• Member Since 10th Jul, 2022
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When you want to write but procrastination is winning.


Not every part of Equestria has been explored. Countless areas and terrain remain unknown to ponies. And perhaps maybe that was for the best. A certain part of the forest is the home of the Umbra, evil dog-like creatures who could cast dark magic and easily dispatch those who dare enter their terrain.

With Twilight and her friends suddenly going missing, everyone is out searching for them. Worried about their friends, Discord, Trixie, Maud, and Twilight’s student, Starlight, embark on a dangerous quest to find the missing ponies. Little do they know of the dangers awaiting them.

Their loyalty to their friends would be put to the very test. Not only do they explore a new, dangerous land, and encounter the bloodthirsty Umbras, but they also learn something new about themselves along the way.

Special thanks to starcoder for proofreading!

Chapters (2)

Opening boxes in Twilight’s old home in Canterlot, Twilight and Spike find a letter buried underneath rummage. To their amazement, this letter was written 20 years into the future.

Twilight and Spike were determined to seek out to the letter’s origin, but the search for answers comes with a price; one that no one would be prepared for.

Co-Author: starcoder

Chapters (1)

It had been a two days since Starlight moved into Twilight’s castle. Now that the castle had gained a new member, Spike felt that he should get to know Starlight more so she could be more comfortable around him; and Starlight believes that starting a friendship with Spike would improve on her friendship lessons.

That was her reason, right? So it shouldn’t be too awkward…

Special thanks to starcoder for roasting proofreading AND doing the cover.

Starlight is not begging, I swear.

Chapters (1)

Tonight was the Blue Moon festival, and Smolder wanted to celebrate the holidays with Gallus to spice things up a bit. Gallus, however, thinks that she wouldn’t appreciate the her visit due to… some of the griffon’s attitudes.

Gallus just hopes that Smolder doesn’t think she made a mistake. The last thing he wants was for her to feel unwelcome. He would do anything to impress her in this shabby town of Griffonstone.

Written for Wanderer D for Jinglemas 2023

Special thanks to goofy goober starcoder for being the only proofreader and doing the cover. That helped immensely. 🙏

From the wise words of The Red Parade, “Please don’t ban me oh god.”

Chapters (1)

Spike had always been known as the baby dragon. Either by Twilight, or by others.

Despite saving the Crystal Empire not once, but twice, he still feels that he isn’t taken seriously when it comes to other ponies, and this frustrates him.

But after a disastrous event that leaves the fate of the most important ponies of Equestria unknown, it is up to Spike to save the day, and prove that he not just a baby dragon.

Or so, that was what he wished.

Chapters (1)

Captured, and starved of freedom, the former Queen of the Changelings is kept prisoner inside the dungeons of Canterlot under the authority of Princesses Celestia, Luna, and Twilight.

The longer she was held prisoner, the desire for her vengeance grew stronger.

Then, on one particular day, she soon gained a new inmate. One that was a species Chrysalis strongly hated but had the smarts and the manipulation skills to make up for it.

It didn't take Chrysalis long to understand that, despite the difference between age and species, they share one goal that would drive their motivation throughout their quest, and their lives: the joy of witnessing Twilight and her companions fall, and they would do anything to get to that point.

Chapters (4)

Every night, Starlight Glimmer has nightmares about her former life as a dictator of Our Town, and of the time she time travelled and created disastrous timelines.

It seemed like there was no end.

Deciding that enough was enough, Luna intervenes and tries to console the distraught mare. However, she soon realizes that the damage is more severe than she realized.

A slight AU where she doesn't meet Starlight in The Crystalling.

Special thanks to 6-D Pegasus for seemingly unintentionally coming up with the idea in the FimFiction Discord Server.

If this story needs a T rating please point it out in the comments section.

Chapters (1)

Thanks to a shocking spell, six of Starlight's main personalities come to life.

Once things get out of hand, two ponies and a dragon work together to merge these personalities together and bring the real Starlight back. It's not as easy as it sounds.

Chapters (2)

Starlight is handed a diary to help express her thoughts, but on paper. Of course, you won't expect the prettiest of thoughts from a struggling former villain.

Written for A Thousand Words Contest II

Audiobook done by Pony&Wolf Productions

Chapters (1)

Cheerilee and her new acquaintance, Starlight Glimmer, decide to talk about themselves in the café when they run into each other on a nice day.

Written for the May Pairings Contest 2023

Chapters (1)