• Published 8th Nov 2012
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AppleDash Group Collab - DbzOrDie

Mini-fics written by AppleDash members.

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White - Lycan_01

“Okay, what’s all this about?” Applejack sighed. For some reason, Rainbow Dash had asked her if she could borrow her barn for a bit, and then asked if they could have a private, personal discussion. After getting a very dubious look from Applejack, the pegasus had blushed and quickly assured her that it was nothing questionable or dirty. She just needed to show her something important.

And now that she was in the barn, she was quite confused. Dash had a large bucket of water set up, along with several small bottles full of some strange glowing liquids. Potions of some sort, by the look of it.

Rainbow Dash, seated by the bucket, sighed. “Okay, we’ve been dating awhile, right? And you know how we always say communication and honesty and all that jazz is super-important in a relationship, right?”

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Where ya goin’ with this?”

Rainbow Dash lowered her head, and let out another sigh. “I’ve… kinda been lying to you.”

Applejack, to her credit, did not get angry upon hearing those words. She held her temper in check, and maintained a neutral expression. “Whatcha talkin’ about, Dash?”

Rainbow Dash lifted her face, magenta peeking out meekly from beneath short rainbow locks. “I… don’t know how to say it, really. It’s a long story. I’ll just… show you.”

Applejack raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. Dash leaned over to the bucket, and poured one of the potions into the water. She swirled her hoof around in the large container, causing the water to foam up. She then took a deep breath to steady her nerves, and then dunked her head into the water.

A few seconds later, Dash pulled her head out and shook the water off of herself. Her mane was still left dripping wet and clinging to her face – and it was white. Whiter than the freshest, cleanest snow, without a single hint of color.

Applejack tilted her head to the side in confusion. “Did you just dye your mane?”

Rainbow Dash stared at her with a flat deadpan, slightly annoyed that the obvious answer wasn’t quite so obvious. “I undyed it.”

Applejack blinked. “Wait, what?”

The inaccurately-named pegasus let out a slightly frustrated sigh. “See? My name is Rainbow Dash, for crying out loud. I’m supposed to have a rainbow mane, just like my dad, but as I got older…” She turned to look at her reflection in the slightly-foamy water. “It just… kinda went away. Faded out. ‘Rainbows are light reflected through a prism,’ blablabla science and magic babble,” she snorted in irritation.

“So… you dye yer mane so nopony will make fun of you, or what?” Applejack cautiously asked.

“Part of it,” Dash shrugged. “Insults and gossip potential aside, it’s part of my identity. It’s in my name. And you know that rainbow trail I leave when I fly? Yeah, that happens even without the dye. I look weird with the white mane and tail,” she huffed.

Applejack took a step closer. “I don’t think ya look weird. I think it’s kinda cute, actually.”

Dash snorted. “You’re just saying that.”

“Dash,” the earth pony deadpanned, “I can’t lie to save my life.”

Dash blinked. “Oh yeah, right.” She looked at Applejack thoughtfully for a moment, before giving another sigh and shrug. “Still. I don’t like it. But I’m sorry I lied to you about part of me. I just wanted to show you the truth, since you deserved to know. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to mix the dyes to-”

Applejack quickly trotted closer, and took Dash’s face into her own hooves so she could look into her eyes. “I’m not mad, and I appreciate the honesty. Also-“ she paused to give Dash a quick kiss before smirking, “I really do think it’s a good look on ya.”

Dash was silent for a moment, before smiling softly. “Thanks, AJ.”

“No problem, Snowball,” Applejack replied with a roguish grin.

Dash immediately frowned. “Oh no. Don’t you-“

Applejack silenced her with a kiss, before playfully asking: “Snow Dash better?”

Dash frowned again. “AJ, seriously, I-”

Another kiss, another devilish smile. “Snowflake?”

Dash tried to look angry, but couldn’t help but giggle. “I’m warning you!” she tried to threaten, only to be kissed and nicknamed again and again.

Maybe a white mane wasn’t so bad after all.

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