• Member Since 6th Dec, 2022
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


I'm an amateur writer and a Glim Glam lover that writes short stuff. Mostly. I write in my spare time, don't expect a consistent upload schedule.


Once a shy and introverted pony, now the resigned ruler of an entire nation, Twilight has been through it all. From boring talks with politicians, crazy battles against powerful foes, helping ponies in need, among many other legendary and not so legendary feats. After all that, she has assigned someone new for the position, and resigned from her throne, deciding to lay low and enjoy the rest of her years. But death is the only certain thing in life, and now, she has outlived her finite years.

Laying on the beach one sunset, the grim reaper gives her a visit. They end up having a small chat.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 7 )

What about Spike?

Did we just forget that he is Twilight's little brother?

That ending…
Don’t get me wrong, I’m a sucker for death being portrayed as benevolent (or at least neutral) being, and props for subverting the ‘alicorns are immortal’ trope , but still :fluttercry:

I forgot to add an author's note related to this, but I wanted the focus to be on Twilight's emotions here and as much as I did think about including a lot more characters than just the main 6, I decided to just keep him out of the picture honestly, for no specific reason other than, I wanted the main 6 and their friendship to be the primary subject here

Really good story that hits you in all the feels. Exploring a side of Twilight coming to terms with her passing after her friends have long been gone is an interesting topic and was done wonderfully here.

(P.S. Luna is just as mature as Celestia, she just displays her emotions more freely than the forever stoic Celestia.)

I love the different interpretations of death.

I hate that trope with a burning passion for several reasons. The main one is that if Celestia were truly immortal then it makes grooming an heir and stepping down redundant. The other is the fact that not only does the Journal of the Two Sisters debunk it but nowhere in the cartoon does it say alicorns have immortality or are gods

I always head-cannoned that alicorns don't live forever per se, just a really long time compared to "normal" ponies. Like you said, it makes more since lore wise and is the proverbial best of both worlds writing-wise.

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