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Okay, I've glanced over the prequel and...
Yeah, this will not end well, or sanely, or in a way that will leave time and space in a recognizable configuration. And yet I'm intrigued. Let's see where you go with this.
Well shit.
My first instinct was to say "this is going to get weird," but we're way past weird.
"Are existential questions about the nature of self your fetish?"
Volume 1, some weird arg shit on another account, and now we are here.
Can't wait for the next chapter.
This is about to get interesting indeed.
I survived the first run I can survive the second go around.
Looking forward to the insanity
Wonder if he'll meet Redheart again...
Ah shit here we go again
The bad endings comment remind sme of my comment right at the end of part one...:3
Ponies plus Soma equals...rape.
Hooked me again with this series FP. Crossing my fingers on this next chapter that Anon here catches some sorta break with Flutternutter here down the road
Don't worry Anon, six or so years from now, you'll be allowed a happy ending
cough don't you mean [hr.]?
I feel like the only way this could get any weirder is if anon decides to just say yes to everyone if her questions. Or if every time she asks a question he just vaguely remembers something like this happening before. And just over time he starts having stronger pulses of deja vu
I have no idea how I missed that.
Rushing probably
I can't seem to find some way to work a comment relating this to the matrix other than it seems like he took the wrong pill. Now its time to see how far down the rabbit hole its going to take him.
dammit fluttershy, you could've at least brought a guy a drink before you decided to do whatever dubious activity you were planning that called for you to lock the door.
*<>* He drank the tea - she locked the door
No pony will hear the screams
Welp, let's buckle in and see how this goes.
Just a passing glace at those tags means this story's gonna get F**ked up isn't it.
Oh my. What would [MOTHER] think?
I'll have to refer to the Index to find out.
No offense, but how come you’re making this an entirely new story when endings to arcs usually form parts of the original story?
Because Redheart is never coming back, and this story is a fresh new start, with new guesses. The Red arc tied the entirety of Volume 1 together, and Volume 2 is leaving her completely out.
So is this going to be more story based, or just a collection of Fluttershy tormenting someone?
It's hard to say. It'll be fairly similar to Volume 1, with darkly comedic one-shots interspersed with some story arcs.
So there us going to be some level of continuity? That's good them. Vol 1 was okay, but there being no continuity made it feel like after so long the chapters were interchangeable and eventually once you read some you read them all.
Some of that will still exist in volume 2. Just want to warn you. I don't to sell you a check i cant cash.
And break the 4th wall in doing so
Wait I'm confused. So original anon is still in the story while the fake anon gets a happy ending???
..... i really should have finished volume 1 before starting this one
Or a 50% chance, at least.
Never ending story!
2020! So much new material to be had. Better prepare your dick, Anon!
Dun dun dunnnn!!!
Does this still count as RGRE?
Ofc you had to
I'm getting some weird vibes from this and the rest of how Anon is acting...
something's wrong, I can feel it
Well, I'm highly inspired by the darkness!!!
"I am not an animal! I am a human being!" ~ Anonymous
"Still not a pony!" ~ Fluttershy, rolling her eyes.
Are you going to finish this story
Cool. Let the craziness begin.
This is going to be interesting, and we have started off with some crazy stuff with a hit of nice stuff. I'm looking forward to what kind of crazy sheet will happen or how this will play out. Keep it up!