• Published 8th Nov 2012
  • 5,803 Views, 1,311 Comments

AppleDash Group Collab - DbzOrDie

Mini-fics written by AppleDash members.

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Internet - HapHazred

TheRanchRanger entered the chatroom

TheRanchRanger: hey

LoudandProud: uh hi

TheRanchRanger: anypony on?

ChillyBurrito: n0

TheRanchRanger: :/

TheLostDetective: Ignore ChillyBurrito.

TheLostDetective: She's kind of a troll.

HappyCakeforDays: ikjidsjilyhsajkm,

TheRanchRanger: i need some advice

ExtremeChampagne: what is it? I love giving advice ;P

ChillyBurrito: i'm not a troll u just don't get my rad humor

ChillyBurrito: it's called irony

TheRanchRanger: i'm having mare problems

ChillyBurrito: whoa ur a dude?

HappyCakeforDays: jlkjmk.asdhyusde

TheRanchRanger: what's wrong with HappyCakeforDays?

LoudandProud: um i think her keyboard's broken

ChillyBurrito: srsly thought u were a mare

TheRanchRanger: i am

ExtremeChampagne: I see ;) what's your problem?

ChillyBurrito: ~_o

ChillyBurrito: look at my winkyface

HappyCakeforDays: :D :D :D

TheLostDetective: Celestia, it's like dealing with foals.

ChillyBurrito: whoa which of us is Celestia? 8O

InsolentMooner: ā‰–_ā‰–

TheRanchRanger: i don't know how to check if she likes me

TheRanchRanger: sometimes i think she does but then she acts weird and goes purple

TheLostDetective: Have you asked her?

TheLostDetective: I'm sort of a friendship expert.

ChillyBurrito: lololololol

LoudandProud: she acts weird around u? that's so CUTE

TheRanchRanger: but we see each other a lot and it'd be embarrassing if she's just actually very awkard

TheRanchRanger: *awkward

ExtremeChampagne: how is she awkward? /: ?

TheRanchRanger: well she once cried about having to leave her pet alone for a month

ChillyBurrito: w8

TheRanchRanger: like, a lot

ChillyBurrito: u should stop typing tho

TheRanchRanger: there were tears for days. it could have helped water shortage in Appleoosa

ChillyBurrito: respect her privacy! she could get embarrassed

TheLostDetective: One of my friends did that exact thing once. Maybe your mare has attachment issues?

ChillyBurrito: Ō¾_Ō¾

LoudandProud: um

HappyCakeforDays: sdlsdnklmjlehireaimkbnowedsassdhj!!"!"

ChillyBurrito: srsly its not that big of a deal

TheRanchRanger: attachment issues?

ChillyBurrito: i bet she doesn't have attachment issues

ExtremeChampagne: oh, and what would you know? :P

ExtremeChampagne: you're a stallion it's not like you get us ;)

ChillyBurrito: i think this chat is getting out of hand

ExtremeChampagne: she's probably afraid of being left

ChillyBurrito: I

ChillyBurrito: crud

ChillyBurrito: *she

ChillyBurrito: *she's just playing it cool

TheRanchRanger: i don't want to muck this up

TheLostDetective: Just be honest

TheLostDetective: One of my friends is all about honesty. You could stand to try and be more open with her.

ExtremeChampagne: and remove all the dramatic tension? X(

ExtremeChampagne: get her to make the move

ExtremeChampagne: pretend you have an admirer ;D

TheRanchRanger: but I do

TheRanchRanger: we've been talking about her

ChillyBurrito: i bet she'll see right through it

ChillyBurrito: but try anyway it'll be funny

ChillyBurrito: lolololol

ChillyBurrito: get her a present

ChillyBurrito: i bet she'll like that

ExtremeChampagne: you can't just throw money at ponies >:(

ChillyBurrito: can it moneybags

TheLostDetective banned ChillyBurrito

TheLostDetective: So rude sometimes.

TheLostDetective: I'll unban you, just try to keep civil. Just because we're all strangers doesn't mean we can't be polite.

TheLostDetective unbanned ChillyBurrito

ChillyBurrito: sorry

ChillyBurrito: got carried away

ChillyBurrito: like to the moon. I went on a cross-continental trip. it was an adventure, i saw so much of the world being carried away. i saw things you wouldn't believe man

HappyCakeforDays: kfdhjsdkjoopsadnkm

RegalCake: honestly this is hilarious

RegalCake: u have no idea

RegalCake: if i had known the internet would have been this funny i'd have had it invented five-hundred years ago

ChillyBurrito: Rpers...

TheRanchRanger: can we get back on topic?

TheRanchRanger: this is kinda a big deal for me

TheRanchRanger: i hoped strangers would have good, unbiased advice but now i'm just more confused

ChillyBurrito left the chatroom

LoudandProud: bye chilly!

ExtremeChampagne: I still think you should pretend to have an admirer though

TheLostDetective: Surely that's a bit malicious?

TheRanchRanger: guys

TheRanchRanger: she's here

ExtremeChampagne: /o\

ExtremeChampagne: do it! XD

TheLostDetective: Don't do it! Be honest!"

RegalCake: do it

TheRanchRanger: she went to get drinks downstairs

TheRanchRanger: she's acting smug

TheRanchRanger: she knows something!!!

ExtremeChampagne: the plot thickens :3

TheLostDetective: Do you even know how emotes work?

ExtremeChampagne: my emotes are fabulous LostDetective

TheRanchRanger: oh

TheRanchRanger: I just remembered

TheRanchRanger: something important!

TheLostDetective: what is it?

TheRanchRanger: our first meal together, when we hanged out to do horseshoes

TheRanchRanger: we had

TheRanchRanger: that sneaky featherhead!!!!

LoudandProud: what did you have?

TheRanchRanger: leftover burritos

TheRanchRanger left the chatroom

TheLostDetective: I wonder what that was about.

RegalCake: you're all idiots. i'm embarrassed to be ur ruler

TheLostDetective banned RegalCake

RegalCake unbanned RegalCake

RegalCake: u were never the admin

TheLostDetective: O_O

InsolentMooner: | ļæ£ćƒ˜ļæ£|

RegalCake: ):D

RegalCake: ) :D

RegalCake: ):D

RegalCake: ) :D

RegalCake: (eyebrows)

RegalCake renamed the chatroom Celestia's Happy Cake Parlour For Witless Alicorn Students

TheLostDetective: O_O

RegalCake: PS TheRanchRanger is AJ

TheLostDetective left the chatroom

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