Cheerilee and her new acquaintance, Starlight Glimmer, decide to talk about themselves in the café when they run into each other on a nice day.
Written for the May Pairings Contest 2023
When you want to write but procrastination is winning | A Starlight fan since 2020 | Christ is King!
Cheerilee and her new acquaintance, Starlight Glimmer, decide to talk about themselves in the café when they run into each other on a nice day.
Written for the May Pairings Contest 2023
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Aww, I liked this a lot. Their interaction was very sweet!
Thanks! I had a fun time writing their interactions. Glad to see it worked out
Starlight and Cheerilee are a pairing I'd never have thought about.
Very sweet!
Honestly, me either. But I saw the banner for the contest's group and I thought that writing about those two would be fun to do, and it was. Thanks!
“What cha buying stranger”
By the way is there a part two to this?
I might make one
Wait are you not looking forward to make a sequel or something. I mean you could just add another chapter to this story?
I was not really thinking about making a sequel. But then I thought more about the pairing and I decided that it would be nice to make another story out of it and have their relationship develop further.
Nah I'll just make it seperate
That was a very cute exchange; a lovely pair I'd like to see more of. Cheerilee should really invest in a small cart to tow around when buying so much, like a... lilac one.
I'm definitely thinking about writing a sequel to this. There's gonna be more to this pair soon!
Very interesting hehe
i'm sure this is a very good story but the whole time I couldn't stop thinking about what it would feel like to carry a heavy bag in my teeth until they hurt
Have a thumbs up for spelling “Earl Grey” properly.

A short, sweet slice-of-life

I'd imagine it would be painful. I don't know how Earth ponies do it.
I thought it was always easy to spell Earl Grey haha. Thanks!
Fake enough. Since the ending may have hinted at it. But some would assume she made a new friend.
Kind of the same sentiments here with both teeth and lilac. It's the tyrrany of repeating words in English. I got a little distracted by a trap of repeating words. Still, nice to see another Cheerilee in this contest.
Hello, I just wrote a quick review for story that you can find here!