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Feathered heart was such a good story, probably one of my favorites on this site and when i read that title i just knew i had to see what was up, this continuation idea is making me so happy and i cant wait to see what you write
It is great to see this story get a revival and continuation. For anyone who read the original years ago, I would strongly recommend doing your refresher with the updated, edited, and all around improved version that Firesight linked to. I read the gdocs chapters as they were posted and thought to myself, "Oh yeah, this is the story I read years ago."
I was wrong. I had the idea to read the original-original and see if I could spot the differences. Yeah... The new one is in actuality what my nostalgia glasses thought the old Feathered Heart was.
PS If you like this check out Firesight's Firefly stories. We're in a bit of a loop situation here as Feathered Heart got me to Before the Storm: The Rise of Firefly which has now gotten here to Feathered Hearts so I can recommend Before the Storm: The Rise of Firefly, and sequel.
Excellent Chatter 1 keep up the good work.
And I give this story a 10 out of 89 mark
10 out of 89 sounds dreadful. Good to know you're liking it anyway.
Very cool. Welcome and enjoy! You can check out this introductory blog for some background on the new story if you like:
What he said! Thanks, Posted.
Funny how that works. I'm very glad you think the updated version is an improvement!
I very much appreciate the shout out for Firefly!
It's come full circle for me, too. Like I said in the blog, Feathered Heart inspired Firefly, and now Firefly inspires Feathered Hearts.
Thank you, but I'm a little confused. 10 out of 89? Do you mean 8.9 out of 10? Or am I just not understanding your meaning?
I will mark your work hiyer as you make more Chatters .
Ps I have some fanfic ideas you mite like to write in the future
Which one of your stories this the previous one?
Not one of mine. The original story is this:
- MLP: FiM
- Romance
- Adventure
The exploration of the Gryphon Kingdom and the love between a human and a griffin. While securing trade routes, Gilda reminisces how the humans arrive, the trials they face together, and the one who stole her heart. Set in the Gentlemanverse.It was one of my all-time favorite stories on site. But the author, unfortunately, appears to have abandoned his account. It's a crossover war epic, so I thought I'd flesh it out and finish it.
It's alive! Alive!
Been a long time since I've done a commentary post. Honestly, no one reads them anymore but you, Firesight. Back in 2018 is the last time I've seen one of my commentary posts get to like +3 upvotes. People just don't have the patience for my long-windedness anymore, it seems.
But why the heck not? I had plenty to say in prereading this thing. Let's do this! And as this is an E-rated story, I suppose this will have to read like AJ Aficionado for Kids so let's get the mood established...
I love that song so much. Best episode of season 3, fight me!
There's magic for making others think a little more than usual, I'm sure. Remember the green energy from The Tommyknockers?
You're such a jerk Goldbrick, er, Goldberg.
Subtle! I was just about to say how the narration used the wrong word and I must have missed that but Gilda has just played herself.
Gilda is throwing some shade that could put the Bat Pony's homeland to shame.
Attacking people for butchering your language is refreshing candor, to be honest. Politeness far too often means taking the other guy's side and I really hate doing that.
This is a great detail for those people reading this who studied Latin in college.
And flapping his arms like a pair of wings. Ca-caw! Ca-caw!
The idea of using airships to move supplies is so cool and has been a fascination of people forever. Moving things over water is actually very crippling to getting anywhere quickly. This video explains why:
So the idea of simply flying to move stuff is really awesome, even avoiding the close-air support usage an airship could offer in a military application. Given airships don't really work the way they do in fantasy, it's worth speculating why they do work in this fictional world. Not something that needs to be addressed now but worth some worldbuilding meditation for later.
Don't get her started on Pony diets that consist of hay and chocolate cake.
Ahh, it looks like you changed this line to reflect my gdoc comment. While I do think the thestrals wouldn't want to export their wine given the intense costs and need to transport freight on airships (lacking a port and all), the benefits of trade are simply too great for a cash-starved and relatively unproductive arboreal nation to the more built-up and urban nations of the world. Note to self: Have the Thestrals buy North Carolina so they can have access to Atlantic shipping.
What I mean to say Marco is you look a right plonker.
Crow against the snow sounds very nice.
And ordering you to put your head through a table while you say "thank you, sir, may I have another?"
Here begins my favorite part of the chapter: Fortrakt being completely adorable while crushing on a gal. Alas, it's getting late and I'm going to have to cut this comment short here. I'll finish it tomorrow, Sensei.
Just wondering before I start, is it supposed to start out with 6?
So all the anti-feminism and anti-"cancel culture" digs in this chapter are your personal additions, huh?
Yes, because chapters 1-5 are out on Google Docs. You will find the links to them in the Author's Notes of chapter 6. The story's introductory blog explains why they have to be kept off-site:
If "all" means two or three fleeting references in a brand-new ~9500 word chapter that don't even equal 200 words of text, then damn straight.
I'm funny that I don't like seeing my nation's history, heroes and monuments toppled by historically ignorant mobs with no pushback, egged on by individuals and ideologies who either seek selfish political advantage or are far less about building themselves up than tearing others down.
The Griffons revere their history and society, understanding that the inevitable flaws of their nation and heroes don't negate their enormous accomplishments--that historical figures and actions have to be judged in the context of the times they lived. That's the point I make in passing, and if you don't like it, tough. I'm not apologizing for it, and quite frankly, if that's all you're taking out of this chapter, then you're completely missing the forest for the trees.
Well, you're at +5 here, so maybe Feathered Heart brings back the old-school readers!
Fight you? I'll join you! And yes, you were in fine form on the Google Docs. You were genuinely enjoying yourself, and it showed. You made some nice edits and additions, too.
Never saw that, sadly. Stephen King's just not my thing.
Don't be a goldbrick, folks!
The narration didn't use the wrong word, only Gilda did! Or is it the wrong word...? Ah, Gilda, you're already smitten without even realizing it. And it's going to be so much fun getting you to where you do!
Well, in fairness, she's going by what she remembers Guardsponies to be, pre-Changeling invasion. The ponies and Celly actually have some good sense in this verse, so they're now rebuilding their military including the Guardsponies almost from scratch, back towards the way things were in Firefly. And yes, that will be seen later, when... oops! Nope, not even as a spoiler.
On the one hand, it's good that you're trying to meet the natives on their terms by speaking their language, but on the other, if you don't make an effort to learn it properly, you're just making things worse. Understand, I respect--immensely--people who know multiple languages, but there are certain people who only learn them to a certain point and don't try to get any better, coming across as proverbial ugly Americans or whatever other label you care to apply.
I didn't, so I'm limited to online translation engines. I honestly don't know good the translations are, but I figured they'd at least add some avian sounds to it, like the beak clacks and squawks.
She told him to do that once, as a joke.
He was a good sport about it, at least.
I think the problem with airships was that their cargo capacity was simply too small for their size and they were too slow to really make it practical. But steampunk-type airships might be different. Actually, I think our most efficient method of transporting supplies by land remains by train, in terms of sheer speed and tonnage.
I can have it discussed in the story later. Airships weren't in the original story, but as they were in Firefly, it seemed fitting to include them. I have some scenes in mind for them later I'll discuss with you privately.
She *really* hated it when pony waiters automatically served her selection with sides of hay, as if they couldn't tell she wasn't an herbivore and couldn't digest it. I think I used that over in the bonus chapter of Midnight Rising.
I did indeed.
Maybe we can make it a more tempting proposition when it turns out humans like their wines too, and offer to help them both make and ship it, both overseas and through the portal.
"So stop looking like some dressed-down dweeb at a clan reunion and be presentable!"
Thanks! I like the image, and alliteration.
And all right in front of Tara! You're so cruel, Gilda...
No problem. Thanks for the old-school longpost!
Well this is a pleasant surprise. Feathered heart was definitely one of my favs as well. That combo of HFY style first encounter / from the eyes of a alien and the MLP universe is just so good.
Just for clarification, did you edit the original story up until chapter 6, and that's why chapter 6 is here? I'm not sure if I missed a blog or something about how to consume this rewrite/continuation.
Sorry, I'm just about to binge this and want to do it all in the correct order...
(Also it's my day off and I'm a bit buzzed lol)
Check the author’s notes of the published chapter.
Parts 1-5 are posted to Google Docs for reasons explained both there, and in my introductory blog to the story:
And if you’re buzzed, it sounds like a good day off to me!
You seem rather politically driven. Hope that doesn't interfere with your story telling too much. Hope to read this soon.
This is great, thanks for reviving the story! You should also post it on, so you can have the chapters you edited more publicly visible.
This whole chapter is his personal addition and it's not like Demon Eyes Laharl was some champion of feminism and having people fired from their jobs for crimethink. Admit it, if this story agreed with your personal set of opinions, you wouldn't be this upset.
Edit: I like being red and green.
We're all driven by something.
Edit: Only one downvote? Where's my second?
Edit: Keep it salty!
I could answer, but I'll ask instead that you read the chapter--and the edited ones--before deciding that.
Unfortunately, from what I've read of Firesight's work real world politics do seem to be an underlying driver for things that definitely disrupt the story in favor of some kind of power fantasy. I say this having read the entirety of Five Star Service, which would have been better served by, perhaps, refraining from being as preachy as it was.
That said, I do actually agree with Firesight's political assertions so if that is any indication as to how obnoxious it can become then, yes, his politics will definitely influence the story in a way that is not wholly positive. I will say, however, that from what I've read in this chapter this story will definitely be an overall improvement over Five Star Service despite the political undertones.
Fantastic. Usually when someone rewrites a story there’s a quality drop, but if the first chapter is anything to go by that isn’t the case here. I’m glad you picked up this story the original of which enjoyed greatly.
Begun, the comment section ratio war has.
Chapter 6: why you should totally read my other stories. Lol.
It’s been pretty great so far. Keep up the good work. 10731929
You replied to me by mistake, friend.
I'm gathering by your second post you mean the first edited chapter. Thanks, and you're welcome!
Well, partly that, and partly "hey, readers of my other stories, you should totally come check this out!" Yep, I'm shameless.
I appreciate that very much! And will do.
Sorry about that. Thanks for letting me know. I deleted and reposted the comment to the correct recipient.
you tryna make whole-cow jerky or somethin'?
You want to know the difference between you and Arthur C. Clarke? ACC finishes his stories.
Stay salty.
I wasn't trying to be salty in the first place, but if that's the way you want to interpret it then sure, go ahead. If you'd like to finish my fics for me, though, just feel free to send me a PM anytime.
10734192 10734177
Okay, enough.
First of all, the only salt in this comment section has come from the readsponies side of things; I replied once to his initial comment criticizing me going after cancel culture even mildly, and that was it. I did not reply to Xzeron's initial comment, nor will I, simply because there's no point and I'd much prefer the comments be about story content instead of descending into these ratio wars over what amounts to ego-driven dick-measuring contests.
I will write as I see fit. You, in turn, are free to read my stuff or not, upvote or downvote as you see fit. You may even comment, as long as it's relevant to the content of the posted chapter. But I'm shutting this conversation down. I'm not accepting any more of these back-and-forth comments that have nothing to do with the story; if I see them, they will be deleted. And if they persist, I'll block the offender.
In short, this thread is done, and I have the final word on it. Good day.
im finna read it 'cause I like it bro
particularly because even though we're in the first few chapters it's already expanding and improving on DEL's work
I do apologize if my original comment was aggressive, but I was trying to answer Kek lel's question specifically. Personally, if that's the worst thing about this fic then like I said above I can live with it. Wouldn't mind a guest star room temperature challenge featuring Ibram X. Kendi and Robin DiAngelo, though.
First of all, thank you very much for the apology, and for the like and fave. It's all very much appreciated.
And for it, you earn what I hope will be a thoughtful reply.
Your original comment wasn't so much aggressive to me as very backhanded, and unfortunately, I picked up a downvote on Five Star Service after you posted it. You'll understand that doesn't exactly endear a commenter to me. I know you didn't mean that, but that's what can happen when someone reading the comment decides to dislike the author along with the chapter. So please keep that in mind in the future.
I'm sorry if you think that Five Star Service was too topical or political, but I wouldn't change it, even if it earned me some dislikes. Looking back, the only real regret I have about that story is that I completely flubbed my first attempt at writing The Attorney chapters at the end. Blew them badly, and left a bad taste in many readers' mouths. But I came back and fixed that later by completely rewriting them, and the current versions of those ending chapters are very good. The other thing I'd say is that if Five Star Service is the only other story you've read from me, it gave you a mistaken impression of how often I incorporate personal beliefs or political statements into my writing. No other story I've written comes even remotely close to that.
As for this story, I honestly thought I was quite measured with it in this latest chapter, but clearly one or two readers disagree. It was even called 'anti-feminist', which I find ironic given I love writing smart, powerful and sensual females. When all is said and done, Tara is going to be one of them, and Fortrakt... well. You'll see.
I will follow with great interest.
I thank you for the opportunity for civil discourse in light of my lack of tact. It was never my particular intention to encourage anyone to dislike you as an author, but as you may know and understand people often have their own minds and can be particularly judgmental and vindictive of their own accord. I, personally, prefer to know something before I develop a unique opinion on it, though the opinions of others do sometimes factor in to that judgement. That's why, if I were you, I wouldn't necessarily put much stock in someone who might've read my comment and given everything you've written a downvote on principle.
I'm sure you're familiar with the whole cancel culture/ internet outrage beat in which something is lied about and/or mischaracterized by a mainstream publication, then dragged through the mud by a raving mob of sheeple with no opinion of their own. That, in and of itself, engenders curiosity in me: I like to look into things that have been visited by the mob to suss out whether there might be a grain of truth to the mud-flinging (which there usually isn't).
Tl;dr: Someone who makes a snap judgement based on some rando's comment is probably not voting in good faith. Therefore, their vote is essentially moot.
Now, on to Five Star Service. I've read it all the way through and it is in my favorites. I found that there was class A nut material, plus some neat worldbuilding. Yes, the political bent brought it down for me but it was more believable in the context of the story and it turned out to be something I could gloss over. For whatever irritation I might have developed, I still dropped the hammer on the like button. Nothing is above criticism, however, even things that I've enjoyed and/or that are objectively good. Martin Luther King can be criticized for his extramarital affairs, but that doesn't make him an overall bad person. I'm not sure if Stalin really had anything going for him, though.
Purely strong women are fundamentally anti-feminist. Now, feminism itself has been mutated into a semantically loaded term that can be used to beat people over the head for not conforming to whatever the flavor of the day is. It's the same as saying that something is ___-phobic or racist. Those terms are used when someone refuses to understand something because of an ideological bent more often than they're used in good faith. Thus, I tend to discount such assertions until such time as an explanation can be delivered, and usually that explanation (or lack thereof) gives me an idea as to, in context, how much good faith the person is acting in. Once that determination is made, you can pretty safely throw out any bad faith assertions. I'm sure if you watch enough Ben Shapiro you know I'm basically just quoting him at this point.
tl;dr: Buzzwords turn into any shape of club on a whim but turn to smoke when scrutiny is applied, usually.
I am, overall, interested in the direction you're taking Demon Eyes Laharl's work, and look forward to seeing Tara and Fortrakt produce the beast with way too many appendages. The Keeper of Secrets will be pleased, no doubt.
Reasonableness in the comments? On my FiM Fiction? It’s more likely than you think.
edit: As for the whole “I can’t repost other people’s chapters, so here’s a gDoc instead” schtick… you could always try temporarily uploading them here, exporting it via FiM Fiction’s native functionality, and then hosting that ePub on Google Drive.
edit edit: Y’know, for the two whole readers anal‐retentive enough to want it formatted the same between chapters.
Why, no sir, that’s not a reason I came up with just now to cover up the fact that I forgot gDocs could save as an epub.
So like all the hot button topics my stance on destruction of statues pisses both sides off.
There are some that deserve to be torn down, for example Beau had a good video on one deserving of removal just the other day. However people need to understand that people are often a product of their times and should not be blindly torn down just because they endorsed an idea that was common place at the time.
The first grand wizard of the KKK and a man who ordered his troops to fire on surrendering soldiers. I'm not sure he deserves a statue, but there are some far more worthy statues that have been removed or torn down.
Man, I didn't realize how much I missed this fic and setting. Still quite a ways back from where the original left off but the rewrite/update's been great stuff so far.
Yay for interspecies relations!
They were mean to laugh at Marco about his suit but at least they had the courtesy of giving him Snickers. Lord knows, Marco ain't Marco when he's hungry.
I wonder if Fortrakt is going to morph into a breast man or an ass man? Hell, maybe he'll think to this moment later on and remember the sight of those lovely calves and creamy skin exposed to the light of day and swear his eternal appreciation for a pair of great gams.
He joined on the American side because of his shared Masonic heritage with many of the founding fathers. And no one where I live seems to be able to say his name correctly. Still, the gesture was appreciated, even if it was assuredly more hatred of the British than ideology that saw France assist us in throwing off the yoke of our oppressors.
Marco... Now is not the time to channel your inner bisexual!
It has to call the Ibix to no end, they weren't even able to round off Ukraine in this timeline. Will they never get that warm-water port they've sought after for hundreds of years?
Sombra learned as the Spanish had before them that invading Ireland is a great idea on paper but in practice, you just end up dead either way.
*Angry Antifa noises*
He was effective and that means he has something to teach all of us, whether one cares to admit it or not.
Serbia exists in my Thestral headcanon for the record. It's called "Stirrupska" (Srpska is Serbian for Serbia).
The Gryphons weren't wrong to execute guerillas, at least in the short-term. Any long-term occupation of a hostile population ends up becoming a battle of wills against the population. Arguably it could be said the lands they occupied would never accept their legitimacy for being birdcats that dropped off of boats from lands thousands of miles away. Isn't the most direct way to deal with a relentless enemy to remove them from the board?
It made sense at the time, I'm sure but long-term, brutally suppressing the ponies and thestrals under their occupation resulted in escalation they could not deal with, a fate that has doomed many would-be sneering imperialists. I'd say more but I dare not spoil anything.
"You either die a hero or live to become the villain" is a dreadfully cliched line but it's true so often, I doubt this line will ever stop being used.
Ugh! It's like White People claiming to be Cherokee. We get it, you're special!
Well, some excrement is pretty useful. You can Fertilize your crops and build a bomb with it. That's pretty holy.
The Corporal York of his time.
It also turns out to be extremely messy and bloody. And vulgar. It's like being there when Fallout Equestria happens. Oof!
Alright, I'm caught up now. Looking forward to commenting on the new chapter in an hour or so. Good stuff!
Finally circling back for this. Sorry for not replying earlier, but I didn't want to get distracted from my other writing work, and especially from writing the next chapter of this story. So let the civil discourse continue.
You're very welcome. I do my best to always return the respect offered me.
Oh, believe me, I know.
The problem is when there's a pile-on effect, and comments can sometimes cause them. That's why I try to be careful about them, especially when I'm launching a new story. It really doesn't take much to sour new readers on a work when they glance at the comment section and see replies with ratio wars over politically-charged topics. And as you've seen, it can spill over to an author's other stories as well.
I'm glad. And I don't hold it against you at all if that opinion is negative, as long as it was both respectfully conveyed and validly reached. I've had the experience of concerted downvote attacks on my stories, including Five Star Service, when I challenged a reviewer privately and then he took it public, siccing his friends on me. That's something guaranteed to piss me off and add the originator to my all-time shit list.
I can take criticism just fine, and I hope you've seen by now that I'm perfectly willing to make changes over it, up to and including completely rewriting entire chapters as I did with The Attorney arc at the end of Five Star Service. But the one thing I will NOT brook is someone telling me that their criticism is beyond reproach, and punitively attacking my story for challenging it.
I don't, but you'll understand that I'm also trying to forestall a potential avalanche of downvotes on a new story, like I said before. When the ratio wars erupted in the comments here, I was genuinely concerned that was going to happen.
I am only too familiar with cancel culture, my friend, because I've experienced it directly.
Without getting too deep into it, it cost me most of my friends, and I had to delete all my social media accounts last summer to prevent my opinions from costing me my job or even getting me outright attacked. Even now, I can't say what I want to say or donate to the causes I'd like to, because then I'd have to report such donations to my way-too-woke workplace, which could very well get me fired. THAT is why I hate it, and why I don't mind in the least calling it out. 
On the one hand, you can say that a single downvote is moot, but that doesn't mean that you invite them, either. I want a good ratio to attract new readers, and if more downvotes start piling up because people get turned off by what they see in the comments, that becomes much more difficult. You could then say "so don't put controversial stuff in your stories", but something will ALWAYS be controversial, especially nowadays. And what's the point of writing if you can't express yourself fully? I miss the times of "I don't like what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Seems like that's completely disappeared nowadays.
Thank you! I'm very glad to hear that.
Then I thank you as well for looking past it.
I agree. But in this era of Cancel Culture, *any* criticism seems to automatically disqualify you from society; from getting a job or having any kind of platform. You can now be canceled for anything and everything, or even nothing if you simply belong to a disfavored group. It's the most shallow, banal and even venal means imaginable to live life and make decisions, and it's also the antithesis of MLK Jr's 'content of character' dream. If they cancelled him for anything, it would probably be that.
And as for Stalin? The only nice thing I can say about him is that he doesn't have the title of History's Biggest Butcher, even after killing far more of his own countrymen than the Nazis killed in the Holocaust. That title belongs to Chairman Mao.
That's a very good point. The current definition of Feminism seems to be completely at odds with the strong women they claim to support. Me, I love powerful female characters, as I like to think is shown by many of my protagonists, from Five Stars to Twilight to a character in my anthro novel named Kamilya to now Tara here. You'll see why with Tara soon enough.
Exactly. They're an intellectually dishonest bludgeon used to silence all dissent and debate. It's what you do when you can't win on the merits of your argument; you basically try to shout everyone else down.
I have mixed feelings on Ben; sometimes he makes an awful lot of sense and sometimes he takes positions I find completely head-scratching. But, as I wish more people would do, you have to take the good with the bad. he's on the front lines of the culture wars right now, fighting battles that are difficult and dangerous to do. For that alone, he has my great respect. We need more of that, not less.
Absolutely. The problem is that there's so much smoke right now that we're choking on it and can't see our way forward out of this woke mess.
Well, that's a ways off, but thanks. Let's seem them get together first, and hope you enjoy the new chapter, which starts that journey in earnest!
With apologies, I really don't want to get too deep in the weeds on this topic, so I'll simply ask one question:
Who decides what should be torn down? Because right now, that decision is left to angry mobs and others who are not disposed to have any appreciation for their country or history. I personally find the destruction of statues and other monuments to be an assault on both history and society; basically throwing a whole slew of babies out with the bathwater. In cases like the one you describe, put up a placard explaining the other side of things and let viewers reach their own conclusions on what kind of an individual they were. Either way, they--and the history they represent--deserve to be seen and remembered. But don't just tear them down punitively, because you're doing far more harm than good that way.
Welcome to the story! And thanks.
You're right, we're still a ways back from reaching the continuation, but hope you enjoy the ride getting there!