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Shouldn't the ambassador also have the ability to override, given that it's a diplomatic chain and he's the chief diplomat involved? It's occurred to me that chains could become pretty OP and abusable otherwise.
Actually, he *does* have the ability to override it, but they knew full well he wouldn't--he said as much later in the section--so they tried to preempt him by going over his head. I see I'm going to have to explain these things in more detail somewhere, maybe in an appendix to Firefly like you suggested.
It's not that much of a problem. I was able to acurately make a prediction on who else would have that authority, which you just confirmed. That means the underlying principles were explained clearly. You're doing your job right,
Thanks, but after thinking about it overnight, I still decided a clarification was in order. So I added the following to the section:
Hold, Decurion,” Narada spoke up, raising a halting wing before Gilda did something she couldn’t take back. “In my view, Senior Sparrow Tarseus, her points are well-taken. And in any event, they are my soldiers, not yours to command. I will not direct them to do such a thing, and I know them both well enough by now to realize they would not obey such an order, anyway.”
“Nor will I,” Strenus spoke up, his eyes angry. “I cannot help but note, Senior Sparrow, that you did not come to me seeking an order to override the Decurion’s—I assume because you believed I would not give it, so you instead tried to go over my wings. In that, at least, you were correct—I would not. I am perfectly willing to gather information about the humans to help further the safety and security of the Kingdom, but such interests are not served by antagonizing them or giving them good cause to distrust us.
“And I must concur with the Second Spear’s assertion as well—it is starting to sound to me like the Council of Crows is concerned less about forming a new friendship with the humans than taking advantage of them!”
What do you think? Does that makes things clear that he had the authority to override Gilda's command chain but would have refused to use it?
Yes. It makes sense for him to be annoyed at an attempt to go over his head. Flows a bit better too.
I’m glad. Thanks for pointing it out.
People are still mad in the comments.
You got downvoted by the same two people I did.
To answer your question, there was a committee for that one... Every member on it agreed to remove (not destroy) it and they were all fired for it. So apparently people who have the job of determining these things dispassionately aren't qualified either.
But yes, I agree that if you allow angry mobs to decide then eventually there aren't going to be many (if any) left. Allowing an angry mob to decide anything is generally a bad idea, hell even petitions are in my mind a poor choice even if I believe they should be used to get statues reviewed by groups featuring a wide swath of historical experts, both local and not.
Statues don't teach history, they honour history. The reason people want them removed is to remove the honour of having a statue in their likeness. Remember when the statues of Sadam were torn down in Iraq? There's no statues of Hitler and yet you can barely get through a historical conversation without his name popping up. When was the last time you looked at a statue and said to yourself, "wow, what a monster." Without already knowing the history of the individual.
TL;DR The point is that statues are seen by a great many people as objects of worship and praise.
(feel free to continue this in PM's if you don't want to reply here, I'd like your response to this)
Yeah, if you don't mind, let's take it to PM. It's not that I'm unwilling to discuss, but that on reflection I'd really rather not bog down the comment section in this. I'd prefer comments be about story content, but for this latest chapter, I've seen very little of that so far. I got a slew of new likes, but only a couple comments actually about what was in the latest chapter, which I thought was very juicy and ripe for commentary.
Oh man.
Oh man oh man...
...Fortrakt's really got it baaaad.
Also, Chris knows. That's gonna make things interesting later.
Speaking of having it bad, ooof. That memory really, really must've gotten to them all. Marco's nightmare was amusing, though.
I can sympathize a bit. I was in middle school when I first saw The Boy in Striped Pajamas for instance. Middle schoolers should not be watching that film.
You want comments on it? Fine!
It was an excellent chapter. The exception being Dana, I found her to be quite overboard and pushing too hard to be hateable. I know she's baiting for a reaction here but... you overdid it.
The additional spy stuff was good, I would expect to see the exact same situation here if the tables were reversed. Honour or not, the attempt would be made and I was pleasantly surprised Gilda made the attempt to secure their possessions last chapter. Again though, I feel Talia was pushed a tad far in her portrayal.
It's really good to see the other humans getting more light rather than being barely a footnote... also Fortrakt get his own human now, yay! Tara's coming through a lot better.
don't worry fortrakt the marines already slathered the latrine in cum and elmer's glue
Yeah, I guess maybe I did.
But the original story didn't give me much to go on with her, and like I said in the author's notes, she was only seen once in the entire original story and then disappeared completely without so much as a mention after chapter 4. So the idea was to basically give her a reason to disappear.
You know, if this was a couple years ago, I'd agree she was too over the top. But not any more. I've seen plenty of video of people acting like this over the past year, actively provoking and trolling for a reaction so they can get those they don't like in trouble, planning to sic others on them to get them fired or deplatformed or worse. I didn't say so directly, but I figure Dana's the kind of person who got people cancelled back home via twitter mobs.
Okay, I'll see if I can throttle her back a bit. In any event, unlike Dana, we will be hearing from her again.
Thanks! This was a flaw of the original, that outside of Marco, Gilda, and one or two Marines like Reyes, other characters generally got short shrift. I've also noticed that there was very little description of individual appearances, but I imagine the operating assumption was that pretty much all griffons looked more or less like Gilda back then. She was, after all, the only example we had of them.
Not here. With me, griffons aren't just half-lion/half-eagle, they're half hunting cat/half raptor, meaning they can take the fur and feathers of any mid-to-big-sized cat and bird of prey you can think of. Fortrakt's avian half is a golden eagle, for example, while Gavian Ravenoff, like the chapter said, has leopard hindquarters and falcon feathers. Since he's smaller, it seemed to fit him.
In any event, one thing to keep an eye on going forward: Note that Tara indicated she knows how to use a shotgun. You can bet I'm going to use that later.
Heh. Well, you can bet they'll play a prank or two on him if and when they find out! Or maybe even without that, but only because they like him. Heck, one of the main reasons I enjoyed writing that scene was that I have great affection for him as a character, and I guess that's one of the ways I show it. Not to punish or torture him, but to set up rewarding him later.
Yep, but that just makes him all the more loveable and even adorkable!
What'll really make things interesting is when Tara knows! Or maybe she already has an inkling?
He should just be glad this isn't one of my clopfics, or you know I'd find a way to make it happen!
I don't need the videos. I've experienced it first hand, the trick is that they'll push the line further and further as you remain calm and then they'll cross it, then they get whiplash when the tables turn... I can't tell you how much mileage I've gotten from the fine print on tickets and an employer who knew how I operate.
I had someone level allegations of racism at me once. The client, one of his managers, my COO and one of the senior supervisors were in the conversation. The person pointed at me and were literally laughed at.
"That's KMCA he doesn't even swear." I just don't swear in front of the client or my bosses... different behaviour for different people/places.
Ah, nostalgia.
Anyways! Fortrakt's got to be a big boi, Golden Eagles are known to take on bears... and win. I'm assuming that the various mixes are mostly regional with outliers and obviously the mixing pot of the capital?
Would be absolutely fascinating, to see how various hybrids gravitate to certain regions along with genetics that would make even the ponies seem simple... I bet that anthropologists, geneticists and so on would be even more interested in griffons than ponies.
I'm about to start ready the story, though the chapter numbering is a bit odd, 6 then 7, i take chapters been merged?
Nope. Due to Fimfiction rules, the first five chapters are only accessible off-site. Read the Author’s Notes at the top of chapter six and/or the story’s introductory blog mentioned in the story description, and all will be explained.
Most magnificent chapter. That bitch just ruined her father position
She blatantly confessed that a hobby of hers is to do use her father to ruine other human life and could destroyed all relationship to the Griffons. I kinda hope she get thrown out by her father without monetary support 
Brilliant chapter! ♡
Unfortunately, such people tend not to be punished in the current day.
She’ll just go home and go on twitter to cry over what a victim she is, and be believed. The purpose of this chapter and the next was to give a good reason why Dana disappeared from the original story. I checked, and she wasn’t even mentioned in Feathered Heart after chapter 4. 
I actually always expected her to be one of the casulties when the Inn the humans occupied got Zerg Rushed via the Diamonddog tunnels... A fitting end i guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ One the other hand she isnt worth a death worth remembering...
That actually makes perfect sense. I’m sorry DEL didn’t do it that way, but no matter. As you say, she’s not worth it anyway.
By the way, do me a favor and use spoiler tags on things that happen in the future of the story, since not everybody has read the old version and knows what will happen.
To be continued in the Eros version

Absolutely PRICELESS humor while being quite... Juicy 👍
Especially the later Eros...
Got to love how this two Griffons make the story what it is. Excellent worldbuilding & building of culture.
I wish we humans don't see honor as sometime to use against someone...
Celestia and Gilda are queens of trolling...
No offense to Gilda, but Celly’s the greatest troll of all when she sets her mind to it.
You’ll actually see an example of it before the story is done, though it very definitely has a purpose.
I'm not sure Dana worked very well in this chapter. Okay, fine. She is there to be a jerk and get punched so we can move onto the next plot token. But even then...
While it may make a certain amount of sense to write Dana as a high school bully, it makes much less sense for the other characters to treat her that way, because they are not high school students. They are (presumably, and dispite appearances) hand picked civilian contractors present for their skills, and probably can't easily be replaced. And Dana has just comitted multiple crimes, and confessed to a campaign of harrassment on camera, and independent witnesses. This also isn't a highschool with apathetic staff, but an important diplomatic mission for the US government, administered by motivated and goal oriented professionals.
If this had happened in a public area, that might be more plausible - but she forces her way into their private quarters, starts filming over their objections, and confessing to a campaign of harrassment, while engaging in a pretty clear example of fighting words. She then tries to hide behind her fathers power and diplomatic immunity - without any real understanding of how very limited those things are. Her daddy isn't here right now, and diplomatic immunity can be withdrawn with a snap of the Ambassador's fingers.
She literally comes across as too incompetent to be the threat they reguard her as. Which unfortunately left Tara's beat down feel more strange than satisfying.
Thanks for the thoughtful comments. I’ll try to be equal thoughtful in my reply.
Well, here’s the thing. This is a rewrite of a preexisting story that was abandoned by the original author, who departed the site six years ago. One of that story’s flaws—with no offense intended to that original author, who inspired many of my works—was that Dana just disappeared after having being seen once during the human arrival at Arnau in chapter 5. She got one additional mention in the following chapter, but was then never heard from again in the fourteen chapters that followed. So with this rewrite, I attempted to give a reason as to why she disappeared based on what little we knew about her. For better or for worse, this is what I came up with.
Unfortunately, we’re talking about a more modern US government where ‘motivated and goal-oriented’ means kissing up and protecting their own rears, with their stated mission being secondary to preserving political favor. We’re also talking about a time when those who are politically connected and in favor with those in power can get away with a hell of a lot. Dana is the daughter of a powerful Senator who has a lot of pull in high places, so it makes perfect sense to me that she’d think she can get away with murder. Because she pretty much has before on multiple occasions back home.
All valid points, and all made to her during her visit. But she doesn’t care because she’s never known anything except entitlement. She can’t fathom that things could be any different there.
Dana has pull with her father and certain social media groups, either of which can cancel or outright destroy their careers back home. So while otherwise useless she is a threat to them, and if you’ve read ahead by now, you know that Tara decided to seek asylum in the Kingdom rather than be brought home to face charges and likely expulsion from her college and chosen career, all of which Dana and her father would demand. She’s training to be a geologist, but given most of those jobs belong to the government or private industry dependent on its good graces, how’s she going to get work after that?
This makes one being ashamed to be a human, because it is very close to reality...
The end gets me laughing every time

one tsar bomb. it takes ONE tsar bomb. not even a tsar bomb, I think a little boy would do.
One tsar bomb was all that was ever detonated, and even that was one too many.
But I think we can be reasonably certain that the Equestrians will not allow any nukes to pass the portal and have the means to magically block the passage of certain things like radioactive material. There’s also at least a possibility that magical megaspells exist with similar destructive effects. 
I uderstand that Dana was meant to be a full antagonist chracter, but honestly, I usually try to give characters traits or motivations to make them at least grey. Also... I think I would be much more careful to insult a huge carnivores with sharp talons and beaks.
It is not about being a spoiled brat, it is about selfpreservation.
In my line of work, I was physically assaulted multiple times already, and when someone snaps, he does not care about anyone's daddy or even set laws or regulations. She could have been gutted, wondering if her senator daddy can put her outtestines back in...
You’re not wrong, and normally I would agree about making a character so one-dimensional and seemingly blind. But remember that this is the rewrite of an existing story that incorporates the original content and characters. In that original story, Dana disappeared after the first four full chapters. She was last seen in chapter 4, and last mentioned in chapter 5 (of a 20-chapter work that was very popular but never finished, which was why I decided to pick it up).
In the end, there didn’t seem to be much I could do with her, so what I did was try to give a reason as to why she disappeared and was never heard from again. This is the result, which will end in her expulsion with some extended explanation next chapter. In that, at least, it served its purpose.
Again, you’re not wrong. But that she could have been attacked by human and griffon alike never occurred to her, as both this chapter and the next chapter will show. I suppose I could have fleshed her out more, but in all honesty, she would have just been in the way of where the story is going, and the story’s cast was already full.
Gets me every time
isn't it 'out cold'.
Sending the uncut version of to Youtube and other platforms would get even the presidents daughter into trouble.
After that she has ruined her own future.
I could imagine even she be sued to hell and back if this all gets released into the public, since she causes incidents deliberately.
Kara 101
Feminist mutch?
And like that her father would lose his job for a daughter opinion can be a good mirror towards her parents upbringing.
Like that she basically put a bullet to her own and her father skull and pulled the trigger.
That woman is dead meat once this video gets its way to Earth.
I hope someone made a copy?
Smack that bitch
Game on
That just with the woman
But seriously for a professional troublemaker she acted very stupid. Was she drunk by any chance
Yeah...I may not understand all the ins and outs of international Diplomatic laws, but even I know that Diplomatic immunity only covers you so much. Dana seems to think that she's a veritable goddess and that the whole universe revolves around her. I can imagine her pulling crap like if not worse, like deliberately calling Princess Luna a know...I almost hope she would 😈
She’s an entitled you-know-what, basically, who thinks she’s untouchable because of her Senator daddy and the fact that she’s in good graces with the Cancel Culture crowd. All of which is useless here, given the average griffons will want to fight you for the things she’s doing. She’s lucky Gilda has enough control of her temper now not to thrash her, because it wasn’t too long ago that she wouldn’t have hesitated.
Like I said in an earlier response to you, I had to come up with a reason for her to disappear from the story like she did in the original. This is what I came up with. I got some complaints about her being a one-dimensional throwaway character, and I agree that she is. But as I’m trying to at least parallel the original story, I had to use her at least early on.
Cheering for the eagle of the hour.
If this video ever finds its way to YouTube for example, than Dana and father are done for burned for life in politicians circles.
Celebrating every single time I read this.
Since you have contact with DEL again, ever ask him what he planned for Dana?