• Member Since 14th Jan, 2024
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


why finish a story when i could start three more

Comments ( 50 )

You got my like and my track, fren... you wouldn't happen to be influenced by a recent PC release, would ya?

But what of Kiko?! She's injured on the other side!

Babe, wake up. New scrungusbungus.

Another banger so far.

Ah good, Kiko got through safely, very important. Almost as important is a random samurai appearing in Equestria's metaphysics, deciding to rescue Luna-the-fish ahead of schedule and thus literally setting fire to Harmony's designs.

With such astonishing chaos in play there's really only one thing I can say!

Another absolutely scrumptious fic once again by Scrungusbungus (heh).

Also I just realized all the chapter titles are haikus!

Anyways, favorite'd, tracked, and liked


Very nice! Some people might think that adding art can be gimmicky, but I appreciate the effort to procure it.

I enjoyed the action (I’m a sucker for sensible violence), though I hope you’ll have a detailed one on one fight in the future. I personally enjoy more drawn out, brutal struggles, but this Anon character clearly doesn’t struggle much against lowly bandits. I hope you have him get into a fight where he knocks on deaths door, though. It will be interesting to see how he reacts under mortal pressure.

I think the violence works well here. Going into detail about severed arteries, nerves, and joints might screw up the tone so feel free to ignore my suggestion. You didn’t make any major gore mistakes, but if I was to nitpick, I can find an example.

[take the following “criticism” with a pile of salt. It’s completely unnecessary and your story doesn’t suffer because of it. Most readers will not notice this]

For instance, when Anon slammed his sword into the middle of his opponent, tearing it sideways, “gutting” him, I think “oh, abdominal injury.” However, the bandit then falls to the ground with blood dribbling from his mouth. A tear to the stomach could cause forceful hematemesis, but it’s kind of hard to generate the power to expel vomit if the stomach is completely ripped to shreds. A tear of the lungs, however, is more common for blood “dribbling” from the mouth, and while lungs are “guts,” kinda, I usually think of intestines when hearing the term. I might have reworded the death like this,

“slumps to the side, the shimmering yellow of his omentum forming a sickly beard as it dangled from his split abdomen.”

Again, it doesn’t fit the story in a tonal way, but it scratches my itch for anatomy.

Anyway, now for some compliments. Using that fight as an example, the brutal bisection of the bandits hand and forearm (in my imagination the blade slipped clean between his radius and ulna, eating through the arteries and nerves. A mortal wound in itself) and how it severed the rotator cuff of his shoulder was wonderful. Realistic? Nah, but who cares, it’s metal as hell.

Second, the small detail of the arrow deflecting off the armor and spinning over his shoulder into the grass added to the panic that the bandit must have felt. All in all, wonderful writing. I hope you keep doing fight scenes. They are a ton of fun to write and read.

The art is incredible and adds so much to the story. This and your Witch Hunter fic are the two I most look forward to now I think (though the rest are still extremely enjoyable as well).

That had to be some of the coolest description based combat I've ever read and the pictures made it even better.

Makes me wanna go play Ghost of Tsushima again.

Very well done Scrungus.😁

Will there be a sequel or is it still an unfinished story?(

Yet another gem from scrungu.

Awesome so far.

The Assassin's Creed we should have gotten...

This is a wonderful start to a story.

One thing that I thought of when I read that Burnt Ochre was able to get around her Vow of Silence is that it could be due to the fact that she was the only Kirin (outside of Autumn Blaze) who was transported through the gate to Earth. It may be that the conditions (or lack thereof) of magic on Earth that allowed her to partially break the Vow.

Still, I find this story extremely well written and immersive.

Did Harmony done goof, or was that some other sentience-taking-the-form-of-a-tree choosing to make an enemy of our bushido-warrior human?

My theory is that while the Stream locks their own emotions, they can still use magic to transmit their feelings to another unaffected by it if they so wish. Hence why Sato can feel her emotions in Equestria while Autumn touching her feels nothing. Burnt Ochre can't show it, but her feelings show she's basically head over heels over her knight in shining armor that saved her life and the village. Especially as she witnessed his struggle firsthand.

She pretty much transmitted the rage she was truly feeling against her captors to Sato, who proceeded to legit go Nirik in full against the bandits. Altho being not a species that already resists fire, the whole thing burns him pretty bad.

I do agree that a bond formed between Sato and Ochre, I am focused more on how the Vow of Silence itself was partially broken to allow said bond to form and for Ochre to be have access to more of her emotions than she should.

...These creatures continue to confuse. You aren't sure if they're more horse, dragon, or cat, but at least this one is affectionate.

I have the answer that you're seeking the answer is yes

Instead, her half-lidded gaze slowly inches closer, until you feel her lips press against yours.

Ok, if he didn't understand before he certainly understands now that it's more than just like

And I am absolutely loving the story. It's very cute and sweet to see this and I am definitely interested to see what happens later on and I am curious to see if they will eventually break their vow of silence, or with something more interesting happened like the Kirin become samurai or something similar to it

The combat sequences are a thrill and the beautiful interstitial art really elevates the already stellar foundation to another level. Also, thank you for quenching my thirst for more kirin-focused storytelling on this site; I love those cute little fuckers and can't get enough of them. All in all, this story whips ass, dude. I hope you plan to keep updating it!

You didn't make the protagonist's given name Nanashi. Missed opportunity/10.

And thus, the sledgehammer taken to his denseness lol

I didn’t know I needed a Kirin rage infused Anon, but I’m glad that it’s there. Also, this is all pure badass!

Loving this so far! Say, this wouldn’t be inspired by Ghost of Tsushima, would it? I wouldn’t blame you if that was the case XD

Your Tlteeth grit hard enough to chip, as you pull forward every ounce of your courage.

Saw A typo here

This is a truly a beautiful story...thank you for taking the time to create this :heart:

This is fantastic. So cute I want a cozy Kirin of my own to cuddle. Also the Nihon atmosphere is simply wonderful and I can't wait wait for more :D

I love the imagery in this story.

@scrungusbungus, you've really stepped up your prose game.

Also, I can't wait for Ocher to speak. Oh boy... it's going to be a doozy.

Very well done.
I am enjoying the special bond that Sato and Ocher have.
It give a new meaning to "I feel you."

God dammit scrungusbungus! You can’t keep doing this to me man! I can’t keep loving every ship you create! It’s not good for my health!

So Burnt Ochre is a Kuudere that’s cool I don’t often see Kuudere‘s that often

I just love Ochre too much,need to cuddle the cutest kirin

I just love Ochre too much,need to cuddle the cutest kirin

Who gave you the right to make first person work, AND add manage to get awesome art that actually adds to the story

I honestly been trying to find stories like this. Where people from different countries and eras ending up in MLP and reacting to the situations they're in and I love what you did with the story so far ^_^

I'm there too... but alot of silly stereotypical things kill my interest.

An this name virtually hurts.

He could be named Daremo. It means "Nobody". And it was used as a name at least in one instance.

Normally not a fan of 2nd person, but I honestly feel like it adds a lot here. Also, Ghosts of Tsushima inspired Samurai as an MC is unironically an amazing idea, since it's more of an idealized version of them.

Ochre is extremely down bad.


All of Scrungus's Anons have 'anon' somewhere in their name. That's just tradition at this point.

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