• Member Since 14th Jan, 2024
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


why finish a story when i could start three more

Comments ( 31 )

I like this a lot, keep it up !

Another masterpiece in progress

D-F #3 · 3 weeks ago · · 5 · The Game ·

i don't mean to bring politics into this, but i find it fucking hilarious how chrysalis's user in the coverart has the palestine flag. even if it doesn't actually mean anything, it just raises so many questions, lmfao

edit: oh shit, i just realised this has the potential to escalate quickly, so...
quick reminder- this is the fucking comment section for a my little pony fic. do not blow up on this over the conflict that's currently happening.

this is goated omg

Yeeees, a Chrysalis romance written by scrungus? Sign me the fuck up.

This chapter is lovely. Frankly, I would've been satisfied with just this, but it's great that there's more.

I love bug.

Bugg Queen need more love, glad to see More of her

Love that cover art hahaha

I believe in bugg supremacy

Im glade your doing one on her would have love to see it from how they meet and her as a queen and not a lone but still thanks for doing this

Based scrungus with two featured stories

Thank you early internet for your Liveleak Chinese Factory Accident videos

...The Lathe hungers...

Chapter title : The Game

Dammit! Lost again. And I had such a good streak too...

Also. A competition, Shining and Cadance vs Anon and Chrysalis. Who's more romantic?

..Though they would be different kinds of romance, I guess. Shining would do "flowers leading to bed" routine, while Anon would just say "Come over here and kiss me on my hot mouth, i'm feeling romantical."

Ayyy, Chryssi getting love drunk! I did that in one of my stories. Very nice start. I wonder how thr boog queen will fare going forward.

thanks, probably burgled the idea from you at some point lmfao, enjoyed your love and war stories

Thank you! I had a feeling you might have got it from All's Fair 2 haha. Love your work, man. Keep up the great work <3

What’s the source of the picture?

How I lose the game 3 times today, this shit dont make no fucking sense

I saw that original tweet for your thumbnail lmao.

Tsundere bug melting into a puddle of love as we speak. Great chap, love it.

This is very nice!

ring me

like a bell?

YES SIR, this is one of your best by far, Mr.Bungus, I absolutely love his attitude.

Chryssi, ability to love or lack thereof notwithstanding, I think it’s safe to say that you’re selling yourself well short here. The sort of monster you’re trying to warn Anon away from is exactly the kind that wouldn’t make the effort in the first place, and I think even he can figure that bit out.

Not that I blame you since the whole love-stealing villain lifestyle really can’t be suited to helping one think of oneself as any sort of “good” person...but all the best going forward.

Honestly I think he just needs to stuff her full of so much love that her body gives in and lets her feel it properly. I mean if the magic of Friendship can change the race then the magic of love should be able to do the same to her.

Hell yea, always love a good Anon+Chryssi story, just another reason to keep an eye on yer azz

The title is evil

Oh my gosh they are lovely

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