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Necrogen Lord

Crossovers and Sci-Fi are my bread and butter.


After once more being denied the chance to celebrate Wishday, Misty is given an assignment on the holiday's eve to take an artifact containing a well of immense power, one that might grant Opaline all the power she needs to regain her former power. However, while interacting with the relic, she's visited by the spirit of a pony who gave her very soul to protect it, leading Misty to rethink her harrowing life.


Written for Emotion-Nexus for Jinglemas 2022!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 14 )

Raising her head, she glared at the infernal lighthouse keeping so much precious magic in check. With those five ponies sleeping there, she'd have no chance of getting the magic for her adoptive parent. She'd already been scolded of her failures to procure said magic, but now she was after something else.

I wouldn't say adopted parent more like a slave driver

Turning about, she saw her objective sitting upon a cushion on the table. A plaque explained the supposed history behind the find, but Opaline had told her the truth. The Staff of Sacanas, a powerful scepter wielded by a moronic king undeserving of its power and lost in the hooves of some foalish Alicorns from ages ago. The power it held could be enough to restore Opaline's magic to what it once was, enough to finally get Misty a Cutie Mark.

Oh no it's the storm king's staff I thought it was destroyed

Standing across from her was a tall mare, and the presence struck her in a way not dissimilar to Opaline's own, and Misty found herself cowering slightly. She sported a coat of short orchid fur, covered in scars and black armor, and a mane the color of bright roses. Piercing opal eyes met Misty's gaze with a harsh glare, and she sat on her haunches. It was only then that Misty realized the mare was a Unicorn, or at least was in a sense. Where a horn should be was a jagged stump, and she could have sworn a spark of electricity danced around it when their eyes met.

Hey that's Tempest shadow AKA fizzle Pop berry twist nice to see her again

"OPEN YOUR EYES, CHILD!" Tempest screamed, turning to meet Misty. "She is a monster! She is using you !"

There you go she said the thing but at least it's true Opaline is crazy and a psychopath

"You think following a mad tyrant around like an obedient little puppet, propping up every crushing step they take, empowering them by any means necessary, makes you special?"

I mean fizzle pop understood Misty's situation being manipulated by somebody that they promised but they never keep and they basically backstabbed you in the end which that sucks

WOW! That was amazing. It would be pretty cool if the show writers did something like this for poor Misty. If not though, at least we have this amazing story to fill that gap. Loved every second of this story. Well done!

Wow this was a very pretty interesting story and a very sad one as well so apparently Opaline had another plan for Misty there was a staff that it was lost for a long time but she knows the location so Misty went over there and she found it and when she touched it the staff activated and what she saw is a spirit and it was Tempest shadow AKA fizzlepop Berry twist and she told her that she was the protector of the staff if any threats come for it and she knew about Opaline trying to get it so she sacrificed herself to be inside the staff and she told Misty everything what she's done and Misty didn't want to believe it what fizzle pop said but then fizzle pop admitted that she understand Misty's feelings because she was there again talk about deja vu when she talked about her past experience back in the movie but it's not too late for Misty to get away to escape that fizzle pop couldn't do a long time ago but after that when Misty Got Back she told Opaline that the staff was destroyed and of course she punished Misty for her failure and once again sent her room there is times that she really wish to get out of this and I really hope someday she can escape from that crazy alicorn this was pretty good I had to say keep up the good work and Merry Christmas

Holy shit, that hit home. Great piece.

"Then what are you doing, wasting my time and calling me when you should be getting your hooves on that artifact!?" Opaline said, gritting her teeth. "The Staff of Sacanas was once used to harness the power of several Alicorns, and even reached between dimensions! Some arcane might has to be still kicking around in that old twig, and I need all the magic I can scrounge up since you keep managing to somehow fail the simplest tasks!"


Standing across from her was a tall mare, and the presence struck her in a way not dissimilar to Opaline's own, and Misty found herself cowering slightly. She sported a coat of short orchid fur, covered in scars and black armor, and a mane the color of bright roses. Piercing opal eyes met Misty's gaze with a harsh glare, and she sat on her haunches. It was only then that Misty realized the mare was a Unicorn, or at least was in a sense. Where a horn should be was a jagged stump, and she could have sworn a spark of electricity danced around it when their eyes met.


"You're just a cog. A tool to be used and replaced when your job is done."

OK OK OK OK Tempest thats enough!

"Ugh, of course it broke! I can't have one single thing go right in this day and age!" Opaline said. "Return to your room without dinner. It's apparent that you've already gorged yourself on failure."

oooh YOU!!!!:twilightangry2:

No wonder Misty always "fails". Opaline starves her and still expects her to function

you can choose distrust or hate or you can choose friendship, thats the true magic

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