• Published 8th Nov 2012
  • 5,802 Views, 1,311 Comments

AppleDash Group Collab - DbzOrDie

Mini-fics written by AppleDash members.

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Eclipse - TwilightUCrazy

Mid-day. Five past noon.

Yet it's twilight out. No, not that Twilight either -- she's somewhere down on Riverside by the Grand Central Hotel, casing a murder scene. Some affluent chick got herself plowed over by a speeder. Probably checking out the witnesses. That's why she ain't here.

I'm talking about the smog and clouds that pour a cold and dreary rain on the pavement outside the window, eclipsing the hope of a bright day ahead. Not many more ominous signs have been witnessed by this godforsaken city. "The city of eternal night," they call it, and for good reason. It's gettin' so you can't even walk around in the daylight anymore without gettin' held up, kidnapped, raped, or just gettin' your head caved in for funsies, as Pinkie'd say. With how much you see the rain, it's amazing you ever get to see daylight.

That's why I relish the little moments like these with you, pardner. I turn from the raindrops pitterpattering on the glass of the coffee shop to your pretty colorful mane as you plops into the seat across from me, setting down the goods. Even as dark as it is out there right now, a little light still glints off that badge of yours. At least not all the light in the world's gone out. That's encouraging at least...

"I can never remember -- you like the apple tarts, right?" you ask with a smirk. Christ, you got a gorgeous smile, sugar. And it irks the hell outta me.

"Shaddup. Where's my creamer?" I ask irritably. My tone lights your face up further as you slide the little plastic cups of flavor across the table to me. Who needs the sun, anyway?

"Been a pretty light morning," you say to me, leaning back and knocking back your cup of joe. "Wonder if we'll get to clock out early today."

"I wish you wouldn't tempt fate like that."

"Come on -- you don't really believe in that whole karmic balance hooey, do ya?"

"Can't say for sure," I say, imbibing myself with my own little pick-me-up. "Alls I know is that it can't hurt."

"Meh..." You shrug, taking a bite out of one of your apple brown betties. Not a bad choice for a mid-morning break. "You buy into that stuff all you want -- I'd rather make my own good luck," you say with a grin, kicking at my shoe playfully.

I roll my eyes. "That how you always wind up broke at the casino needin' me to bail you out?"

"Hey -- landed me an apartment with you, didn't it?"

Sometimes, I swear, I just wanna pour dark roast all over yer face. You bein' cute doesn't make it a hard sell, either. I try not to look too embarrassed, and turn sideways in my seat. Least that way, you'll only see half my blush.

"So, you talk to Fluttershy or Rarity, lately?"

I shrug. "They said the hospital's been pretty busy lately."

"The Sunset Shooter?"

I bite down on my mug and nod, tossing back another healthy gulp. God, I hate the taste of coffee -- if I didn't need to stay awake and sober, I'd take a hot mug of spicy hard cider any day.

"I checked with Lightning Dust -- my pal at the east side precinct?"

"Mm-hm?" I mm-hm from behind my cup.

"She's been tailing a drug dealer down in Teravolt?"

The power station? I nod, knowing where that is.

"She's been buttering him up, and rumor has it that there's some sorta crisis in the mob world. She's saying that she's heard rumor that these aren't just random killings," you say, biting into another betty with a wag of your eyebrows.

"That gal's more nuts than a half-drowned bag of rats. I can smell the crazy on her like cat piss," I retort.

"Hey, just 'cause she's nuts doesn't mean she's wrong."

"Nah, it just means she's nuts," I say.

"Tell you what -- next name to come across that radio," you say, pointing at my breast pocket, "if it's one of our Fat Cats pushin' up daisies, you owe me dinner."

I consider it. Ain't like we'll be sittin' here long. Likely by the end of the day, we'll have settled the bet right proper.

"You got the kinda money to back up that talk, sugar?" I ask with a smile and a raise of my brow. "Or didja burn it all at poker night?"

"You got lucky and you know it."

"That's not what your money says," I say with a wink.

"Okay -- you and me again. Tonight. I want a chance to win it all back." You shift your lips suspiciously. "I still think you cheated."

"Oh yeah?" Ain't nobody but nobody who calls me a cheat. I'm willin' to throw down. One problem though. "Alright, sugar, I'll give ya another shot. But what're you gonna play with?" I take out my wallet -- admittedly not the smartest thing to do in this town -- and wave it in your face. "Last I checked, your paycheck's sittin' pretty right here. Watcha plan on bettin' with?"

You grin. "My clothes."

Damn you. I can't help the big ol' smile that crosses my face. It's hard enough tryin' to keep from bustin' a gut laughin' at the thought of your little peep shows. I'd honestly think you lose on purpose sometimes if it weren't the fact that you're such a bad sport.

I open my mouth to reply, but like I reckoned, my radio crackles to life. The smile vanishes from my face.

"Unit 27, Unit 27, 131 at the corner of 3rd and Market." You're up on your feet, tossing back your coffee an instant before me and boltin' for the door with a pastry in your mouth. "Subject is Big Bone O'Craftsky. Multiple wounds to the torso and head. Medical support is en route. Suspects were last seen eastbound on North Avenue in a blue Cadillac Escalade."

You're across the hood and in the driver's seat the next second. I'm just strapping in and pulling the door shut to the cruiser as you hit the lights and sirens. Then we're squealin' off on burnt rubber.

Well, the coffee wasn't so bad. At least you owe me dinner tonight.

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