• Member Since 17th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen May 26th

Paradise Oasis

Royal librarian of Dream Valley, writer of Ponykind's greatest generation!



This story is a sequel to Classroom of the future

A series of short stories set in my shared 'My Little Pony' fanfic multi-generational universe. Various stories take place in different parts of the timeline, with various characters from FiM, and other generations. (Note: IF YOU HAVEN'T READ MY OTHER STORIES YOU WON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT IS GOING ON!)

Art by S-cat

Chapters (62)
Comments ( 158 )



Nope, I'm off.

That's what I get for not carefully spell checking the summary, and typing it at 3 A.M. :ajbemused:

Thanks though, intro's fixed

Oh look! It's that fic! Did it get to relating to FiM? Cool! :yay:


Thank you for the review! And I hope you were able to tell the flashbacks from the present day, I went back and fixed that now :applejackconfused:

Well, I notice a lot of commas that should not be there. A couple other typos. So, are these the crystal eye ponies?

Heh... I see what you did there. Lonely embrace of Twilight... that's TOTALLY not foreshadowing or anything... :raritywink:
There are some weird capitalizations in here.

Whoooooooooahhh....Well, that's it for that, then, isn't it?

Wait, those ghost fillies, could they be... :pinkiegasp:!!!! THE CMC STRIKE AGAIN!!!!

you have officially messed up ghost characters with the ending. They should be friendly to mortals to disprove their fear of specters.

So wait. They call themselves ghosts, but they're not?

And you know part 1 has a different name than part 2 and 3.

Oh well, keep up the good (most of the time) work!


they are psychic memories, echoes, kind of like interactive recordings. that what some ghosts are supposed to be.

and title fixed. thanks for the review

At least, now we have a point of view from a 'native' human about his life in Ponyland. Your stories need more visits to them.

Nice to see AJ having her "Rudolph" moment in this series.:ajsmug:

Do keep up the good work.

History can never be fixed. What's been done... is done!:trollestia: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

The more I read about life in Ponyland, the more I wish that a highly motivated leader comes to reunite the land and bring a new era of peace to ponykind. Fizzy really does need help from a truly kind and generous pony. They have to do something to fix the pony society again! What was once a pacifist kingdom is now a mess of warlike city states full of goblins, trolls, warmongers, and very cruel and insensitive ponies. Not to mention that Applejack and Rainbow Dash were even more civilised than most Ponyland ponies.

*sigh* Glad I took it out of my system. It's been boiling since I have seen the mess of what ponykind is now, especially seeing most don't recognise Celestia and Luna as true heroines who sacrificed themselves to save ponykind from more destruction.

Gulliver, as in from the Gulliver's Travels?


Yep, that's Gulliver :) People always forget that the last place he visited in the book was a land of talking ponies. :rainbowlaugh:

Dang... I never expected a tale like that and that was a true story ? :rainbowderp:

Wow. Just wow. :pinkiesurprise:


That was....I mean, it was....just wow. :twilightoops:

Now I wonder if AJ does meet up with her descendants whenever she can... :ajsmug:

I mean she's almost like Hasbro's version of Barbie if this is how you imagine her.:rainbowderp:

I mean just WOW....:eeyup:


MBPony, her only descendants are her two kids in the present. The point of that story was all of those 'descendants' down though the ages were all actually AJ herself jumping from one identidy to the next, living several diffrent lifetimes. :ajsmug:

So THAT what became of Lighting Dust in this timeline, but yet I wonder how she'll fare against Rainbow Dash...again ? :rainbowdetermined2:

OH SNAP, I didn't see this event coming at all...:rainbowderp:

Yet, I wonder how did Rainbow Dash took the ending of the Wonderbolts ? :rainbowhuh:

"Besides, it not like anybody could do anything with Equestria's history, -SQUEE!-"

That's when she is wrong.:raritywink:

Now THAT's a 30th anniversary tale. Plus, a connection to the infamous G.I. Joe too, and using one of favorite Joes, then all I can say is... :yay:.

Ha, who knew that one little mistake or two would lead to something so great. :twilightsmile:


What I meant was the descendants of her siblings Apple bloom and Big Mac, what I wanted to learn is whether or not AJ tried to contact them as they're her kin in a way ?

Maybe, it's an Apple family secret that only a few know of AJ's long history. :ajsmug:

Also, I found Medley's *squee* a bit cute.:twilightsmile:

Also, why do I get the feeling that Medley is somehow related to Fluttershy?

Why is Paradise so hostile?:rainbowhuh:

Ah love, such an unique and sometimes confusing concept in life.

I have to say this is a nice insight on the historian's life and now I wonder how the wedding turned out. So please do keep up the good work.

Cute, now the world will know Rainbow Dash's greatness!

'Alicornists' Purge'? What is this about?

Anyway, I'm suspecting that Paradise is just jealous.:ajsmug:


Indeed! Remember, words can be quite twisted. Maybe a lot of Alicorns were pushed out of the Misty Mountains. Maybe they were killed?. Maybe something else happened.

And yeah, I think Paradise's jealous as well... Or kinda ticked off...


That really reminds me of Dexter's Laboritory. "Dee Dee, get out of my Laboritory!"

"Salutations, Gusty and Shady."

You might need to change that to Fizzy.

You know Tornado, coincidently I also imagined that a new Equestria would be there when you were still writing The Magnificent Six, only under a different name.

It seems Equestria survives in spirit, now remember you two ''Love and Tolerance''. But I am somewhat confused over Twilights reactions, I understand why Tornado has a somewhat chilly attitude towards Alicorn worshippers but what's Twilights reason?

Well they kinda deserved it but to quote Ambassador Udina:

one can only hope our honeymoon goes a lot smoother from here on out

You do know that's like asking for something catastrophically world ending to happen right?

Tornado, tempting fate is not something you should underestimate.

I must ask...whiles this "NEW EQUESTRIA" is independent from the other pony nations, surely there are holidays that all places celebrate together, right ? :unsuresweetie:


Diffrent names though- Christmas in dream valley is heart warming eve in New Equestria, etc.

Comment posted by Al-1701 deleted Sep 30th, 2013

Majesty is going to have a field day with those four.

I would love to be your friend, it's only my fear of what would others think of me that is stopping me.

Cdt. Vallett.

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