Comments ( 32 )

I just posted the rest of it, and I'll be more careful about that tag in the future. Problem solved for now...
As far as Celestia not "burning" him, She actually has. But death doesn't stop Shining. He just gets to try again... And he pushes the line to exactly where it is. You can tell if he's been fried or not in a couple scenes by his "confidence" in the scene. High confidence, he's done this once or twice for whatever reason. If he's nervous, or makes mistakes, maybe he hasn't...

In this case, Celestia is pretty blind to Twilight in general. Luna has a much better grasp, if not appreciation, for Twilight's skill set. She's outright written out the possibility that "friendship" is Twilight's thing. She has to give Twilight lessons on the subject, and Twilight still makes seemingly obvious "mistakes" from her perspective. Most of the attention that she might have spent on Twilight has been spent on Shining, he's the real "problem" in her life.

See spoilers for the other question. It's one of his Isekai powers!

Thanks! Here is the end.

If I feel it, I might add some stuff to this. I'm not "in love" with it, so I dunno. Sometimes I randomly start adding things to finished stories though, and this doesn't feel finished. I just made it finished. Because I needed to finish something, and I'm not in love with this.

I was almost expecting a surprise end where Luna secretly had some ability to recover or ignore his abilities briefly and after he finally beats Celestia's power to resist she kills him for real. But that isn't the point of an Isekai, is it? Still, you always have to hold out hope for a typewriter to the head in these stories.

Thats why i dont like isekai anymore. Protagonist pick all girls in the end.
So, Celestia lose her free will and transform in another slut slave.


I’ll be honest, I think I may have understood this fic better if I were more familiar with Isekai genre and all the conventions that the narrative and Shining allude to. (The “getting inside”/titles/stats stuff from the last chapter was alien to me; I can only assume it’s some videogame reference.) Still, it was an interesting read … confusing and often discomfiting, but interesting.

One thing many of your fics have in common is that the characters – or maybe, victims of the plot – always seem to come around to what is demanded of them sooner or later, usually through emotional/psychological torment that eventually breaks them. So I’m curious if you’d ever write a fic where the protag doesn’t break – not that they necessarily find freedom (though a happy-ish ending would be nice for once :raritywink:), but that their sense of will and morality remain intact to the end, so that they fully appreciate the wrongness of things even if they physically submit. I dunno if that’s something you’d be interested in, but I thought I’d suggest it.

Actually, Celestia is sort of "waking up" in the end. But yeah, Shining got to live out his isekai life. The question is what mess did he leave behind? But its a shitpost, so it doesn't matter. lol.

I haven't found one that is good after the first few chapters, but I read them anyway. I'll get 200 chapters in and go "WTF am I doing with my spare time?" and just stop. Once I stop, I usually don't think about them again. Then I'll get suckered into another one by a promising start... You're welcome, btw.

Gist of it is he could edit Celestia's "stats" once he got in. So yeah, video game-ey. That's how most isekai seem to go.

Yeah, you have a solid point. It was what I was getting at with Kaze_no_Saga, a lot of my stuff feels samey. If you want a "happy" ending, or a character that gets strong, I really would really recommend my Starbound story. It's not MLP, but you don't need to be a Starbound fan to enjoy it either.

I was talking with my SO the other day, and they suggested I write one with a young dude that gets seduced by an older dude, and they both know it's wrong but go for it anyways, and have to keep everything secret because the old dude is a longtime family friend. It's 100% out of my writing wheelhouse, but something I could get behind on. They had other suggestions as well, but many wouldn't be appropriate here. I have a lot of stories in the works, but they tend to follow the formula of "Character is trapped socially or physically against their will, character is abused, character accepts their fate" and that's not even my main jam. It's just lazy writing on my part. Or what I write... Once upon a time, I planned on writing an adventure story for Bon Bon, but they made the elements of that canon years ago, so I gave up on it.

I'm going through my FIM story list right now, lets see what one has the character recover/improve or just a different storyline:

Silicon hearts - MC has a story arc where they learn to fight for themselves. Only published 1/3rd of it.
A tail and two ponies- Just fucking weird, completely different story. I like it.
Potion+, and She should know better - different stories, T rated. Potion almost became the same thing I always write.
Morel Lunatics- Started out intending to be the regular storyline, became something else when the MC decided not to rape Luna.
Hair today, Gone tomorrow- WTF was I writing? Maybe this counts?

And that's about it for published FIM... Unpublished:
Ascension - A love story between Twilight and Celestia, set long after the season Finale
Cave - Twilight Desperately attempts to escape a nightmarish cave filled with eldritch horrors, being helped by a mysterious girl
Predator - Anon(but not Anon) molests asexual ponies that just don't understand wtf he is doing.
Progress - Only Twilight can see the invisible Anon fucking with her lie. Everybody else just thinks she's going crazy and using magic. Comedy.
Shy - Fluttershy develops an exhibitionist streak, and it slowly consumes her life until one of her friends intervenes.
The writihing - It's set after the end of the season finale. The world is dying because the old gods left. Twilight gets creative, and makes a deal with the new gods to keep the world living. No kidnapping, but definitely corruption on the deepest level. Also an analogue for the show ending, the viewers moving on, and the creepy fucking fans keeping the lights on, whether most of the characters want it or not. Eldritch horror-y, and porn-y.
Untitled Twicord (quite a bit written here...): Twilight can't sleep anymore. Discord is helping her cope with this change, and she's helping him process the loss of Fluttershy, hundreds of years after the end of the series.
Twi-Tongue(Or Tonguelight): A story about Twilight licking things. Some things she should, some things she shouldn't...

Hmm... I have many more partially written stories that don't fit the formula. I wonder if I start writing those and just quit? I also have a fuckton of stories that do fit the formula, not to mention my non FIM stuff, so maybe the ratio is about the same... Thank you for the comment! I got lots to think about. Maybe I'll try to finnish one of my "other" stories.


Woo, long reply! Tbh the only “Isekai” I’m remotely familiar with is Wanderer D’s Sunset’s Isekai, which I’m guessing isn’t all that representative of the genre, at least not from how this fic refers to it.

they suggested I write one with a young dude that gets seduced by an older dude, and they both know it's wrong but go for it anyways, and have to keep everything secret because the old dude is a longtime family friend

Would this be a ponyfic or furry fic? I do like that concept, allows for some juicy power dynamics.

The only one of the fics you name I’ve read is Morel Lunatics, which I do like; I appreciated the MC choosing better and how his and Luna’s relationship played out. It’s great when the plot just takes charge and leads you somewhere different then you expected it to going in, eh?

As for your unpublished stories, ngl I wanna read most of them now. Ascension sounds like a good setup for a mostly wholesome romance, if that’s your intent with it, though their age gap (if not power gap) could still make for an interesting dynamic (though that could be said of literally any pairing between Celly and a non-alicorn, couldn’t it). Predator sounds like it could be either dark drama or comedy, maybe dramedy. Shy is legitimately one of my favorite setups – I love the “Fluttershy develops secret sexual tendency, especially exhibitionism, and gets more and more brazen until …” concepts, and that would get my vote for the fic I’d like to see most. Untitled Twicord could be neat, though I have zero interest in Discord sexually, depending on what you have in mind for it.

But yeah, absolutely finish some of your existing fics mate! If I may suggest, Double Down is probably my favorite of yours that hasn’t been continued in a while now. Which I know goes completely against what we’ve talked about re: characters not succumbing to their captors, but what can I say, Willing Fuckpet Fluttershy and Tsundere Slave Rainbow are great. (Flutter-pet especially. The scene right after the card game where she shows Ruby just how much she’s into it is a frequent destination of mine … Ok, maybe I have a thing for the butterhorse in general.) Though given how long it’s been since an update, I’m guessing maybe you’ve lost steam with it, which is sad. :fluttershysad:


Woo, long reply! Tbh the only “Isekai” I’m remotely familiar with is Wanderer D’s Sunset’s Isekai, which I’m guessing isn’t all that representative of the genre, at least not from how this fic refers to it.

Same, here. As for unfinished fics? Competent Villans: Chrysalis is one of my favorites and would love to see it continued/finished. maybe a chapter where Twilight finds Trixie there, fucks her and turns her into a drone?

Anyway... I thought this was quite dark and well-written. Just... damn, in a good way, mind. :)

I love CV:C, the problem is I'm too much in my head for it. The storyline is done, I just need to sit down and write it. Some of it was going to be a little silly, and I skipped some parts which were plot relevant. So now, the next chapter or two have bits that don't really make sense. I'm just not really motivated to write it. Also, my writing is really different nowadays. So the bits I do write just don't feel like the same story. Hmm....

Thanks for the comment. The end of this is a little rough, but that's because there was no end in mind when I started it. Most isekai's I read just keep going and going forever. Even the ones I like (slime tensai!) still have that problem. Then there are ones like shield hero where he like, exists in multiple dimensions and times so he can marry everyone at the end. Which is just kinda weird. So, yeah. Then ending sucks. As is tradition.

My SO would prefer humans. I'll write whatever. If I want to post it here, it'll be ponies. They need more older male characters that don't suck. The mane six fathers are about it for characterized older males that aren't villains. I guess there is cranky, but that's just weird.

Ascension was supposed to be this long drawn out thing told in moments where Celestia interacts with Twilight, and Twilight slowly ascends from being a normal pony to being whatever Celestia is. Celestia slowly realizes over a few hundred years or so, that Twilight is probably the only mare that actually understands what she's been through. Then she has to fight a nightmare Twilight, but Twilight overcomes the nightmare herself, and eventually Celestia comes to accept that Twilight has become something more than she and her sister have. All the while she's harboring a growing romantic affection for Twilight, and unsure of how to proceed with it, since she's never had to date an "equal" before. Maybe there would be porn at the end, but it wouldn't be a porn story at heart. I've got quite a bit of it written, but it's a series of little moments in Celestia's sitting room, basically.

Predator is absolutely a dark comedy. The real question is if I can make it funny. The porn bits don't feel too pornographic, because the ponies just don't get it. So the audience would be incredibly limited. I'd have to make it actually a porn story somehow to have a real audience, so I'd have to make some changes to the pony molestation bit.

Shy is mostly conceptual right now, I have a story folder for it and some basic outline things. But it should be relatively easy to write. I just feel like it's been done before, so I'm not super excited by it. I'd have to add something to spice it up.

I've written quite a bit for Twicord. It could probably be posted as a complete E (that's the green rating?) story right now, honestly. I've got things I want to add to it, though and I fully intend to add porn at some point. Twilight has to appreciate just how deep and fluffy Discord's goofy ass neck is.

I thought I posted Double down recently? There is a scene where Fluttershy wakes up Ruby by riding him? Or did I not? Or is time an illusion and that was years ago now? Probably that one...

Okay, made it through, a week later! God I've missed your writing, and now you're just filling the comments teasing with things I probably won't get to read. Rude.

I'll agree with your assessment this isn't your strongest work (I mean, you peaked with the Detroit joke years ago so that's a given) but there's still a lot really interesting here. I don't know if you sell Isekai shitbag's damage well enough, though – Celestia repeatedly tells us she's digusted with what happened to Twilight, but whenever Twi is on screen she's still amazingly brilliant and capable of functioning and enough to get Celestia to fall for her, so it ends up dissonant and I don't think in the haunting way you quite intended for some of the stuff.

Luna's characterization is probably my favorite bits of this, she's compelling and divergent from canon and it's really neat to see the ways that's better and worse for Celestia.

The ending (well, climax, though I've got an appeciation for flesh monstrosities) is hot as fuck and I'm glad you've still got your touch for indulgence. The mention of stats and rewriting pushed all my buttons, and it was extremely nice to get that outside of the usually obscenely mediocre and self-unaware uses of it. Unfortunately cut a bit short, due to the nature of the story, but, mm.

Nevertheless, I'm still so happy to hear you and your SO are getting by, at least, and you've still been wringing something out of your creativity.

It's not bad but I wonder if Discord knew about his true identity and if he was doing something, or things just go like canon.

Also, I guess Shining was not interested to add Sunset Shimmer to his Harem or Starlight or Fizzlepop

What the fuck did I just read?

You need an editor: For the title. (It breaks List View)

I imagine isekai shining doesn't want discord around. So he probably smashed his statue or something once Twilight ascended. As for teh others, he probably did. He isn't exactly sticking to his word, and who knows what happened during all the weird time skips.

Yeah, I dunno what I wrote. I wanted to do more with this world, but the end just kind of fizzled out. Stephen King, yo!

Peak Performance.

The title is making fun of overly long light novel titles.

How absurd! I would never make fun of anything in my sacred tales of ponies. They are the sincerest, purest, and factually informative form of literature.

Not sure if it was asked before but... Did you think about make a Spin-Off as we see how Shining groom Twilight from young? Or you don't want to approach foalcon?

So I do have a pretty fucked up story about that from Twilight Velvet's perspective, but I'm not keen on working on it because it does veer heavily into falcon. It also doesn't fit the theme of the material I'm working off of (C rate isekai lite novels usually gloss over the young years). I'm not against having elements of that in my stories, but I'm not super comfortable making it the "focus" of the story. Usually when I write something, there is intent beyond just the porn (in this case it's a certain kind of satire), but I'm not sure what that spin off would add besides porn. Those factors make it unlikely that I'll ever finish and post that spin off. The closest thing I've written to that is the backstory chapter of "Tower of Diamond", but it's very story relevant, which is why I didn't post it as a spin off. I'm not against that stuff, exactly, I'm just not keen on making or reading it myself unless it's a point in a larger story. (As is here).

Well, everyone have their tastes, thank you for answer the question and resolving the doubt

Local man finds himself experiencing complex emotions because of Isekai story, has to rethink life.

So this was fucking terrifying. I love it.

Good. Most light novels are actually really disturbing if you stop and think about the IMPLICATIONS. I didn't do that here. This is just the implications given their own story. The real question is... what about the real Shining Armor? Super fucked up fate if he had to observe this happening somehow. It's probably best if he simply isn't....

I'll admit I'm not very well versed in generic isekai, but I do know the tropes. Hell, even my favourite LN does lean into some, though it doesn't bother to hide the negative implications and even leans into them a whole bunch.
And yeah, I really hope Shining just had his mind overriden by the weeb.

So, I don't know much about isekai and the themes touched here, but I've lived long enough to understand the genre and connotations
I've read this fic not for clop or some realization of fantasy by the author, but merely for narrative congruence it provides
I'm actually amazed of how inspired this thing seems to be, for the lack of better word. I guess acqaintance with works in the genre, and willingness to critique it and provide deconstruction play a big role here, but damn. Surprisingly solid piece of work.
Once again I'd have to reiterate what I've wrote before: here is the ideas to be inspired with, and when it can be said about your work, no matter in which media it is, you know that you've done right
Good read

Thanks for the comment, and for the compliment as well! That's high praise! I spend too much time reading, so I have too many things to be inspired by, but I know the feeling well! I'm always disgusted with isekai light novels by the time I quit them, so I tried to capture some of that here. Rarely, if ever, do I finish them. So if most people finished this, I might even call it a failure.... lol.

Or maybe your commendable style of writing is just too engrossing :twilightsmile:
I mean, if you really want another compliment here, afaik light novels usually just try to tug on emotions (which is fairly easy thing in general I suppose), while here is actually some interesting stuff to ponder about relationships of characters. I myself would like to enrich canon when I write, so its very much appreciated

This is really well done!

Thanks! I think some of my stuff is pretty decent. Some is absolute trash, though.

I'll be honest, after I've lurked around on the site and in the fandom some more, I am returning in my thoughts to this fic quite often. It is just poignant, you know? Simple in idea and good in execution
I am interested now, how might a spiritual succesor to this work look like. I feel it is pretty unique in its critique, as of now.

Thanks! I put a LOT of thought into my fics, and most of them don't pan out the way I imagine. This one, though, seems pretty close to what I imagined. Most of my fics seem to really click with a few folks, and then not so much with everybody else. Glad this one hits for you!

TBH, I haven't been reading light novels lately, (which is probably good for me) so I'm not in the headspace to do another like this any time soon. I'm sure some other media will piss me off and I'll do a fucked up parody and/or critique at some point. *Irrelevant deep lore drop: Competent Villains was inspired by a videogame. I was enamored with how "other" a race/faction was in the game and how they had an alien cruelty that made the humans suffer, but they could almost be reasoned with if you sort of understood them. You can absolutely see the that inspiration in the way I wrote that story. I'm not going to say what game it was though... It's a secret.

I finally finished reading this and I can honestly say this is bad and a good way. I can appreciate all the setup to the ending and axle strong adversary for the main protagonist to fight. And the believable reason for why Celestia would not turn this signing armor or the human pretending to be signing honor into senders. The sacrifices he made with already be too late if not for the character signing Armor Even though signing armored new for the most part, most of those things would have happened without him. So he made it believable he was the main cause. Even though I think he handle things more proficiently than it needed to be. Only real problem I have with the story is the ending. It's kind of a out of nowhere situation. Celestial faltered even though he knew what kind of creatures signing armor was. Maybe you can blame the years of abuse or signing armor secretly getting into celestia's skin. But how's he fathered was a little bit anti-climatic. And how evil the character is is kind of debatable. I guess you can call him manipulative but everyone made choices of their free will at the beginning. He knew what buttons the puss to get what he wanted. And everyone else this followed along.

PS I just remember this but if it's working like game mechanics you wouldn't be able to get past it.

Thanks for the comment! I'm not entirely sure what you're saying here, but I'm glad you (mostly) enjoyed it! I will throw out that the Shining character is 100% evil. The only free will pony is (was) Celestia, and she is somewhat complicit in his crimes. Everyone else is being massively manipulated by him, intentionally or unintentionally (regardless of what he tells Celly. He lies about his motivations a lot. He's always saying convoluted things intended to confuse her.) He's a gleeful, ineffectually persuasively evil character, but he has the power of the isekai narrative to push him along.

He's also abusing mechanics, some of which are videogame like. I imagine him "editing" stats of characters once he gets access very similarly to games like "rack", where you can completely alter a characters personality and immediate emotions/feelings/drives. In Rack, once you get access to a character with the character editor, you can make them immediately 100% horny, give them a fetish (or all of them), make them hate everything, erase their memory, etc. Eventually, their stats slowly return towards their default, but it takes forever and I'm not sure if they ever reach the starting values. It's the video game implementation for his isekai, since isekai's as of late must have a videogame mechanic in their world.

He's also got a bunch of major character powers (Stealing stuff ala Slime, Time line manipulation ala Re:Zero, super stats from the mage one, gods favor from aristrocrat, outsider information like in shield, etc.), but all that is invisible to Celestia.

The ending is abrupt and skips a lot. I probably could have added a few more scenes and slowed it down a bit, but I was basically done with the exciting bits, and all that was left was degredation porn for Celestia. I was also channeling Light novels, which rarely, if ever, end in a reasonable fashion. They're always a little nuts, a little fast, and probably out of left field. So I didn't feel bad with my rushed porn ending.

Thanks again for the comment!

Maybe I should clarify my point. I did like it but I liked it how I like bad movies. It was entertaining. Well written and quite interesting. The only part that was kind of made was the ending but continue your writing. It was quite enjoyable. For the whole time I got Celestia was going to turn into the villain but it never came to that point.

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