• Member Since 17th Dec, 2019
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Hello Fimfiction Writers, I am Grand-Galvatron, EQG Fimfic writer, and Supreme Ruler of the Decepticon Empire!


UTC Graduation Spectacular · 11:20pm May 4th

Hello Everypony,

This is Grand-Galvatron.

I have some spectacular news, today, I have officially graduated from The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.

I am so overjoyed that I can finally move on to the next stage of my life. I will be doing another Undergraduate Degree at Tennessee Tech with a degree in Wildlife and Fisheries.

That's all I wanted to say. Thank you all for listening to this great news, and may the 4th be with you.

Report Grand-Galvatron · 99 views ·

Happy Easter Everybody · 2:22pm March 31st

Happy Easter everyone! This is Dalek-Galvo.

I just wanted to say that I'm sorry that I haven't been putting a lot into the blog lately. I just wanted to make sure that I would be doing well in all the homework assignments and exams that I've been doing since this is going to be my last semester of college.

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Happy 24th Birthday · 12:52pm January 17th

Hello everybody, this is Dalek-Galvo, you're Imperial Dalek Emperor, wanting to tell all of you that today is my 24th birthday.

That's right, today I have turned 24 years old, and what's better, I can celebrate my birthday on a snowy day.

I hope everyone else has a great day today.

Sincerely, Your Emperor,



10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...HAPPY NEW YEAR · 6:01am January 1st

HAPPY NEW YEAR, everypony!

This is Dalek-Galvo wanting to wish everyone a Happy New Year.

2023 has come and gone, and now 2024 has taken it's place.

Hope everyone has a great 1st day of 2024.


Happy New Years Eve. · 7:09pm Dec 31st, 2023

Hello Everyone,

My name is Dalek-Galvo, and I just wanted to wish everyone a happy New Year's Eve.

I know that 2023 may have not been a swell year, but I'm sure that 2024 can be a better year if we work hard to make it better.

Happy New Years Eve Everyone.


Merry Christmas Everybody · 4:50pm Dec 25th, 2023

Merry Christmas, everyone! This is Dalek-Galvo telling you all that it is officially December 25th, Christmas Day.

I'll tell you that I had a wonderful Christmas and had many good presents.

Hope everyone else is having a happy holidays.

Report Grand-Galvatron · 111 views ·

Happy Halloween Everypony · 5:04am Oct 31st, 2023

Hello everyone, This is Dalek-Galvo, and since it is now October 31st, I just wanted to wish everyone a happy Halloween.

So, I bet you're all wondering, What am I going to do for Halloween? I'll either do some kind of Halloween-themed activity at college or I'll be in my dorm room watching scary movies.

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I hate Monday's · 2:44am Oct 24th, 2023

Man, why does it have to be Monday of all days where I either get bad luck or get hurt.

The Monday before fall-break, I tripped and scraped my left knee, ruining a good pair of pants too.

And Today as I was leaving my Urban Geography Class, my foot bent in an unusual way and as a result I sprained my right foot. I am in a lot of pain right now. Hopefully my foot gets better after a good night's sleep.

Ugh, I hate Monday's.

Report Grand-Galvatron · 197 views ·

Happy Labor Day everyone · 11:18am Sep 4th, 2023

Good Morning Everypony, this is Dalek-Galvo, and I just wanted to tell everyone to have a happy labor day today. Everyone deserves a little break once in a while, even those who are doing various jobs.

Happy Labor Day Everypony.


350 Follower Celebration · 12:24pm Aug 13th, 2023

Hello my fellow Decepticons, this is Grand-Galvatron.

Well, I have now just hit a milestone of 350 followers on Fimfiction. Wow, this is huge compared to when I started on this site. Thank you all for your undying support on my channel. I feel very appreciated by this.