• Member Since 17th Dec, 2019
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Hello Fimfiction Writers, I am Dalek-Galvo, EQG Fimfic writer, and Supreme Emperor of the New Imperial Dalek Empire!


The year is 2047, and the future war between humanity and the machines rages on. But in one of Skynet's Terminator production factories, there is a skirmish between three t-600 units and resistance soldiers, Lyra, and Bon-Bon.

But due to faulty ai, when one of the T-600's is hit, it continues shooting as bullets ricochet all over the place, even though all three soldiers are taken out. One of the bullets hits two T-X containment chambers, prematurely activating the T-X's before the Skynet downloading Process was completed.

Both T-X's, now in human like tissue, awaken with no memory of anything at all. But when they run into resistance soldier, Flash Sentry, The two terminators may turn the tide to humanities favor.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

interesting.. this looks like a good, potential terminator story

Before I read this, I must know: Wouldn't Sunset and her friends try to get help from Equestria? I'm sure Discord would be able to fix things.

The portal to Equestria was destroyed during Judgement Day.

Feels rushed, but otherwise it's really good!:pinkiehappy:

But the earth didnt to anything... It was the humans :fluttercry::fluttershyouch:

Rifle hit the back of the head? That why Terminators have shockabsorbers around the CPU silly filly... :pinkiecrazy:

Sooo... You know that Terminators dont think like humans? There entire tougth process is different... :coolphoto:
Perhaps the two intruders didnt die before both mailfunction Terminators activate and respond to the verbal request for assistance 'help' ?! :raritywink:
Both mailfunctioning units terminate one of the attackers, but the organics dont hold out enough for assistance to come in time.:ajsleepy:
With two mailfunctioning models Skynet engage in agressive behavior forcing our mailfunctioning units to retreat since selfpreservation is a hardware build in behavior.:twilightsheepish:
Perhaps outside the facility there is a dead squad from a month ago. Giving salvage in form of clothing, a pair of glasses,weapons, ammo and a map of a small supply hideout to give the 2 glitching Terminators a vage direction?!:twistnerd:

Otherwise quite a nice start :twilightsmile:

Ah, so spring breakdown didn't happen in this AU then? Interesting.

awesome chapter mate keep it up cant wait for the next chapter:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

I could suggest that you slow down just a tad, and flesh out details more, but other than that, you have a pretty good setup for a story. Cant wait for the next chapter!

Wonder what made Skynet think that modeling Terminators after Sunset and Sci-Twi would accomplish.

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