• Member Since 17th Nov, 2022
  • offline last seen April 12th

Your 2nd-Worst Nightmare

The only person scarier than me is Haylor Swift.


After evil King Sombra conquers the Crystal Empire, why is Flurry Heart the only pony in her family who thinks something is wrong?

A contest entry for: The Shining Armor Is A Bad Dad And Also A Himbo And Flurry Heart Is A Goth Or You Will Be Penalized And This Is Definitely Not Somebody's Weird Fetish List Contest

briefly featured for part of 2-24-24, somehow

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 21 )

This is an attack on my character.

I endorse this attack on your character.


Also author make sure to add this to our contest folder. :)

Well frick...
There goes my choice of cover art.

Well this was... something.

And so Flurry Heart, harnessing the magic of the only other goth in the Mane Six, saved the Empire!

never mess with the power of a miniature giant space hamster or a few hundred...

princess Luna in flurry hearts dream: wtf is thou dreaming about.......maybe i should make time and visit

well, that escalated quickly

well...........that happend:applejackunsure:

How can one be a himbo and a bad parent at the same time?

I'm going to like this story just for the category it's in, that is hilarious :pinkiecrazy:

Sombra’s using some really potent magic if it’s not wearing off immediately upon his demise.

Shining shouted, "I just can't hide it anymore! King Sombra has asked me and Cady to marry him. Isn't that wonderful?"

Snorted out loud and then had to pretend that the noise came from sompony else. Funny.

"Chew!" she shouted. "Chew!"

You very nearly owed me a keyboard.

Shining Armor struck his head against another tree trunk. His smile was unimpaired, unlike his skull's contents. "I'm sorry, dearest. It's just, sometimes it's hard not to walk into things." As if to prove his point, next he got his horn caught in a decorative shrubbery.

I cannot picture him calling her "dearest" lol.

But it was not fine. Deep inside, Flurry Heart seethed. Ever since evil King Sombra conquered the Crystal Empire, his oppressive new rules really cheesed the alicorn filly off. She didn't like the way school now started at a different, random time every day, or the fact that ponies were now required to eat nasty-tasting vegetables for dessert, and allowed real dessert only on leap days (which under the new calendar, would happen only once every thousand years.)

it's so over

"Don't you see something is wrong? Doesn't it bother you that dozens of Crystal Ponies are dying in crystal mining accidents every day? Don't you know if this keeps up, in less than ten years Crystal Ponies will be extinct?"

she's conspiracy-brained

After less than a minute of screaming and struggling, Sombra was gone. Only scattered bits of fur and spatters of blood remained.

what the hell lmao

nice work

Did Twilight not come to help because as an adult she would be affected, and very much LIKES her brain, or is she supposed to be THAT much into the "don't solve people's problems for them, give them the tools to solve their own problems" school of thinking for humor reasons?

Are you ever going to make a sequel?

Had to be the former. Sombra burned a library, without the stupidizing effect she would have had a hoof up his ass so fast...

An insightful and IMHO definitive argument!

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