• Published 8th Nov 2012
  • 5,804 Views, 1,311 Comments

AppleDash Group Collab - DbzOrDie

Mini-fics written by AppleDash members.

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Flower - TwilightUCrazy

The field of dandelions was a real treat of a find as Applejack snuggled her nose down into the rich, yellow-carpeted ground, taking in their faint but pleasant scent. She had been walking for hours in the same southerly direction, and had begun growing concerned over the lack of changing scenery. Rolling hills and limitless green fields as far as the eye could see. The occasional clovers were a nice little treat but were sparse amongst the taller grasses of the valley.

She knelt low and sampled a few a bit more greedily than she had wanted, swallowing them back to calm the irritated rumble in her gut.

A shadow flashed across the noon sun and drew her attention towards the sky. With a mouthful of flowers, she shielded her green eyes with with hoof and swept the wild blue yonder for any sign of the quick critter that had blotted out her view, before turning back to her lunch.

"Geronimo!" cracked a wild, carefree voice.

Applejack didn't have time to look up before Rainbow Dash cannonballed into her, sending the two tumbling end-over-end-over-end and rolling to a dizzy stop a couple dozen breathless yards away.

Grumbling uncomfortably, the farmpony opened her eyes and got an eyeful of brown Stetson laying in the grass just before her, and her back felt the weight of a full-grown mare sprawled across her back as though the orange pony were Rarity's substitute fainting couch.

"Ptooie!" she heard out of her right ear as the pegasus spat out a clump of turf. "Hey, what's the deal AJ? I thought you said you were gonna wait for me!"

She grunted uncomfortably, slowly standing and letting Rainbow Dash "oof" to the ground. She reclaimed her hat and set it back on her head before shaking herself free of loose grass flakes and flower petals from her hide. Using her tail to dust the more stubborn particles off herself, Applejack turned stare hard at her friend.

"And Ah reckon Ah heard you say to go ahead without 'cha."

Rainbow folded her wings and returned the expression, pressing her muzzle firmly to hers. "And I remember you saying, 'I'd rather wait and leave with you'!" she countered.

"And you went and said you'd be awhile at Pinkie's place!"

"And you said you had a few chores you could do!"

"And you said-"

Applejack paused mid-sentence as she slowly felt the smile tugging at the edge of her lips. She could see an identical twinkle in Rainbow Dash's eyes as the two paused in their back and forth, neither able to keep up their frustrated front.

The kiss came suddenly; a sharp, quick peck on the lips initiated by Rainbow Dash. It was quickly followed up by her charming, toothy smile, and an enthusiastic swish of her tail.

Applejack felt her cheeks begin to sizzle to freckle-boiling point, and she quickly yanked her hat down over her face to try and hide her blush. "Q-quit doin' that!" she protested, biting her lower lip.

She couldn't help her embarrassment. She loved when Rainbow surprised her like that.

"Do what?" the pegasus asked. She paused. "Oh! You mean this?"

Another sneaky kiss left the farmpony delirious and dizzy, and she stumbled backward, ineffectively feigning frustration as she shook her head and squealed in delighted anger. "Would you- UGH!" she growled, trotting over to the dandelion bed once again and scooping up another great big mouthful. "Wemme 'wone. Why'm whyin' wa eet."

"Sorry. Couldn't hear ya over the sound of you piggin' out!" Rainbow chirped, hovering over to stand next to her.

She pretended to ignore her by turning her head away and taking another large bite of dandelions. In her distraction, she came dangerously close to chomping down on an innocent, fat bumblebee.

"Aww, c'mon sugarflanks," the pegasus said playfully, rubbing cutie marks with her on one side and feathermarking her with her wing on the other. "Don't be mad!" she whined. "I picked you something!"

Rainbow held up a dandelion.

Applejack stared at her blankly and forced the half-chewed floral salad down her throat. "You just picked that, didn't 'cha?"

"NO!" A pause. "Yes... but the big batch of clovers I bought back in Ponyville fell apart by the time I got here! It's not good carrying plants at near-sonic speeds!" she pouted, letting her ears hang limp. By Celestia she was adorable when she did that...

She chuckled and nuzzled her muzzle up underneath the other mare's chin, inciting a happy squeak from the feathered fuzzhead. "Yer lucky Ah'm in a good mood..." she muttered, reaching up with her blonde tail and wrapping it in a coil around Rainbow Dash's multihued appendage.

"So... umm... why aren't you eating apple crap?" she asked playfully, leaning down and taking a rude chomp out of the field. "Why fough fou faid fou wer fonna fack food." Gulp.

"Ah packed food!" the earth pony snapped back, turning her nose up. "Ah ain't as simpleminded as you!"

"Hey! I'm not simpleminded!" the pegasus pouted. "I just... let it get lost in the awesome is all..."

She smirked. "Happens way more'n it should if'n ya ask me."

Rainbow pulled another chunk of dandelions up out of the ground. "Fou... how wong do ya fink we-"

"Swallow first, sugarcube."

Her friend blinked, looked down at her mouthful of flower, and without chewing, gulped the entire bouquet down her gullet. "How much farther do you think we have to go?"

Applejack reached up and scratched her mane. "Well, Princess Celestia said to just keep headin' south," she muttered, reaching over to her saddlebags and pulling out a papyrus map. "Ah reckon we've hiked 'bout sixty miles since this mornin'."

"Just sixty miles?!" Rainbow whined in distress, flopping foalishly onto her back and waggling around in the grass. "But it's time for my midday nap! I'm gonna feel like crap all day!"

She chuckled at the pegasus's overdramatic tantrum. "'At's why they call it an 'adventure', sugarcube. They ain't supposed to be easy!" She reached down a plucked one more mouthful of dandelions out of the ground and slipped them into her bags before turning back to Rainbow Dash with a playful flick of her tail. "Now, if'n ya can keep up with me Ah figure this here map says we've got a couple miles before we come 'cross a lake. We can have a dip and a drink and it'll make ya feel tons better!"

Her friend pulled herself back up level-eyed with her and heaved a sigh, leaning against her heavily, and slowly working her way to mount her from behind.

Applejack grinned slyly.

"Think you can you carry meeeeee?" the pegasus asked, emphasizing a yawn.

"Ah dunno, darlin'. Think ya could take me feedin' ya to a chupacabra?"

"A chupacabra?" Rainbow chuckled. She paused. "Uhh... what's a chupacabra?"

The farmpony hid her smirk as she reached to shovel another hoofful of the dandelions into her saddlebags to pad their food supply. "Biiiiiig mean 'ol sharp-teethed critter." She leaned in to whisper ominously, causing her friend's eyes to widen slightly. "Comes on down from the mountains at night to eat the wings offa lazy pegasuses!"

"YEOWCH!" Rainbow shrilly yelped, as she leapt several yards into the air. She cleared her throat quickly and looked around. "I-I mean, big deal! No chupathingie could ever run me down!"

Applejack scooped one more load of dandelions. "Oooooh, they're mighty quick, sugar. Could snatch ya right outta the sky. Better shape up if'n ya don't want one to come and getcha."

"W-well, it's not like I'm lazy anyway!" she huffed with a breaking voice. "I-In fact, I'm feelin' pretty good about that lunch! W-why don't I carry your saddlebags for you?"

Applejack quirked her brow as the pegasus snatched the bags right off her back and trotted onward.

"Well, shoot. If Ah'da known it was that easy, Ah woulda told 'er the boogiepony hunts marefriends who don't help with the apple harvest..."

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