric ecstasy. All right. It really didn't excite me THAT much, but I have to appear crudely sadistic and twisted to appeal to my target demographic.

is this 4th wall self insert breaking going on here?.....

also love the choice of cover art , reminds me of the 2 best sisters play......

"Queen Chrysalis is tired of the tyrannical wretch, Princess Celestia, ruling Equestria."

And that's Chrysalis to say that ... :-S

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