• Member Since 27th Jun, 2012
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I write pony words. Millions of them. Some people actually think they might be worth reading. I am very thankful for that. Also, I have a Patreon now?


Cloud Kicker has an issue.

The human TD Powell is in Equestria, and it is likely that he has... advantages that she cannot find with ponies (and one of her rules is no Diamond Dogs. Ever) but he seems more than a little unresponsive to her advances, claiming silly things like 'I'm not into ponies'. Of course, TD just found out that he can't go back to his planet, so he's stuck in Equestria forever! It's Cloud Kicker's job to make him feel welcome and comfortable, right?

Surprisingly enough, all goes well, and the two become good friends. But when an incident involving love poison affects their relationship, Cloud Kicker will be forced to deal with the fact that one of her precious few platonic friendships may be changed forever.

A crossover between The Winningverse and The Non-Bronyverse

Written for Cloud Kicker Month

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 439 )

TD continues his spin-off adventures!:pinkiehappy:

>Notice author.

>Notice description.

>Insta fav.

>Commence reading.

Well, that is a very uuuhm interesting mix

The universe continues to find new ways to screw with TD.

And not in a good way.

2591507 Does that mean you're getting bored, or is it a schadenfreude comment?


Oh the latter, most definitely. I found this an entertaining read.

"and I admit that it certainly plays a small part in it. Just because I know what you're after doesn't mean that I'm can't have a good time."


Nice story, quite a fun read. Hard to argue that Cloud Kicker wouldn't make a try at banging a human.

TD snorted and took another sip of his cider. "So you pick up some ransom mare or stallion at a bar with the intent of a one night stand to share a deep personal closeness with them only to never see them again?"


Get to the part where they bang already.

These 2 seem made for each other. They're the same species. Jackass.:trollestia:

And come on, there's gotta be at least one good Diamond Dog in the bunch.

2591533 fixed, and fixed. Danke.

The problem with banging Cloud Kicker is that then you've indirectly banged everyone she's every been with. Not advisable.

2591603 Six degrees of Kevin Bacon.


Welcome, I got one more for you though. :twilightsmile:

The following Wednesday found me trotting in the direction of the library at the request of Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. I would have found it odd that the both of them requested my presence, but since the two of them were practically inseparable I didn't think too much on it."

What's that quotation mark doing there?

It's always funny when this sort of thing happens to your friends but when it happens to you . . . there is a word for it but it's not exactly appropriate.

2591603 That's been dealt with in Life and Times...; Cloud's no fool and takes her and others' health very seriously, and she's not interested in having or "siring" any foals.

2591706 The word probably starts with the same sound. :rainbowlaugh:

Thumbs-upped (is that even a word?) and favorited. I like where this appears to be going.
It appears I'll have to check up on TD and see what the 'verse has been doing to him.
But I'm sure when someone said "lewd, depraved and perverted things", what just happened wasn't on his mind.

Interesting so far... I swaer, you have a natural talent for these stories. Hell, the Killer Rarityverse, and the Not a Bronyverse show it.

This chapter was so funny. One of my favorite parts were when they were watching Die Hard, I swear, the way you worded the beginning of that scene made it sound so wrong.

Great job.

2591706 I guess that word works too, and is more appropriate even though most people won't know what it means but use it anyways because it's sounds fancy.


Screw with him? I see what you did here...

Anyway, I'm in for the ride

Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die.

is cloud kicker actually viewed to be.... such a horn ball?:duck:


Screw with him? I see what you did here...

Anyway, I'm in for the ride


Got a good laugh out of me. I'd have to say I didn't really expect that night to happen, and it did catch me off-guard. I just can't wait to see how the rest goes. Knowing you, it would be very interesting. :pinkiehappy:

2591880 It's the character that Chengar Qordath created for his Winningverse. It's a crossover with that.

He is never gonna catch a break, is he?

2592035 He's caught a few of them. But really, do you want him to just yet?

2591813 Was it? I never thought of it that way. :trollestia:

2592360 What would you do if I wasn't? :raritywink::pinkiehappy::ajsmug:

2592367 Hmmm....

TD wouldn't have trolled the D.O.R.K.S.... Twice.

TD wouldn't have gone to Equestria...

Rarity wouldn't have dreamed she was caught in the middle of a murder (Seriously, when I first read that, I could have sworn that it was real.).

The scene I mentioned earlier...

Basically... The stories wouldn't be the same.

Keep trolling, BronyWriter.... Keep on trolling.

Huh. This could either turn out to be a highly entertaining story, or a one-shot that went too long. It seems like the obvious thing for them to do is simply explain the misunderstanding. Cloudkicker has reputation for not having deep relationships, and she already has a platonic friend: Blossomforth. It seems like it would be very easy for them to simply speak up and correct the misunderstanding. Pinkie even even said she thought he might have just made a friend.

As a side note, I think it might have been funnier to emphasize the gender reversal implied by the situation. Cloudkicker is the one persuing him, Blossomforth was reprimanding Cloudkicker for possibly wanting to take advantage of him...and lots of fics have used the apparent 10:1 female to make gender ratio to make men seem to be the ones generally persued and in need of "protecting" in Ponyville relationships. The fic Xenophilia comes to mind, for example. Having Blossomforth threaten him if he's not good to her or cheated on her was one option...but it seems terribly out of place, especially given her knowledge of Cloudkicker. I understand this fic requires a certain degree of inconvenience for TD, but rather than having done it this way, it might have been funnier to inconvenience him by having everyone treat him like a girl. I suspect that angle would be easier to write for in the long term too.

2592402 Makes sense. And don't worry, I'll give explanation as to why they can't just outright say it. 1. In terms of the party, that would just be awkward to blurt out.
2. I don't think it's going to be very long at any rate. Maybe another 2 or 3 chapters.

Comment posted by Magatsu Orpheus deleted May 18th, 2013

Oh crap... Well, that tears it. They must now move out of Ponyville and change their identities.
Nice beginning dude. Can't wait for the next part. This should be funny.

TD, eh? Favorited and upvoted....

Time for me to read it.

I found a reference. Earp. TFS, when it showed Trunks. Am I right? :pinkiehappy: Found another one: Blue Moon from Fallout NV. Right?


Alas I confess these sorts of things have been somewhat ruined for me; I've become familiar with the way authors try and deceive their readers for the humour value. Still very funny, but the edge is somewhat dulled by the recognition of this going in.

Where does this story feature in terms of canon, incidentally?

2592649 I would imagine that it's not canon for either universe. I know that it's obvious what the punchline is, but it's better than "a few hours later the computer died right in the middle of Die Hard."

[...]his home world of Earp[...]

So, the corral isn't OK with him?


I thought as much, but hey, never hurts to ask! Putting tropes under the wrong header would be a heinous crime.

Yeah it doesn't really apply quite so much here, as anyone familiar with TD's character will figure out that that isn't going to happen, but it does affect my reading of other works where the deception is far more integral.

And I applaud TD's excellent taste in movies; the original Die Hard is a fantastic film.

2592736 :facehoof: I missed the inflection.

Besides, that's a little earlier than my area of expertise. Still, yes, I should have gotten that one.


Sort of a "Well, tried most others. Might as well see what this is like!" scenario?

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