• Member Since 10th Jul, 2022
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When you want to write but procrastination is winning | A Starlight fan since 2020 | Christ is King!


Tonight was the Blue Moon festival, and Smolder wanted to celebrate the holidays with Gallus to spice things up a bit. Gallus, however, thinks that she wouldn’t appreciate the her visit due to… some of the griffon’s attitudes.

Gallus just hopes that Smolder doesn’t think she made a mistake. The last thing he wants was for her to feel unwelcome. He would do anything to impress her in this shabby town of Griffonstone.

Written for Wanderer D for Jinglemas 2023

Special thanks to goofy goober starcoder for being the only proofreader and doing the cover. That helped immensely. 🙏

From the wise words of The Red Parade, “Please don’t ban me oh god.”

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 4 )

“Alright, bet.”

fr tho

Yey good story. Glad you let me roast you so it could be better :D

Ah yes, roasting me makes me write better 😄

Thanks for proofreading it lol. Glad you liked it

Wanderer D

I mean, Gallus does deserve some praise for becoming tolerable. It had to happen sometime, that's for sure!

This was a lovely gift story, thank you! It's always interesting to see characters outside of the usual setting we see them in, and Gallus taking Smolder to his hometown is a big show of trust and friendship. (Especially knowing how griffons there act!) Now he'll have to suffer the same fate join Smolder in the Dragon Lands to bring the cultural exchange full circle.

I also, I appreciate their mutual denial through the story.

Thanks again!

I’m very glad that you liked it! I was a little worried of how it would turn out since this is my first time writing any of the characters in this story, so I’m very happy to hear that you liked it 😄

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