• Published 26th Feb 2021
  • 947 Views, 10 Comments

Promises Frozen in Time - Ice Star

Two young immortals press through a long winter together. While they travel, Celestia remembers an important promise.

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Words Riding the Wind

We stood out on the wood's edge. From here, We looked out over the plain that rolled out, waiting to be crossed like an ocean. Luna was somewhere behind Us, no doubt scattering some snowdrift far out of the way of our own steps. It was still early this morning, and dawn was not far behind either of us. Light snowfall was glistening with the brightening morning sun as it awoke and climbed higher into the big, frosty sky. Perhaps it was closer to being around noon. Unfortunately, there was no way to tell. We no longer had a clock now that the two of us had left the castle. With it were all the other beloved things that We so badly wished to see again: clean plates, high thrones, and walkways to take Us wherever We wished with ease.

Breakfast this morning had been whatever rations were stored away in our packs instead of a feast. We had to help Luna coax all the dried grasses and oat supply into a proper mash. She was still too young to even think about going near a fire.

We pushed away a lock of pink mane that had been carefully brushed and readied for the new day of traveling. Even though Our legs would always still ached with the soreness of yesterday's travels, Our mane could at least be well-styled. Under the cloak that We had unpacked for the winter, We sensed something odd about Our feathers. Some of them feel quite cold, but fluffy down and a thicker coat have kept most of the cold's effects away. As for Our mane, We had to bring all of the best brushes when Luna left the castle with Us. Some things were harder to give up than others, but those were as important as food and toothbrushes! One of Our favorites things to do is sit down with Our sister and comb out all the knots in her mane and tail.

It has not been too long since the Everfree Forest was really gone, and We still were beaten by a mean squeeze of feelings in Our chest each time We thought of its halls and woods. We have passed through a hooful of other forests now. None of them are quite as magical, and even all the sounds of the beasts and ickiest creatures lurking in the Everfree would be welcome over any strange forest. Now the two of us have reached the edge of a forever-going plain not too far away from the last patch of trees before Our family's dear Everfree ended. According to our map, We looped around the coastal areas when it got too warm and the storms became more than We could bear. We also knew that it could be bad for Luna to be out so much, especially in the shade-less stretches of heated sands and brush.

We returned inland only to be snowed upon. There were whole snowbanks that were taller than when We let Luna perch on Our back. All water had to be pulled from the wretched shape of ice. The burrows that housed Us and Our sister so easily were now taken by other animals or buried. Our greatest luck was when Luna stumbled across an ancient enough tree bearing enough hollows. At least Luna seemed happy. She loves all the seasons, even the icky bad-times that was the wicked winter. We suppose this is a good thing since... Well, we are both going to be outside so much now... at least until we find them. Then Us an' Luna can return home heroes with Mommy and Daddy.

We had made a promise, too. Promises mean We cannot think about how happy something makes Us but how happy it will make Luna, and if it is good for her. We always liked to help others, and now We always had to help Luna. We have to do this all the time because We are a big filly and a princess. Big fillies are always heroic and take care of their sisters. Princesses are always kind and giving, or at least We think princesses should be kind and giving like in the stories We tell Luna. Hopefully, there will be enough ideas in Our head to keep her happy for a long, long time.

We have to be everything to her, like Mommy and Daddy. Somehow, We have to be both of them and her sister too. This way, when we find them We shall show Mommy and Daddy how good We were to Luna and Luna will smile so much and we can all go home once we find them because they promised to come back and they always keep their promises.


Mommy had pulled us aside. It was just before her and Daddy had to go off on that big important errand that was such a huge secret. Errands are brief, but they kept talking like they would be gone for such a long time.

We thought that Daddy would have been here too. Since he is not, it must mean that Luna is still crying. Normally, whenever Luna cries We are always there to make her happy again — unless she was being a baby. We were not a baby anymore, so We could not help her with that. Maybe Mommy and Daddy should listen to Us more. It always takes them way too long to cheer up Luna. When We get to cheer her up, she starts to sing! Usually, it ends up being her name for us: Tia! Soon, Luna will drag Us to go off and play. Nopony else ever calls Us Tia, not even Our parents. Even Our cousins, aunts, and uncles always call Us 'Celestia' all the time.

Luna does not sing in front of anypony but Us either. She is very good, no matter how much We have to look away and tell her she is not that great. Could it really be so bad that We just do not wish for her to outshine Us totally?

"Celestia, look over here."

We really want to go and help Luna, but Mommy looks so serious and worried. She has the 'Listen To Me, Celestia' face on. This usually means Mommy thinks that We were being bossy, even though We are not bossy. No, no, not at all. Bossy? This filly? We look right at Mommy to prove that We cannot possibly be bossy. Princesses are not bossy, which means that We are not bossy.

"Do you know what this trip means for you?"

She sounds really worried. Is it because We were being a bit aloof? It is just a trip, but Mommy and Daddy are so nervous about this and We cannot imagine why.

"It means We run the kingdom, right Mommy?"

"No, Celestia, neither you nor your sister are old or educated enough for that."

"Mommy, We can read very well! Even though Luna does not know all of the really, really big words she is good at it! Even if her penmanship leaves much to be desired!"

She gives the 'Celestia, Please Stop Or So Help Us All' sigh. At least, that is what Luna calls it. She names everything so we are really just stealing them. No, borrowing is the right word. Princesses do not steal.

"That is not what—"

"Mommy, what did you mean?" We ask, looking up at Our mother with the biggest eyes We could manage.

"Celestia, you have to promise to take care of Luna while we are gone," is what Our mother says instead, her voice as cool and soft as snowflakes.

"Really, is that all? We can do that! After all, it will only be a few cycles as the sun and moon go, right?"

Mommy looks down to where We stand... but We do not know how to describe this look. Oh, if only Luna were here to do so. She knows how to see past everypony's eyes to know what they mean.

"Will it be a few months?" We whisper Our correction, and the hunger for an answer wells up but...

We receive no answer.


When We turn around, it is to peer back and look for Luna. She walks behind Us, with her own hooded cloak fluttering about. It is now dotted with the very snowflakes she catches on her tongue. The snow is wet around Our hooves and just soft that the two of us both sink right through. Her laughter is the only sound that matters, even as the snow slides down upon Us.

We silently renew our promise before urging Our sister onward.

Author's Note:

[Revised for print and made into a solo, expanded story on 2/25/2021]

Comments ( 10 )

Two young immortals press through a long winter together.

Five feet apart.

‘Cuz they’re not gay.

I dont know how to describe it, but i have been looking for this story all my life. Please make this a series, or a sequel or something

Edit: wait im so confused, how are the sequels older?

Six feet apart because they are responsible and do not want to catch or spread COVID-19.
The sequels are older because they were written first. The description makes it clear that a version of this has been on the site since 2016 and I’ve just decided to go back to it and make it fit for eventual print and long enough to be published on its own.

As of me typing this, only A Blade of Moon and Stars, Tasting Power, and Doomsday Begins here are revised from the Little Princess stories.

10697409 credit your cover artist you swine, you absolute oyster

It’s in the source link, as always, you clam.

10697887 hm


Thank you for the reminder to respect artists, sea cucumber.

I had no little context, as I failed to notice that this was a sequel, but you've got my interest in this series ^3^3^3^

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