• Published 8th Nov 2012
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AppleDash Group Collab - DbzOrDie

Mini-fics written by AppleDash members.

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Egg - First_Down

Rainbow Dash somersaulted through the air as she steered towards her usual sunset spot. A day of cloud pushing was done, and she was looking forward to the next part. She spotted her target relaxing under a lone apple tree overlooking Ponyville.

ā€œI heard Twilight pulled another all-night freakout,ā€ Dash said by way of greeting after she landed and draped herself over Applejackā€™s warm body. ā€œWhat was it this time?ā€

Applejack pushed her hat above her eyes and gave Dash a kiss under one ear. ā€œWell, I stopped by fer a book on woodwork initially and we got ta talkinā€™. One thing led to another and we ended up in a discussion about eggs.ā€



Dash shrugged and nuzzled Applejackā€™s neck. ā€œMakes sense for an egghead to think about, I guess. So whyā€™d that freak her out?ā€

ā€œYa know how chickens lay eggs?ā€


ā€œAnd ya know how eggs hatch into little baby chickens?ā€

ā€œYeah, so?ā€

ā€œWell, Twilight started thinkinā€™ back to all them chickens that laid all them eggs, all the way back and back in their lineage. And she got herself into some kinda ā€“ whatā€™d she call it ā€“ quandary! Some kinda quandary about whether the first chicken came from an egg, or whether it existed and laid an egg.ā€

Dash sat up and leaned back to look at her marefriend with wide eyes. ā€œSeriously? ā€¦We need to find that pony a date,ā€ she added once she resettled.

Applejack grinned, ā€œThatā€™s besides tha point. But think about it fer a sec. Which do you think came first?ā€

ā€œWell, the egg, obviously,ā€ Dash replied without thinking about it for a sec. ā€œChickens are hatched from eggs.ā€

ā€œOk, but then what animal laid the egg if it wasnā€™t another chicken?ā€ Applejack countered.

That got a pause out of the pegasus. ā€œHuh.ā€ She furrowed her brows and then squeezed her eyes shut as though fighting off an encroaching headache. ā€œOk, I get it now. But I still think itā€™s ridiculous.ā€

ā€œHow come?ā€

ā€œā€˜Cause thereā€™s like a zillion chickens in Equestria, AJ! They didnā€™t all come from some first chicken. They wouldnā€™t have lasted five minutes in the wild if they started with one. Some dragon or griffon or pony would have eaten it within two minutes.ā€

ā€œYa donā€™t know that. Maybe other creatures wouldnā€™t know what it was. You eat the first thing ya find off the ground?ā€

ā€œIf it was an egg, sure. Just look at ā€˜em; eggs are delicious! I eat ten every morning for breakfast.ā€

Applejack laughed and playfully bumped Dashā€™s side with her hoof. ā€œYa do not!ā€

ā€œI do too. Iā€™m like an egg eating champion. I bet I could eat fifty eggs in an hour.ā€

ā€œDash, ainā€™t nopony can eat fifty eggs in an hour.ā€

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. ā€œYeah?ā€ She spat on one hoof and offered it to Applejack. The earth pony mulled it over for a second, and then returned the gesture with a smirk.

ā€œYer on, sugarcube!ā€

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